How to proceed as North East regional branch.

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement How to proceed as North East regional branch.

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  • #82883
    steve colborn

    With regard to the question, I feel it is important that we, as a collective North East membership, attempt to prove that we are, in actuality, a functioning branch.

    The reason I am positing this, is because of a motion that was put before the recent Party conference, with regard to Rule 9. I, myself, am not against the motion per se but against the seeming personalisation of said motion, with regard to the North East Branch. As the Chair rightly pointed out, the resolution was with regard to Rule9 and "not" the North East branch.

    It appears a question was asked, as to how we met, to agree to a branch Form C. As it is not secret, it must be common knowledge, even to the questioner, that an E meeting was undertaken, at which 4 members attended and the Form C was accepted.

    Comrades, it has been suggested that a Special meeting be called to discuss the conference report. Bill Martin has suggested that the meeting take place between, Mon 19th May from 12 noon, until Fri 23rd May 12 noon.

    In order to put this issue to bed for once and all I suggest we follow Bills advice. The reason I have chosen to bring this up on the Forum and not just the Branch site, is to inform the wider membership of the situation vis a vis North East branch. I will post details on the Branch site and would urge non branch members to view during the stated times. I look forward to talking to everyone at the meeting, hope you can all attend!  : )


    What is the link for the NE Region branch site?

    #101615 a wee technical glitch (i.e. I unchecked the wrong box at some point) it's not visible to the public, but you can apply to join to see what is going on. 

    steve colborn

    Comrades, time permitting we can also discuss a "face to face" meeting, at the forthcoming special meeting. Comrade Darrell Whitehead has suggested a talk or film might persuade members to attend, which it might well do! What do N.E. members think?


    Thanks  but that is OK.I thought you had a different setup and I could just look in as Steve suggested.Nae  bother.My heid is nipping enough with my own branch business.It is great that N.E is back in action. :-)


    Bill you have probably already tried this but what about 'management'  ; 'group settings' and select 'public'  ? I think it is important branch meetings are open to the public.

    steve colborn

    If Bill could facilitate this, prior to the Branch, it would be a big help.YFSSteve Colborn.


    I can't see why thebranch meetings are not open


    Specially convened emeeting of North East Regional Branch to discuss conference report 2014, 19th – 23rd May 2014, held at Yahoo Groups   Yahoo Groups Yahoo! Groups offers free mailing lists, photo & file sharing, group calendars and more. Discuss hot topics, share interests, join online communities.  View on Preview by Yahoo   Present: E. Colborn, S. Colborn (Chair), G. White (Meeting inquorate).Visitors: B. Martin (Minutes), V. Marratty.Meeting convened 1200 hrs 19/05/20141)      Previous minutes: not to hand. 2)      Conference report – brief discussion. 3)      The future of the branch (membership, physical meeting). Meeting Adjourned 1200 hrs 23rd May 2014. 

    Vin Maratty wrote:
    Bill you have probably already tried this but what about 'management'  ; 'group settings' and select 'public'  ? I think it is important branch meetings are open to the public.

    I've tried, the option doesn't exist. It's a matter for the branch to resolve when it gets a quorate meeting together.

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