It’s War !!!

September 2024 Forums General discussion It’s War !!!

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  • #189777

    Some analysts think Mr Trump has been ratcheting up his criticism of Mr Powell  so he can blame the fed chair if the US economy goes into downturn.
    Karen Petrou, managing partner of Federal Financial Analytics, told the BBC earlier this week: “Mr Trump doesn’t care what rates are. He cares about who voters think is to blame for slower growth and market turmoil, and he is determined to be sure it isn’t him,” she said.
    “What’s an astute politician to do? Find a fall guy distrusted by Republicans, Democrats, independents, populists, and progressives.”


    Blaming somebody else is a very old legendary  tactic used by the USA politicians and presidents, and they always have had an external enemy. That is what Gore Vidal called: The Enemy of the Month Club. Peoples who know Political Economy, they  know that capitalism is a whole economical system it is not a piece, or one sector, what is in crisis is the whole capitalist system. These are re-election manuevers , they need support, otherwise they are going to be replaced by another team of baseball player to play the same game

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