Ian Bone to stand for Parliament

September 2024 Forums General discussion Ian Bone to stand for Parliament

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    Darren redstar wrote:
    I would love to think of my old comrade ian bone as an election advisor, if it wasn't for the rather dismal reformist sludge th class war party has adopted. 

    I don't think Alan was being that serious, but you are right they are miles away from us in practice:OK, this is partly a take-off on the Trotskyists demands (which are just as unrealistic) but this is not how it's going to be seen except perhaps by us.What will be interesting will be to see how they do compared with us, the Money Free Party, TUSC and Left Unity. I suspect we'll all be playing in the same league.

    Darren redstar

    It's a shame really, I was quite interested when they said they were standing. A Impossibilist candidate with the spectacle of the CW glory days would be a treat. However, the ream of 'policy' /slogans was off putting, and then came the volte face over the scottish referendum, with bone announcing a victory party in Trafalgar square (it was opposing this that got me kicked off their facebook group.) petty nationalism and sub Trotskyist reformism, a sad end.


    As predictable (and predicted) Class War are only standing 9 candidates in the end:http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/election-2015-meet-class-war-party-standing-because-all-other-candidates-are-scum-1495040Ian Bone is not even standing himself but here's some of what he says:

    As a party, what are your top three priorities?Mansion tax, 50%. Abolition of public schools. And double all benefits.Okay… Could you explain why you've chosen those things?We want to make the rich pay rather than the poor pay for austerity. So unlike all the other parties who are running scare stories on benefits, we'd double all benefits including pensions. A 50% mansion tax would go hand in hand with a 90% top rate income tax, and that would pay for improved social services, affordable housing and a great increase in benefits for working class people.

    It's not clear whether he is (a) being serious; (b) taking the piss out of the trots and their extravagant demands; or (c) trying to be like the Monster Raving Looney Party.Whichever, I don't think he succeeds in any of them.


    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/constituencies/E14000788Unless someone else is standing in Penge, Ian is there…Interestingly, the Beeb don't list class war, but do give us a pro-forma link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election/2015/manifesto-guide


    He must have decided to stand at the last moment since he doesn't include this constituency in those he lists in that interview. Maybe there are others too? We'll have to wait for the final list of all candidates everywhere.


    It says here Ian Bone is standing in Kensington in North Londonhttp://idler.co.uk/article/anarchist-ian-bone-stands-for-kensington-on-a-more-holidays-ticket/


    He's definitely not standing for Kensington:https://yournextmp.com/upload_document/584/It's against the law to stand in two places, so (assuming that he's not that much of a firebrand anarchist as to break the law here and risk going to prison for perjury), we must assume that he's only standing in Lewisham West & Penge.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/politics/constituencies/E14000788Unless someone else is standing in Penge, Ian is there…

    This has now been amended to show that he is not actually standing. In fact, Class War are only contesting 7 seats according to this list:http://cpgb.org.uk/may2015candidates.html

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