John Lennon

March 2025 Forums General discussion John Lennon

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  • #88157
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    This is also my last post on this subject

    Clearly it wasn’t.  

    gnome wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    This is also my last post on this subject

    Clearly it wasn’t.  

    I know, that’s why you posted, you haven’t really contribute to this discussion but you must have the last petty bitch. You are are more interested in defeating an opponent and winning the argument than getting to the root of why the party is so small


    mcolome1  wrote ‘John Lennon did support and financed several nationalists and terrorist groups including the IRA, ‘ Karl Marx supported Irish independence but I am sure we would find some defense.


    LOL.  I think there are several pairs of braces caught in the revolving door, here.    Purely from an observer’s point of view, this discussion lost its substance a long, long time ago.  Please don’t tell me you guys are actually enjoying this?  Are you?!!!!    Maybe, if you are looking for a way out it might just be useful to agree that there are much more interesting and fruitful things to discuss, than John Lennon and Imagine – even if Adam is going to have it played at his funeral (a decent sized wake, I hope, Adam).   Of course, I’m biassed.  I never did like the Beatles.  As far as I’m concerned, music died with Gene Criss and the Hep Cats. (The guys were pissed as newts when they recorded their one and only single, but the result was a moment of pure musical genius.  Maybe there is a lesson there for all of us.  Sigh!)

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Karl Marx supported Irish independence but I am sure we would find some defense.

    You’re right. We did, actually. It’s just been added to the Socialist Standard archive here:

    Hud955 wrote:
    LOL.  I think there are several pairs of braces caught in the revolving door, here.    Purely from an observer’s point of view, this discussion lost its substance a long, long time ago.  Please don’t tell me you guys are actually enjoying this?  Are you?!!!!    Maybe, if you are looking for a way out it might just be useful to agree that there are much more interesting and fruitful things to discuss, than John Lennon and Imagine – even if Adam is going to have it played at his funeral (a decent sized wake, I hope, Adam).   Of course, I’m biassed.  I never did like the Beatles.  As far as I’m concerned, music died with Gene Criss and the Hep Cats. (The guys were pissed as newts when they recorded their one and only single, but the result was a moment of pure musical genius.  Maybe there is a lesson there for all of us.  Sigh!)

    Have you read the thread? It is not just about the beatles, LOL

    ALB wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Karl Marx supported Irish independence but I am sure we would find some defense.

    You’re right. We did, actually. It’s just been added to the Socialist Standard archive here:

    So why cant you find an excuse for Lennon’ support for the IRA? 


    Instead of posting stupid shallow and  petty responses, why dont you try addressing the arguments I am presenting to you? Or is it your deliberate intention to piss off anyone who shows an interest in the SPGB?

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    So why cant you find an excuse for Lennon’ support for the IRA?

    Actually, the article, after setting out Marx’s defence of his position, ends up saying we still think he was wrong:

    But whatever Marx and Engels supported, we in the Socialist Party of Great Britain and the World Socialist Party of Ireland do not agree that Socialists should support, or should have supported, Irish Nationalism any more than they should support nationalism anywhere else.

    Basically, I’m on your side. I don’t think that the fact that Lennon supported the IRA detracts from the socialist sentiments expressed in “Imagine” or should stop us using it to spread socialist ideas.


    Just came across this, from our website here, while looking for something else: see it’s also on the World Socialist Movement site: that make it “the Party Case”? !


     Thanks for that ALB. I feel vindicated after being attacked for expounding the socialist case. No apologies necessary. Actually, I was around when those articles were written. Some members, at the time suggested it was preferable to the red flag. 

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