Jeremy Corbyn the person

July 2024 Forums General discussion Jeremy Corbyn the person

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    SocialistPunk wrote:
    jondwhite wrote:
    Saint Jezza on 'socialism'

    It's a nice sentiment, something we could all agree with. But he doesn't tell us anything about what socialism actually is.

    He probably doesn't know, and even if he did he'd be too scared to define it because it would lose him votes! Phone up the Labour Party press office and ask them what their definition of socialism is.


    No matter political differences, it is difficult not to have some sympathy for Jeremy.The media have tried every tactic to discredit him ever since he was elected Labour leader. latest after the unsuccessful smear that he was a spy, holds him personally responsible for every expression of anti-semitism among the Left. No doubt when we become a threat,  Marx's anti-semitism and racism too will become our our burden.Here is a catalogue of Tory politicians' racism

    Keymaster we are getting down to it…Corbyn is anti-semitic because he supports Jewish organisations that aren't following the accepted and approved political line of the mainstream Jewish bodies…


    David Schneider tweeted: “‘Boo! Corbyn needs to get out and meet some Jews!’ (Corbyn spends Passover with some Jews at Jewdas) ‘Boo! Not those Jews!’”


    It's clear that there's a full-scale witchhunt under way against Corbyn with the prosecutors being satisfied with him being burnt at the stake. Obviously it's ridiculous to claim that he's an anti-semite. He doesn't hate Jews and doesn''t want to discriminate against them. His crime in their eyes is taking the Palestine side in the Israel/Palestine conflict. Unfortunately It looks like his pursuers have won their propaganda campaign and established a change of meaning of anti-semitism to include opposition to the creation of the state of Israel, which  before the last World War was the position of most of those calling themselves socialists (apart from the Zionists it was the anti-semitic Right who wanted a "Jewish homeland" as somewhere to expel Jews to). You don't have to agree with his politics to admire the man for standing up to the bigots who are pursuing him. 


    The witch-hunt is now getting out of hand and there are other victims. This poor sod, who merely stated a historical fact, might even lose his job. He's a member of the Weekly Worker lot. We've met him at various meetings and whatever else the "CPGB" is it's not anti-semitic. Be interesting to see what their paper out tomorrow has say on it: a nasty little shit that Tory MP is.Edit: Just remembered we actually debated Stan Keable in September 2013.


    Here is what they say about


    I think it is time for us to issue an official press statement on the Socialist Party view to anti-semitism and anti-zionism and the establishement of Israel and the proposed creation of the Palestinian State.Our blog has endeavoured to present our view of the debate a May issue Socialist Standard editorial

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I think it is time for us to issue an official press statement on the Socialist Party view to anti-semitism and anti-zionism…

    Were we fortunate enough to be endowed with a Media Committee that was only half on the ball this would have already been done.


    Well, that's one conspiracy theory exposed — the Board of Deputies didn't coordinate their campaign with the Israeli government. In fact, they must be annoyed that their campaign has been undermined by the weekly killings by the Israeli state on the border with Gaza. 


    ’Tselem, the respected Israeli human rights NGO, began a media campaign today urging Israel Defense Forces soldiers posted on the Gaza border to disobey “patently illegal” shoot-to-kill orders against unarmed protesters.

    “Patently illegal” is an Israeli military concept, coined after the 1956 Qafr Qassem Massacre, when soldiers of the Border Police murdered 47 Israeli Palestinians after receiving an order to kill anyone outside his house after an impromptu curfew was announced. The defendants claimed they were duty-bound to follow a legal order. The judges found that there are “patently illegal” orders, which may be recognized as “a black flag flying over the order, saying ‘it’s forbidden!’”. They continued:We’re not dealing with a formal, hidden or not, illegality, not one seen only by scholars of law, but a clear and obvious illegality, a certain and essential illegality of the order itself […] illegality which pierces the eye and enrages the heart, assuming the eye is not blind and the heart is not made of stone or corrupt.”While the words are stirring, the nature of a “patently illegal” order was always debated. Soldiers are taught that their duty is to obey a merely illegal order, but that they legally obligated to disobey a “patently illegal” one.

    Tell a lie often enough and it gets taken as truthHalf of the electorate believes that there are at least pockets of antisemitism in the Labour party, according to a poll.A third  of voters also believe that Jeremy Corbyn is among those in the party who hold antisemitic views.Throw mud and it sticks


    And here is why Corbyn might be the one singled out for vilification"Jeremy Corbyn has condemned Israel’s killing of at least 27 Palestinians on the Gaza border as an “outrage” and attacked Western “silence” about the deaths."


    Here's the link: I don't believe it. A relentless smear campaign conducted by the media has managed to persuade a third of the population that Corbyn himself is an anti-semite, i.e that he hates Jews, wants to discriminte against them and/or thinks that they control things from behind the scenes. Not even the journalists who participated in the campaign will believe that that's what he thinks. As you point out, the real reason why the Board of Deputies has been out to get him is his pro-Palestine stance in the Israel/Palestine conflict.  It could turn out to be a pyrrhic victory for them, though, as over a third of voters still support the Labour Party; which suggets that they don't think that anti-semitism in its illegitimately extended sense of anti-Zionism and anti-Israel is that reprehensible or that important or relevant.


    Roy Hattersley, Labour’s former deputy leader, has reignited the party’s feuding by claiming it is “in danger of disintegration” as extremists take over.Labour is in “a much more dangerous situation” than during the Militant Tendency insurgency of the 1980s because left-wing activists are “increasingly in control” he claimed.“the people behind Jeremy will take over the party and run it in a way which we find unacceptable” – putting hopes of an election win “in difficult trouble”.Moderate party figures with “sense” had to speak out, he argued, describing it as a “tragedy for the Labour Party” that they remained silent about what was going on.

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