ICC public forum, London 15 April: The Trump election and the crumbling of capitalist world order

December 2024 Forums Events and announcements ICC public forum, London 15 April: The Trump election and the crumbling of capitalist world order

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  • #126422

    Fair enough. You obviously know your stuff. I realise Maximilien 'Barney' Rubel influenced a number of members of the Clapham Socialist Party but he was simply a poodle faker. But it is a fact that Marx , Engels and Stirner regulary went out on the piss together. In fact, and not many people know this, in the student bars around Berlin they were known as The Three Amigos. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.Biogenetic law of Haekel. Eh?

    Bob Andrews wrote:
    Fair enough. You obviously know your stuff. I realise Maximilien 'Barney' Rubel influenced a number of members of the Clapham Socialist Party but he was simply a poodle faker. But it is a fact that Marx , Engels and Stirner regulary went out on the piss together. In fact, and not many people know this, in the student bars around Berlin they were known as The Three Amigos. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.Biogenetic law of Haekel. Eh?

    I am just a student of the Socialist Party, they know their stuff much better than me.  PS That's right,  the law of Haeckel


    In the Caribbean? We wish!Neither would I recommend 'fractioncommuniste' as an accurate guide to the politics of the ICC.  Leaving aside some of the factual problems, mcolome has raised an interesting discussion about Marx and the state, but a bit off the  point in this thread. We encourage comrades to attend the meeting to discuss the meaning of the Trump presidency and the populist upsurge; and after the raid on Syria, the question of war is obviously going to be paramount. 

    Alf wrote:
    In the Caribbean? We wish!Neither would I recommend 'fractioncommuniste' as an accurate guide to the politics of the ICC.  Leaving aside some of the factual problems, mcolome has raised an interesting discussion about Marx and the state, but a bit off the  point in this thread. We encourage comrades to attend the meeting to discuss the meaning of the Trump presidency and the populist upsurge; and after the raid on Syria, the question of war is obviously going to be paramount. 

    Probably, they have not informed you. Two members of the CCI from Spain, travelled to the Dominican Republic and they formed a group integrated by ex members of the MPD,(ML)  and ex member  of Linea Roja  ( 1j4 ) They wrote some artilcles, and then, the group vanished. The had the same seed spread by Leninism which is internatl fight for leadership.The only real Socialist group that have existed in the whole area of Latin America, was a group formed in Jamaica, they were not influenced by Castrism, or Leninism, and the so called revolution in two stages. The group also vanished. The SPGB has published some of their articles


    Here's most of Socialist Review from Jamaica:http://www.worldsocialism.org/english/socialist-reviewIncidentally, from the WSM site (rather than the SPGB).


    I was certainly informed about the existence of a discussion group sympathetic to left communist positions in the Dominican Republic, but it was never a section of the ICC.


    I was certainly informed about the existence of a discussion group sympathetic to left communist positions in the Dominican Republic, but it was never a section of the ICC.

    Alf wrote:
    I was certainly informed about the existence of a discussion group sympathetic to left communist positions in the Dominican Republic, but it was never a section of the ICC.

    You have been informed incorectly.  Accion Proletaria which is a section of the ICC ( CCI ) in Spain sent two members named Federico and Martiza, they  travelled to Dominican Republic and they gave two conferene one in UCMM and another one at the UASD. The groups was integrated by ex-Pacoredo ( Maoists ) ex-MPD ( Castroists-Leninists ) and ex-Linea Roja ( Maoists ) The group went to a CCI convention in Brasil.  This is the article that was published on CCI Internacionalism. I know what I am talking abouthttp://es.internationalism.org/book/export/html/2046


    http://en.internationalism.org/wr/280_spgb.htmReply to the SPBG by the CCI. The State can not be converted, it must be destroyedThey call themselves  anti-Leninists, but in this article, but they have described Lenin concept of the state. 

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