Jesus was a communist

September 2024 Forums Events and announcements Jesus was a communist

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    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Why is there such a determination to declare Jesus did not exist? In no way does it affect historical materialism or Marxism or the Socialist Party of Great Britain as would be the position if the existence of God was accepted.

    The Party does not take a position either way. This is just a discussion amongst socialists and others about the question. As you say, in the end it doesn't really matter whether or not he existed as a person. If he did, christianity would still be crap. After all, Mohammed existed (as a war lord, merchant and paedophile) but islam is still also a load of crap.Ps. I don't think I need to reply to all 30 or so of your identical postings on this.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    And what does the Geordie God offer…Lindisfarne mead and Brown ale 

    I was brought up a strict Catholic and at the age of 14 I realised there is no God and no such thing as sin. As an ironic gesture, I looked up to the sky and said FUCK OFF YOU CUNT. I have had nothing to do with him/her since.I freely associate with those strange Magpies on the other side of the Tyne even though I know some of them are still fooled by all that God shit Machem

    Marcos wrote:


    if only Vin wrote:
    I was brought up a strict Materialist and at the age of 54 I realised there is no Matter and no such thing as objective. As an ironic gesture, I looked up to the sky and said FUCK OFF YOU CUNT. I have had nothing to do with it ever since.

    We're on the same trajectory, mate  – I was brought up a Catholic, too, and had to go to mass every Sunday until I was 16. I just seem to have got to the second 'Fuck Off' point, a bit earlier than you, after my time in the SWP.Perhaps the SPGB doesn't educate workers as well and as fast as the SWP, about the Party's 'nature', ironically enough!


    Tim, i bow to the superior humourist, i'm well beat….but remember,  the Greater One who created Paradise – Jock Stein who created a host of avenging angels called the Lisbon Lions.Sorry, ALB, for the repetition but some on this forum require to have things explained more than once and often, more than twice and still no guarantee that simple truths will sink in. 

    Tim Kilgallon wrote:
    The people of Jaw-dee do have a messiah. He was known to perform great miracles at the temple of the people (St James' Park), and he was known to the true believers as "Kee Gan"I quote from the Book of She ra Chapter One, verse  number 9………

     I see your reading of the Book of She ra is badly in need of scholarship!  There was indeed 'the second coming' of Lord Ke Gan "The Lord Kee  Gan made a sensational, unexpected return to the temple of the people on 16 January 2008. Multitudes of Jaw-dee flocked to the temple of the people ( St James' Park)  to welcome the massiah back "Book of Shea ra Chapter 4 verse 1"Kee – gan spoke to the people of Jaw dee, saying  that, … only the massiah has the devine right to  create saints . No one should  impose upon any massiah any saint that he does not want.""Lord Kee-gan was crucified"Book of She ra Chapter 4 verse 8The news evenually spread and  resulted in much joy to the people south of of the river during prayer at the Temple of Light  

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Hmmmm..the fact that mouse took on a life of its own and posted so many repeated posts would make anyone other than a rationalist suspect some sort of supernatural intervention 

    Tell me about it, I now have to delete them.  Will users please refrain from replying to this particular post whilst I delete the excess.  Otherwise your reply will also be automatically be deleted 

    moderator1 wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Hmmmm..the fact that mouse took on a life of its own and posted so many repeated posts would make anyone other than a rationalist suspect some sort of supernatural intervention 

    Tell me about it, I now have to delete them.  Will users please refrain from replying to this particular post whilst I delete the excess.  Otherwise your reply will also be automatically be deleted 

    All done.

    Bijou Drains
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Tim, i bow to the superior humourist, i'm well beat….but remember,  the Greater One who created Paradise – Jock Stein who created a host of avenging angels called the Lisbon Lions.Sorry, ALB, for the repetition but some on this forum require to have things explained more than once and often, more than twice and still no guarantee that simple truths will sink in. 

    Humourist? Thanks for the compliment, gobshite is the more usual response to my ramblings.I am more than happy to bend the knee before Jock Stein, what he did produce a team to win the European Cup all born within 30 miles of Glasgow will never be reproduced.My Owld Da's best mate from the war was born and bred in Glasgow and in 1970 we had a wee trip up to stay with them.Whenever we went anywhere, Me Fatha would take me and my older brother to a match. On this trip it was decided that I was too little (at 9 years old) to go to the game, my brother Paddy at 14 was taken to the European Cup Semi Celtic v Leeds at Hampden, attendance around 140,000. By way of compensation the next night I was taken to see Hamilton Accies play Morton in the old Scottish 2nd Division (official attendance 2, me and me Da). So although I have a soft spot for Celtic, the Accies are my team in Scotland.Some of the older members of Glasgow Branch used to say that Partick Thistle were the "thinking man's team" in Glasgow, which, they explained, iwas why they got such poor crowds!

    roman wrote:
    What artifact would you expect? He was a day laborer … how would you even know if came from Jesus of Nazareth? The same with the dwelling, you think they'd find his signature? What self written manuscripts?have you studied the sources for any ancient figure? What autograph manuscripts do we have for ANYONE in the ancient world. You're talking shit Gnome. What contemporary account is there for any ancient figure? Even most of the important people, Kings and so on, come from later sources.its obvious you haven't studied anything on how ancient history is done. And frankly you're making an ass of yourself; to anyone who knows how history is done you sound like a creationist saying "well if we used to be monkeys, why are there still monkeys." 

    The city of Nazareth did not exist. It was interpolated

    LBird wrote:
    if only Vin wrote:
    I was brought up a strict Materialist and at the age of 54 I realised there is no Matter and no such thing as objective. As an ironic gesture, I looked up to the sky and said FUCK OFF YOU CUNT. I have had nothing to do with it ever since.

    We're on the same trajectory, mate  – I was brought up a Catholic, too, and had to go to mass every Sunday until I was 16. I just seem to have got to the second 'Fuck Off' point, a bit earlier than you, after my time in the SWP.Perhaps the SPGB doesn't educate workers as well and as fast as the SWP, about the Party's 'nature', ironically enough!

    You have brought a good point. Most Marxist-Leninist Party they educate their potential members before joining the party. 


    I hadn't realised that in Hebrew and Arabic the word for 'christian' in 'Nazarene'. Perhaps that's what we should call them too. After all, we don't accept either that Jesus, mythical or not, is the messiah, the "anointed one".


    During the biblical time that city did not exist, it was a cemetery, there was a religious sect known as the Nazarenes. Wikipedia is written by peoples who support the mythology of Jesus and they are based on The Bible. The city is not mentioned in the Old Testament and the Talmud, and Josephus does not mention it either.  This is the real history of the city of Nazareth, and Jesus was not born in Israel or Palestine, the mythology comes from Egypt, and he never walked on the city and places mentioned in the Greek writings. The city is not mentioned on the Masoretic ( insert it on a digital translator )   ( insert it in a digital translator, the city was interpolated in the NT )There is a big business in Israel based on this mythology known as Jesus and the places that he visited, and he walked when he was on the earth, which is also rejected by the official religion known as Judaism. It is a conttradiction, but it produces moneyIt is also a big lie that the city of Jericho had big walls, in that time that place was a Ghetto, and it did not have any wall,   The Bible is just a load of craps and historical lies. Josue also broke the law of Physics according to the BIble. All that lie and anti-scientific theories have been inserted into our brains since we are born, and the education system supports all these mythologies.If the Bible  is correct,  the Homeric mythology is correct too, we can worship Zeus and all his beautiful  women, and we can also believe the mythology of the Book of the deadMan created religion, but religion did not create man, it was created based on materialistic needs, and it will exist until the conditions that motivated its origin persist  to exist in our society. It continued existing in Russia and Eastern Europe because 85% of the population continued belieivein in religion, it was not a miracle

    ALB wrote:
    I hadn't realised that in Hebrew and Arabic the word for 'christian' in 'Nazarene'. Perhaps that's what we should call them too. After all, we don't accept either that Jesus, mythical or not, is the messiah, the "anointed one".

    The real Nazarenes were the Essenians. They were mentioned by Josephus, and the Rosicrucians, they are not mentioned in the Bible because they were enemies of the Sanhedrin, and Paul was a Pharisee educated by Gamaliel,He was the person who introduced the concept of resurrection, ( the others members of the religious sects believed in the reincarnation like the Essenians ) and he was not the person presented in the New Testament, he was one the biggest liar and crook who has ever  existed in the religious world,  He was not a Hebrew, he was a Syrian, converted to Judaism( proselyte ). he was part of the Herodian family, and Herodian Prince, and he was decapitated ( like a Roman )  because he was one of the participants of the burning of RomeChristianity should be called Paulism, although he did not write many of the so-called epistles. The question is how the so called Peter won the prize instead of Paul ? The mythological Peter made more miracles than Paul, it was needed by the Catholic to create its oligarchy. With the emerge of Paulism and Catholicism the old working class movement known as Christianity died and it became the religion of the Roman slave masters and the religion of the Feudalists and the land owners

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