Is the Extraction of Surplus Value Immoral?

September 2024 Forums General discussion Is the Extraction of Surplus Value Immoral?

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  • #99126

    We are coming back to the old discussion, if socialism is moral, or the old discussion of the left wingers that wars are immoral.Morality is only a category of the class society, and in our society it is only a bourgeois conception, and most peoples believe that it has a religious origin, instead of a social originSurplus value in this society, is not immoral,  is a legal crime, approved and justified by the legal system, it is widely acceptable to steal the sweat of others human beings and enjoy that type of robbery,  and based on the point of view of the capitalist class is not immoral, because it is part of their morality.Wars are not immoral either, it is also a crime provoked by the capitalist class, and it is part of their production of surplus value, or the continuation of their market system.Nobody would be taking to jail for stealing worth at the point of production, on the contrary, it is a sign of admiration in our society, and also  the religious leaders approves that legal crime


    mcolome1 did not jump this thread

    Marcos wrote:
    mcolome1 did not jump this thread

     No, I did

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