ICC Open Meeting. 5 October 2024

October 2024 Forums Events and announcements ICC Open Meeting. 5 October 2024

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  • #254331

    Some here are betraying their age. That famous debate took place over 40 years ago, in March 1980.


    Well the meeting surely must have left an impression!

    Slight digression, but out of the groups that split from the ICC the group Internationalist Perspective is the most interesting or least bad.

    I see their most recent article may be worth talking about in the economic calculation thread. Though I’m not sure if their criticisms of “democracy” relate to formal bourgeois/liberal democracy or to the concept of “democracy” in general.

    Labor vouchers and radical democracy: is that the post-capitalist road to a human community?


    Actually, the ICC had a “security service” even now under capitalism, at least the French section did, which took those accused of transgressing to interrogations by the leadership.

    “In 2000 a group of ex-members of the French section of the ICC published a pamphlet Que Ne Pas Faire? (‘What Is Not To Be Done?’) which exposed similar practices to some of those described by Lalich in the DWP (an older, charismatic leader; adoption of a new name; an order-giving hierarchy; interrogations; a security service).”


    Incidentally, one of those ex-ICCers behind that pamphlet was Raoul Victor who has written a quite good criticism of the Labour time voucher idea:



    The UK section has engaged in this type of loonyness too. If they are different nowadays I don’t know.



    A critique of that IP review of the David Adam book is here:

    A critique of the cryptozoology of communization

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 3 days ago by ZJW.

    I wasn’t sure how much IP really fitted into the “communization” camp, but found this on libcom. As yet I haven’t read any of these in enough depth to have a valid opinion, but posting here for future reference and if anyone else may be interested.



    In a thread about this meeting on Libcom the ICC had this to say:

    “a comrade from the SPGB was there and informed us that some comrades in the organisation are beginning to think that we are in an increasingly catastrophic situation, not just the endless cycle of boom and slump that the SPGB usually puts forward against the communist left’s notion of a decadent system which is posing a real threat to the survival of humanity.”

    They like to pooh-pooh our view that capitalism will not collapse automatically for economic reasons but will continue going through cycles of booms and slumps.

    Their view is that capitalism will collapse economically through a failure to find markets outside the capitalist system which it has to do as it produces more than can be sold within the system Luxemburg’s mistaken view). They haven’t mentioned this so much recently but their Spanish-language section has just produced a full-blooded defence of this position and that this supposed problem for capitalism is now more acute than it has ever been.


    We will have to wait for the English translation to engage with them on this.

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