Japan WW2

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  • #83616
    Capitalist Pig

    Why did japan attack the united states? was it spontaneous or was it calculated? I'd like to know what if any of the economic interests the state would have at that time to attack pearl harbor. Thanks


    Our blog has covered the cause of the attack herehttp://socialismoryourmoneyback.blogspot.com/2012/12/americas-good-war-part-two-japan.html

    On November 15th (1941), Army Chief of Staff George Marshall briefed the media on something we do not remember as “the Marshall Plan.” In fact we don’t remember it at all. "We are preparing an offensive war against Japan,” Marshall said. The idea that it was a defensive war because an innocent imperial outpost in the middle of the Pacific was attacked out of the clear blue sky is a myth that deserves to be buried.
    Capitalist Pig

    ok thanks, just interested in history. feel free to move to trash i'll just read that article


    The Japanese workers welcomed the 1945 US victory and regarded the US occupation as bringing ‘democracy’ to Japan, and thought it would aid the Japanese workers in their constant fight with the Japanese bosses. They were to be disappointed.

    Paul Burkett, p. 29 wrote:
    In the years 1945-7, Japanese workers responded to a severe capital strike by taking direct control over important sectors of production and posing a new vision of worker-community based democracy against the authoritarian institutions of the Japanese state and the limited democratic reforms implemented by the US occupation. This was ‘a major challenge to capitalist rule’…, a struggle to create a new system based on humane and democratic-socialist principles, and it was repelled only by the combined efforts of the US occupation and the Japanese prewar ruling class. Only on the basis of its suppression were the Japanese government and big businesses able to gradually rebuild… the basic prewar structures of Japanese capitalism…

    Paul Burkett and Martin Hart-LandsbergProgressive capitalism, crisis, and class struggle: Lessons from Japan’s production control and democracy movements, 1945-47Capital and Class, Spring 2003 Issue 79, pages 25-54Also related to these issues, in the aftermath of this defeat of the class conscious workers in Japan, the US and their allies in the Japanese boss class introduced the ‘Quality’ system, led by one of its earliest proponents, Deming.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Edwards_Deming

    Wikipedia wrote:
    Deming is best known for his work in Japan after WWII, particularly his work with the leaders of Japanese industry.

    We’re still reaping the fruits of the defeat of the workers of Japan and ‘Quality’.

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