mackemboy10:16 PM on 11/01/2014We are all in it together has to be a misnomer when we read recently about that great communist writer and inspiration for Ed Miliband, Eric Hobspawn (not sure of name) leaving a mere £1.8 million in his will ! Perhaps he had a family trust like Ralph Miliband to avoid death duties. stevecolborn11:26 PM on 11/01/2014Actually mackemboy, it's hobsbawn and as I would ask him, before hurling around concepts such as "communism", please define what you mean by this term. Hobsbawn, as with Ralph Milliband, was a supporter of "State-Capitalism, ala the USSR, Cuba, China et al. Unless you have proof that they did not have rich and poor, production for profit, a monetary system etc etc, all classical economic indicators of a Capitalist economy. Do you have such proof?