Jerusalem Again

September 2024 Forums General discussion Jerusalem Again

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  • #219878

    The ICC references myself, the SPGB and our SOYMB blog in its analysis of the Palestinian problem and the attitudes of various anarchists with a mixture of ‘praise’ qualified with criticism.


    Oh, I should have mentioned that the ICC couldn’t resist disparaging ourselves as:
    “…a semi-fossilised survivor from the days when the Second International was a proletarian organisation, maintains its profound illusions in a “parliamentary road” to socialism…”


    the UN Human Rights Council said Navi Pillay, a South African former judge, who served as the United Nations high commissioner for human rights from 2008 to 2014, would lead a three-person investigation intended to scrutinise abuses and their “root causes” in the decades-long Middle East conflict.

    She will be joined by Miloon Kothari of India, the first UN special rapporteur on adequate housing, and Australian international human rights law expert Chris Sidoti.

    A commission of inquiry (COI) is the highest-level investigation that can be ordered by the Human Rights Council. The COI is set to report to the Human Rights Council each year from June 2022.


    Tightening the screw on Gaza in further collective punishment, reducing food supply.

    Israel has reduced the fishing zone off Gaza by half.

    “As Palestinians in the strip face ever-worsening conditions, they are increasingly putting pressure on Hamas to provide for their needs. Hamas, however, does not have an answer to these legitimate humanitarian demands. Finding itself in this difficult position, Hamas might try to export its internal crisis to Israel through another round of hostilities.”

    Given the difficult humanitarian situation in the strip, its residents are severely exhausted from warfare. The awareness of “conflict exhaustion” among Palestinians in Gaza is evident.

    Qatar sends $30m per month distributed over many economic sectors in Gaza, including the transfer of $100 at the beginning of each month to tens of thousands of Palestinian families. Israel and the US have pushed for an end to the Qatari cash grant and suggested replacing it with vouchers of the same cash value. This proposal was categorically rejected by Hamas, as it realises that many of Gaza’s residents survive on these cash handouts and that losing them will likely lead to an explosive situation in the strip.


    Does Saudi Arabia do the work of Israel?

    A court in Saudi Arabia has delivered verdicts against 69 Palestinians and Jordanians, handing jail terms of up to 22 years to some in a wave of arrests by Saudi authorities on a group of long-term Palestinian and Jordanian residents in the kingdom on alleged links with an unnamed “terrorist” group.

    Hamas condemned the sentences handed out on Sunday, calling them “unjust” and saying those sentenced had done nothing to harm Saudi Arabia.


    Who doesn’t heed the world community and follow international law?

    The new Israeli government is expected to approve 2,000 new housing units for Jewish settlers in the Palestinian territories.


    The firing of rockets at Israel by Palestinians in Gaza during the conflict in May amounted to war crimes, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said. The attacks “flagrantly violated” the laws of war, the campaign group said following an investigation.

    More than 4,360 unguided rockets and mortars were fired, Israel says, killing 13 people there. Some fell short, killing Palestinians in Gaza. One misfired above the city of Jabalya which killed seven civilians and injured 15.

    HRW said: “The rockets and mortars that Palestinian armed groups fired lack guidance systems and are prone to misfire, making them extremely inaccurate and thus inherently indiscriminate when directed toward areas with civilians. Launching such rockets to attack civilian areas is a war crime.

    “Hamas authorities should stop trying to justify unlawful rocket attacks that indiscriminately kill and injure civilians by pointing to Israel’s violations,” Eric Goldstein, HRW acting Middle East and North Africa director, said. “The laws of war are meant to protect all civilians from harm.”


    Israel’s Peace Now organisation said a plan for 9,000 housing units near Atarot Airport – between the Palestinian neighbourhoods of Kafr Aqab, Qalandiya and ar-Ram south of Ramallah – was moving ahead.

    If this plan goes through, it will be the first new settlement in East Jerusalem since former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government built the Har Homa settlement in 1997.

    “This is a very dangerous plan which might bring a blow to the two-state solution,” said Peace Now. “The planned neighbourhood is at the heart of the urban territorial Palestinian continuity between Ramallah and East Jerusalem, and thus will prevent the possibility of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

    “This will block the eastern connection of East Jerusalem to the West Bank as well as disconnect Ramallah and the north of the West Bank from Bethlehem and the south of the West Bank,” said Israeli rights group Ir Amim, referring to the E1 area.

    The Israeli authorities are already working on their E1 plan, which involves creating a contiguous, Israeli built-up area extending from Jerusalem to the Maale Adumim settlement – 11km (5 miles) beyond the Green Line, or the internationally recognised boundary that separates Israel from the West Bank. Critics argue the West Bank now resembles a Bantustan because of the lack of a viable and contiguous Palestinian territory.

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