Jeremy Corbyn the person

July 2024 Forums General discussion Jeremy Corbyn the person

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  • #114183
    alanjjohnstone said:The issue of criticising Corbyn stemming an earlier Standard cover featuring him (September 1915) has already been subject to debate on the forum. I have no desire for a re-run of how the Party should treat him. Regardless of how nice he is as a person, a subjective issue since i don't believe anybody on the forum knows him personally except perhaps in the passing, objectively he is a class enemy. 

    Fair enough, we won’t rerun it then.  I have said my piece on the matter.Just one more comment.  So, he is a “class enemy”.  Alongside Kim Jong Un and Rupert Murdoch I take it.  No shades of grey?


    Is Corbyn suffering from the Clement Attlee Syndrome: "A car with Attlee inside pulled up, the door opened, and no-one got out!"


    The ruling class seem to regard him as their class enemy too, what with the relentless media attacks on the man since the time he was elected leader, day after day, false accusation after false accusation, biassed commentator after biassed commentator. I'm not quite sure why since, from their point of view as well as ours, he's just an innocuous reformist. In any event, he couldn't bugger things up for them more than a couple of Old Etonians have just done. I suppose it's because they want a Labour Party that, when in office, will fully accept capitalism with its monority ownership and profit motive and apply its economic laws, seeking only to manage the system efficiently (for them). And the mob of self-serving careerists on the Labour benches are prepared to bend over backwards (or is it forwards?) to oblige them.

    ALB wrote:
     In any event, he couldn't bugger things up for them more than a couple of Old Etonians have just done. I suppose it's because they want a Labour Party that, when in office, will fully accept capitalism with its monority ownership and profit motive and apply its economic laws, seeking only to manage the system efficiently (for them).

    Interesting mistype ("monority"). Seems just as appropriate!

    Keymaster  Alex Salmond – "I’m wondering whether this is a pre-emptive strike about the Chilcot report because obviously Jeremy Corbyn has indicated he supports Tony Blair being held to account, as he should be. So I think there’s a bit more to this than meets the eye." I posted a similar message a few days ago on the thread about my suspicions too


    "And then there’s Liam Fox. I seem to remember some sort of opprobrium being attached to him. Whatever it was, no doubt there can’t have been much to it (even though he was forced to resign or something) or it wouldn’t be getting comprehensively buried every news cycle by Jeremy Corbyn not indicating when leaving a roundabout or something." The comedian Frankie Boyle is always worth a look at, for his acerbic comments.

    Matt wrote:
    "And then there’s Liam Fox. I seem to remember some sort of opprobrium being attached to him. Whatever it was, no doubt there can’t have been much to it (even though he was forced to resign or something) or it wouldn’t be getting comprehensively buried every news cycle by Jeremy Corbyn not indicating when leaving a roundabout or something." 

    Wasn't he seen dumping some "important" documents in a park rubbish bin a few years back?


    Actually he (Fox) is quite a disreputable character, as recorded by wikipedia. I remember the scandal about his lobbyist friend, but hadn't realised there was more:

    In the expenses scandal, he was the Conservative Shadow Cabinet member with the largest over-claim on expenses, and as a result, he was forced to repay the most money.[3] In 2010, he was appointed Secretary of State for Defence, a position from which he resigned on 14 October 2011 over allegations that he had given a close friend, lobbyist Adam Werritty, access to the Ministry of Defence and allowed him to join official trips overseas.
    rodmanlewis wrote:
     Wasn't he seen dumping some "important" documents in a park rubbish bin a few years back?

    That was Oliver Letwin I think. Fox is, as Adam shows a disreputable chancer. Letwin just a chancer..


    Saint Corbyn at it again


    Surely no Saint yet. Not even beatified as a Blessed.

    Bijou Drains

    A lack of seats might be something he has to get used to.Boom, boom(I'm here all week)


    Saint Jezza on 'socialism'

    jondwhite wrote:
    Saint Jezza on 'socialism'

    It's a nice sentiment, something we could all agree with. But he doesn't tell us anything about what socialism actually is.

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