Is this forum under the democratic control of the socialist party members

October 2024 Forums General discussion Is this forum under the democratic control of the socialist party members

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  • #81514

    Am I allowed to ask this or am I about to be threated with violence? 

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Am I allowed to ask this or am I about to be threated with violence? 

     There's a worse fate than that TOGW.You could find people ignoring your posts all together.


    "There's a worse fate than that TOGW. You could find people ignoring your posts all together."Indeed so! My transgressions were apparently to give readers the respect they are due with a full reply albeit lengthy and then also on another occasion to respond to what i considered erroneous interpretations of my post by yourself which you obviously decided did not deserve an answer. (

    HollyHead wrote:
    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    Am I allowed to ask this or am I about to be threated with violence? 

     There's a worse fate than that TOGW.You could find people ignoring your posts all together.

     I am not sure what you mean comrade? My posts are far too interesting to ignore! 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    "There's a worse fate than that TOGW. You could find people ignoring your posts all together."Indeed so! My transgressions were apparently to give readers the respect they are due with a full reply albeit lengthy and then also on another occasion to respond to what i considered erroneous interpretations of my post by yourself which you obviously decided did not deserve an answer. (

    Alan!My apologies for letting you go without a reply (and I'm not certain whether this is the right thread in which to do it).First I'm not the only one to comment on the length of this discussion. Here is SussexSocialist in the 'Occupy' thread #285

    this incredibly long winded discussion

     Second (and  far more importantly) is your seeming suggestion that we undertake some boring from within. I accept your assurance that this is not your view but I think I might be excused if I took it to be so (emphasis added by me in each case): For example your post # 290

    We have to have a physical presence within those working class struggles which seek alternative answers to their problems. … It can also mean opening up and sharing resources, such as our office space for meetings, our printing facilities and our web-site for exchange of views.

    And again in your post #287:

    Socialists must be present and vocal within Occupy to combat such reformism masquerading as revolutionary before it takes root.

    Your post # 286:

    Our own particular failure was not having our own clear and determined presence within the Occupy Movement…

     See what I mean? 


    Yes, this forum is managed by the Internet Department which is appointed by the EC at the beginning of each year from nominations made by branches. Apart from dealing with the technical aspects, it is also part of their remit to see that the rules for participation are not too grossly infringed. What other way could a democratic organisation control a forum?

    ALB wrote:
    Yes, this forum is managed by the Internet Department which is appointed by the EC at the beginning of each year from nominations made by branches. Apart from dealing with the technical aspects, it is also part of their remit to see that the rules for participation are not too grossly infringed. What other way could a democratic organisation control a forum?

    It will not be democratic, for example, if admin could prevent members from expressing their opinions (as in my case) without being subject to democratic control/removal. That would be absolute power. Is this the situation at the moment? I agree that forum members should not be allowed to intimidate or abuse but I have not done that..

    TheOldGreyWhistle wrote:
    It will not be democratic, for example, if admin could prevent members from expressing their opinions (as in my case) without being subject to democratic control/removal. That would be absolute power. Is this the situation at the moment?

    Yes it would be undemocratic if that were to happen or if anybody had that power, but it hasn't and they don't. Which is as it should be. Nobody has been prevented from expressing their views here. Which is also how it should be. As far as I can work out, what has happened is that two participants here have been warned about using "unparliamentary language" (as it were) when expressing their views but not from expressing the views themselves.


    In regard to Occupy Movement i did not regard it as a monolithic organisation, more an umbrella group, such as we would describe the Trade Union Movement to be . Within such an organisational structure as Occupy many schools of thought existed. Some we were sympathetic towards, some we disagreed with and opposed. We would have constituted only one independent element. I simply wanted to emphasise that we as part of the working class, albeit already organised and claiming to have acquired a degree of class and socialist consciousness, which endows us with an educational role, are legitimate part of the class struggle and should not be excluded from participation in it, either by others who may disagree with our views because we are a clearly a political party or by those members of the party who wish a self-imposed non-involvement because of the "hostility" clause. The fight against capitalism is a priority for our class. We cannot be outside that process so i concentrated advocating being within it, arguing our case openly with no ulterior motive of imposing our ideas. That is what separates us from the Leninist vanguard who do disguise their agenda and camoflage their manipulation of workers organisations. The SPGB has always claimed to be an educational propagandist party and the fact that we assume the mantle of teacher does not turn us into leaders. "Educate. Agitate. Organise" Anyways, i'm glad you now understand that "boring from within" was not what i was calling for but engaging in the exchange of ideas as class members to others of our class.    

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    In regard to Occupy Movement ….. i'm glad you now understand that "boring from within" was not what i was calling for but engaging in the exchange of ideas as class members to others of our class.

     AlanGood!I still disagree — but this is the wrong thread in which to persue the matter.

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