
January 2025 Forums General discussion Islamophobia?

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  • #208281

    How can we criticise the beheading of a schoolteacher outside his school by someone influenced by Mohammedan teaching without being accused of “Islamophobia” ?

    In any event, people can’t go around beheading others just because they don’t like what they say or do.


    We condemn the atrocity as terrorism and that such tactics can only reinforce islamophobia and lead to the harm of those who follow the Muslim faith. It is an act that is not in the slightest interest of the vast majority of Muslims and such violence plays straight into the hands of bigots and racists who will take advantage of the anger of all reasonable people to increase hatred between peoples for political gain.


    I think there is mileage in looking at who is weaponising Islam and why: the money spent on propaganda, and finding suitable agents (I listened to a fascinating audio doc on the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the way in which young radicalised kids were being used, they’re very good at finding vulnerable kids).

    And, of course, those in France who weaponise Islam to sow division and otherise Muslims.


    The back-lash

    Two women  stab two other women wearing Muslim headscarves near the Eiffel Tower in Paris and trying to rip off their veils.


    Following another Jihadist atrocity in Vienna, the Muslim community is often accused of not condemning such acts but when they do,  it seems it gets little coverage.

    French Muslim leaders on Monday condemned calls for boycotts of French goods in Muslim countries as “unjustified” and accused those leading the charge of “using Islam for political gain”.

    “There are times when we must show solidarity with our country which has suffered unjustified attacks in the past weeks,” the heads of three major mosques and three Muslim associations said in a joint statement.

    French law, they said, “gives a lot of space to freedom of expression” and gives citizens the right “to believe or not believe.”

    The leaders of the Great Mosques of Paris, Lyon and the French Mediterranean island of Reunion, along with the leaders of three Muslim groups condemned terrorism “and all forms of violence in the name of our religion”.

    They also expressed indignation at “calls for murder launched by foreign leaders”, apparently referring to a tweet by the former prime minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohamad, who claimed Muslims had “a right to be angry and kill millions of French people.”


    The Guardian carries a story of the Daily Mail’s islamophobia.

    Mentioned is the Central Mosque in Edinburgh. As someone when visiting my home city I always made a point of having an Indian curry at it since it is cheap and tasty and right next to the radical bookshop. (Around the corner is a church, forget the denomination, that does budget lunches, which I can also recommend)

    I always found the mosque multi-ethnic and very welcoming, and there are numerous notices inviting visitors to take guided tours and free Korans available.

    Perhaps the plot is to get sharia law via our stomachs.

    If members also have their own anecdotal evidence of scare-mongering by this article, it reveals a new whole low level of journalism.


    Was that the article which claimed that Didsbury, arguably the most hipster student place on Earth, was somehow a hotbed of Sharia law?


    Isn’t she a Jihadist ? What would happen if the Mexicans in the other side ask the peoples to arm themselves too ? Thru history US politicians have always obtain votes by inciting violence and blaming the internal problems on somebody else. The actual conditions of Central America were created by Ronald Reagans and his gangs of criminals and then other followed the same path. When peoples are going to wake up ?


    Jack, I wonder why evangelical rapture Zionist-Christians in their attempts to turn the USA into a theocracy are rarely treated with the same vitriol as Muslim fundamentalists.

    MS, I believe that there is reliable research that it is American purchased and smuggled weapons that are arming the criminal cartels in Mexico. And American banks that are laundering their illicit cash.


    They have been selling weapons to drugs cartels and guerrillas groups, and gangs for many years, those are the new ‘Comancheros’. Those cartels they have their own army, and they have military vehicles. Nobody can find the fortunes of El Chapo and Pablo Escobar because they are invested in commercial banks and real estate business. Those politicians are just a bunch of ignorants, they only read comics books, and repeat scripts like parrots. This particular politicians does not know that the border crossed Mexico instead of Mexico crossing the border, probably, she has never read a book on history, even more, the Guadalupe-Hidalgo treaty said that Mexican are allowed to have US citizenship and they can cross any time that they want. Not worth the paper


    Jack, I wonder why evangelical rapture Zionist-Christians in their attempts to turn the USA into a theocracy are rarely treated with the same vitriol as Muslim fundamentalists.

    It’s mysterious, isn’t it? I appreciate that I take a much more relaxed view towards religion than most here, but in my experience any attempt to mix religious and secular power ends badly for all involved. If nothing else, it exposes yet again the rampant hypocrisy of so many American evangelicals.

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