Iran tensions

September 2024 Forums General discussion Iran tensions

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    US state department spokesman Ned Price told reporters: “We urge Iran to return to the negotiations soon so that we can seek to conclude our work.”

    “Our message to President Raisi is the same as our message to his predecessors… the US will defend and advance our national security interests and those of our partners. We hope that Iran seizes the opportunity now to advance diplomatic solutions,” he said.

    But he added: “This process cannot go on indefinitely.”

    I believe Iran’s earlier diplomatic position was that if the USA enters into an agreement it should honour it.


    Another useful essay in Weekly Worker on the workers’ movement back in 1978


    For information on struggles in Iran:





    US Central Command has announced the results of its forensic investigation into last week’s fatal drone attack on a merchant tanker off Oman.

    It says explosives experts concluded that the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was produced in Iran. The evidence has been shared with explosives experts in Britain and Israel who concurred with the findings. (but not made public)


    The Western Press want to present the Iranian society as a place whereas everything is around the Islamic religion, but they do not present the political and economic struggles of the Iranian working class


    A useful report on the Iranian oil workers strike by the ICT.


    “Iran is only two months away from acquiring the materials necessary for a nuclear weapon,” Gantz told dozens of ambassadors and envoys at an August 25 briefing.

    “Iran has the intention to destroy Israel and is working on developing the means to do so,” he said. “Israel has the means to act and will not hesitate to do so. I do not rule out the possibility that Israel will have to take action in the future in order to prevent a nuclear Iran.”

    Gantz’s words should be taken seriously, said Yaniv Voller, senior lecturer in politics of the Middle East at the University of Kent. “These threats are not merely empty words…”

    “What is referred to as Plan B actually appears to be Israel’s Plan A – coercive measures that likely will draw the US and Iran into a broader war that will see the balance in the region shift dramatically in the direction of Israel while forestalling any US-Iran rapprochement for years if not decades,” Trita Parsi, executive vice president of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft…“Biden knows that bombing Iran is the fastest way to make sure the Iranians get a bomb,” Parsi added.

    “These claims are probably no more valid than the whole series of alarmist claims the Israelis have been making about Iran’s nuclear capability since the 1990s,” Stephen Zunes, professor of politics and chair of the Middle Eastern Studies programme at the University of San Francisco, told Al Jazeera. “Each and every one of these frightening predictions over the past quarter-century has proven wrong, so there is no reason to take this latest iteration any more seriously.”


    And Israel does not want to destroy Iran. They have firecrackers and fireworks


    Israel’s military chief warned military plans dealing with Iran’s nuclear programme have been “greatly accelerated”

    A war of words or a clear warning of intentions?


    Making the case for war

    Iran is providing foreign fighters with drone training at an airbase near the city of Isfahan, Israel’s defence minister alleged

    Tehran was also trying to “transfer know-how that would allow the manufacturing of UAVs in the Gaza Strip”, on Israel’s southern border, Gantz told a conference

    Iran tensions


    A blow for the war-hawks

    Iran has agreed to allow UN nuclear inspectors to install new memory cards into its cameras monitoring the country’s nuclear programme

    It makes it less likely European states and the US will table a motion of censure against Iran that would have been passed to the UN security council.


    Israel “reserves the right” to act against Iran, Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid has said, suggesting that “force” may be necessary to stop the Iranian nuclear programme.

    Israel plays the Holocaust card

    “Secretary of State Blinken and I are sons of Holocaust survivors; we know there are moments when nations must use force to protect the world from evil,” Lapid said.


    I can’t believe the UK would act without the US but some Tories think differently

    Robert Jenrick, who was Communities Secretary until last month, is expected to say that Iran’s “malign activities” are “a threat to us all”, as he urges caution over the push to bring the country back to the negotiating table.

    Mr Jenrick believes that the UK should be doing more to help expand the Abraham Accords, the 2020 agreements that normalised ties between Israel, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain. Expanding the agreements to Saudi Arabia would be a “game changer” for the region, he said.


    America’s B-1 strategic bomber flies over the Straits of Hormuz accompanied by fighter jets from Bahrain, Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia in a show of air power.

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