Internal democratic structure of SDP and USPD

March 2025 Forums General discussion Internal democratic structure of SDP and USPD

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    I’m trying to find some documents that outline the internal decision-making structure of the German SDP (up to the end of the Weimar period) and USPD, specifically in regard to how much influence standard members had within these organisations.

    Anyone able to point me anywhere?


    Have you thought of contacting Kaz?

    I know he has an especial interest in the German Revolution period of 1918/19.


    Would the situation have changed much since Robert Michels wrote his book on political parties, based mainly on the SPD, and the formulation of his so-called “iron law of oligarchy”? Did he write annything after the war (when he eventually joined Mussolini’s fascists) on the “socialist” parties in Germany?


    “Would the situation have changed much since Robert Michels wrote his book on political parties, based mainly on the SPD”

    Yes, there could be some relevant material in this. Will have to get a copy and look through.

    In the writings of Kautsky he thinks that working-class participation in parliamentary politics would have a ‘prefigurative’ effect, to use some of today’s parlance. I just wanted to see to what extent this actually follows through to the internal structure of the SDP and USPD.

    Incidentally, I’m wanting to find the same kind of information about the Canadian ‘impossibilist’ parties too.

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