Iran tensions

October 2024 Forums General discussion Iran tensions

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  • #237323

    Reading between the lines of the Guardian report could indicate an internal power struggle.

    “There was no confirmation of the closure from the interior ministry, which is in charge of the morality police, and Iranian state media said the attorney general, Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, was not responsible for overseeing the force.”

    Al-Alam state television said foreign media were depicting his comments as “a retreat on the part of the Islamic Republic from its stance on hijab and religious morality as a result of the protests”, but that all that could be understood from his comments was that the morality police were not directly related to the judiciary.

    One senior European diplomat… detected tensions within the regime over how to respond to the protests, saying: “There is a lot of internal disharmony around different bits of the particular security apparatus in terms of passing responsibility for handling the protests.”

    So who knows for sure what is going on? All we can do is wish fellow workers the best of luck with their strikes against the regime and to keep self-organising.


    This (I have also posted this on the World Cup

    Iran begins executing anti-regime protesters


    Sadly these executions confirm the expectation of experts of a coming crackdown cited on our blog


    AJJ, didn’t see that.

    If this wasn’t grotesque enough. This has appeared, were it Russian forces in Ukraine they’d be widespread news coverage and global condemnation..

    Thursdays Guardian.

    Iranian forces shooting at faces and genitals of female protesters, medics say


    That is the government that the Latin American left wingers are supporting, specially the Castristas and the chavistas Socialism has been distorted by the Leninists and the stalinists


    This question may have already been asked & answered on this thread, but, what do these protesters want, exactly?

    Anti-West reformists say they want the return of the Shah:

    “For weeks now the Iranian expat opposition, made up primarily of monarchist and far right fascists on the payroll of the US, Israel and the Saudis, have been promoting three days of nationwide strikes in Iran, set to begin yesterday. So yesterday, today and tomorrow the entire country of Iran, with a population of over 85 million, is shut down. Every shop, workplace, factory, public transit, busses, trains, trams, metros, kindergartens, middle schools, high schools, universities—it is all shut down, and the evil Islamic regime is on the verge of collapse now.

    “At least, that’s what every media outlet has been spewing since yesterday, from the Guardian to the BBC to German and French state media. It’s over. Rejoice, the Great Iranian Revolution of 2022 has been completed. The son of the fascist monarch who was overthrown will return gloriously to sit on his rightful throne again, and everyone will cheer and celebrate as the oil industry is handed over to Shell and Exxonmobil and Chevron. Democracy has returned, finally.” SOURCE:

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by Moo.

    Majidreza Rahnavard, 23, was hanged early on Monday in the city of Mashhad, the judiciary said.

    A court convicted him of “enmity against God” after finding he had stabbed to death two members of the paramilitary Basij Resistance Force.

    Rahnavard was hanged just 23 days after his arrest.

    Mohsen Shekari – the first known protester to be executed – who was hanged on December 8. Sherkari, 23, was convicted of “enmity against God” after he was accused of attacking a Basij member with a machete in Tehran.


    Moderator Notice

    Rather than move recent off-topic posts, i have left them.

    But this thread is really about the international geo-political threats rather than the civil unrest (of course, there may be an overlap)

    Use the other Iran thread on the prospect of revolution and the Iranian state’s repression. (yes, i know i also was at fault but i am trying to correct the mistake)


    Iran has denied that it has intentionally enriched uranium to a purity of 84 percent amid ongoing issues with the global nuclear watchdog and disagreements over its 2015 nuclear deal.

    US news agency Bloomberg reported on Sunday that inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) had found uranium enriched to a purity of 84 percent — just below the 90 percent required for a bomb — and are trying to determine if it was produced intentionally.

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