Iran tensions

October 2024 Forums General discussion Iran tensions

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  • #189608

    It seems the Gibraltar seizure stalemate is not quite over.

    The United States has called for the seizure of the ship, which was still anchored in Gibraltar, for “a scheme to unlawfully access the US financial system to support illicit shipments to Syria from Iran by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a designated foreign terrorist organization”, the justice department said.
    The warrant says the vessel, all the oil aboard and $995,000 are subject to forfeiture based on violations of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA), and bank fraud, money laundering, and terrorism forfeiture statutes.


    Like the old days of Francis Drake, the filibusters pirates,  and the Buccaneers of the Caribbean.


    I think the tanker will be again seized by a US ally as it nears the Middle East.


    he fell upon Government, and shew’d, that every Man was born free, and had as much Right to what would support him, as to the Air he respired… that the vast Difference betwixt Man and Man, the one wallowing in Luxury, and the other in the most pinching Necessity, was owing only to Avarice and Ambition on the one Hand, and a pusillanimous Subjection on the other


    Thanks Alan. 🙂


    I think the tanker will be again seized by a US ally as it nears the Middle East.


    Gibraltar has rejected the court order of the USA. I think the USA is violating the real concept of Jurisdiction, and creating in ex-parte its own international court. Their borders stop in Mexico or Canada in regard to immigration, but when it is convenient their borders extend to cover the whole world. For the Mexican and Central American its border should end in the border with Mexico, but for its own interest, its borders extend all the way down to the Caribbean islands and Tierra del Fuego, and Cape Horn


    When American politician Omar was accused of anti-Semitism about raising  the issue of dual-loyalty I never saw any reference in the media about the American senior official who has a remit of targeting Iran, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence,  Sigal P. Mandelker.

    She is a Zionist and plays a significant role in the Trump administration’s Iran policy because of her position in charge of financial sanctions against the country.

    She is Israeli born and there is a question about whether she has held or still holds dual-nationality. Her husband is a contributor to the right-wing Breitbart website


    Another ominous sign

    US and Saudis blame Iran for drone attacks


    Yes this is a highly significant and dangerous development. The “big one” as this article from the Wall Street Journal puts it.

    It’s Iran showing that, even though it’s not (yet) got nuclear weapons, it’s still got a ‘nuclear option’ — ruining the Saudi oil industry and so provoking a world-wide economic crisis and downturn. Presumably, it’s aimed at bringing the US to the negotiating table to discuss lifting its savage economic sanctions on them.


    Prominent Republican senator Lindsey Graham, a hawk, suggested that hitting the country’s own refineries would “break the regime’s back”.

    He is assuming, of course, that Iran will sit back passively and wont take revenge and won’t retaliate.


    This going to lead to war, imho, and already it involves a widening of the conflict.

    Middle East Eye quoted an unnamed senior Iraqi intelligence official as saying that the operation was conducted from inside Iraq in reprisal for suspected Israeli drone attacks against PMF bases. Iraq has denied the drone attack came from there. ,In late June, US officials concluded that an earlier May 14 drone attack on Aramco’s East-West pipeline near the central town of al-Duwadimi – which the Houthis also claimed responsibility for – was launched from Iraq, not Yemen, implicating Tehran-allied Shia militias.

    Not just Iran but now Iraq, once more, and probably a newly elected Netanyahu continuing to attack Iran and Hezbollah who will retaliate …a convenient justification for widening the intended annexation of the Jordan Valley

    Sorry, I am being the doomsayer once more


    Did any drone attack the USA ? Has any bomb been dropped in the USA territory ? It looks like nobody has attacked the USA, therefore, why are they getting involved in all conflicts around the globe ? Are they the master or the policeman of the universe ? Some of these USA senators they are still living in 1942 when the USA was able to kick everybody ass, but time has changed, they are not able to do that anymore. A war with  Iran would be totally different to a war with Iraq who was practically disarmed. Israel will continue using its holy book to steal more land from the Palestinians, as it was used to steal the lands of the American natives

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