Hong Kong

July 2024 Forums General discussion Hong Kong

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  • #221816

    The imperialist or economic expansion of China is a problem that I have seen and studied since I was part of the Maoist movement during the 60 and part of the Albanian tendency. It is not new.

    The leftists think that China is not imperialist because they have not invaded any country like the USA or England, that is not the correct definition of imperialism, it is economic expansion, and that have been doing that for many years, and in the future they are going to invade countries like the USA.

    They are just swinging the bat like the baseball player


    Our critic, True Scotsman, will no doubt condone the events of Tiananman Sq in 1989 as inspired by Western imperialism and justify the suppression of the memory of its crushing as anti-imperialism.



    The anti-imperialist delusion

    We have debunked and explained the delusion of the concept of anti imperialism.It was a concept created by the Bolsheviks in order to cover their own nationalism and ask the workers to conciliate themselves with their own exploiters.

    The same conception was used by the German Nazis and the Japanese ruling class.

    The left-wingers are supporting the Taliban because they are anti imperialists, as well, they supported the Vietcong because they were anti imperialist and China was behind the Vietcong

    We never supported the Vietcong and it was a correct stand and the real winner of that war was the Chinese capitalist class, right now the real winner is the Pakistan ruling class .

    The tactic of anti imperialism has been a disaster for the world working class.

    The Chinese ruling class supported the government of Augusto Pinochet because he was an anti imperialist who rejected the Soviet imperialists


    I clearly don’t have a home here. You people aren’t socialists you’re cosplayers. I’m not gonna waste one second more on this site. Enjoy your obscurity. Sayonara from a comrade in Japan!


    Perhaps you should have done some preliminary investigation of our website and come to understand the principles held by ourselves and the fact that we still exist as a functioning political party when many other so-called socialist parties have entirely disappeared albeit not the mass organisation we still aspire to become, before you made your assertions and then you would not have lingered for as long.

    (But you won’t appreciate that comment since you won’t be returning, preferring the authority of a various YouTube videos to the actual works of Marx and Engels on the materialist conception of history and the evolution of social systems.)

    Long Live the Thoughts of Mao, Deng and Xi!!

    The ideas of Marx and Engels, you can ignore and disregard


    Ironically, the Maoists do not support the actual rulers of China. China like in Russia they do not publish the works of Mao anymore and in Russia they do not publish the works of Lenin. The Hoxhaists which are Stalinists have rejected completely the government of China and Maoism


    Long Live the Thoughts of Mao, Deng and Xi!!

    Enver Hoxha said that Mao Tse Tung was the modern Confucius thought, and the Maoists said that Deng took power by a coup perpetrated on the Maoists. I have read the works of Mao and there is not any Marxist ideas in the so called Mao Tse Tung thoughts


    I clearly don’t have a home here. You people aren’t socialists you’re cosplayers. I’m not gonna waste one second more on this site. Enjoy your obscurity. Sayonara from a comrade in Japan!
    Sound like another personality that we had in this forum under the name of Leon Trotsky who said that we were champagne socialists because we do not support capitalist candidates. Most of them come to this forum as teacher and then they discover that they student of socialism, or amateur.

    In this forum, members who has different views are not blocked or thrown out unless they violate the rules of the forum, if he goes to a forum of the Albanian Tendency ( followers of Enver Hoxha ) and the hardcore Maoists he would be thrown out immediately, he can swim easily in the water of the “Chavistas” and the “Castristas” , which support the government of Cuba,Iran, Russia, Vietnam, Peru, Venezuela, China and the Taliban, and any social democrats



    You people aren’t socialists you’re cosplayers.

    Bloody cheek. We have kept the original idea of socialism alive, while the left, ‘professional revolutionary’ types, distorted it in fruitless attempts, to win power to govern over the proletariat.

    ” The emancipation of the working classes must be conquered by the working classes themselves. We cannot, therefore, co-operate with people who openly state that the workers are too uneducated to emancipate themselves and must be freed from above by philanthropic big bourgeois and petty bourgeois.”(1879 Marx and Engels )


    As MS has observed, Matt, there are many visitors to this website who believe they are in possession of the “truth” and “reality” but when challenged by ourselves, they take indignant umbrage that their “knowledge” is being called into question by an organisation that holds collective wisdom of generations of socialists who have deeply studied politics and reached different conclusions from these “enlightened” visitors who rely upon the Illuminati internet as the interpretation of their “ideas”.

    It is unfortunate that we must expend our valuable energy dismissing their illusions and it is sad that they do not appreciate the alternative Marxist viewpoint and swiftly depart to pastures a-new where their glib analysis is readily accepted.

    They misunderstand the scientific method when they accuse us of standing by original socialist theory, disparagingly describing an accurate representation of traditional socialist understanding, “real socialism”, as the True Scotsman fallacy.

    They ignore that we have added important caveats to Marxism, with our contributions resulting in an improved case for socialism.


    When True Scotman revealed he is in Japan, I was about to ask about Japan’s pre-WW2 claims of being anti-imperialist but he departed too soon.

    To justify war-aims, an ideology of some sort must be attached to the military strategy.

    Japan invaded Taiwan to defend the short-lived “Republic of Formosa” and had been “invited” in.

    Japan “annexed” and Korea a protectorate to “protect” it and proceeded with the Japanisation of Korea

    Japan invaded Manchuria to “free” it from China and then began to settle it with ethnic Japanese

    They appealed to the anti-colonialism of many Indians and built an anti-British army.

    All this was later presented ideologically by Japan as anti-imperialism and steps in the creation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere to free Asian countries from Western domination.

    “Asia for the Asians”

    Naturally, the Japanese ruling class were not after a greater empire to acquire raw materials, were they? They came as liberators, didn’t they?

    But True Scotsman is able or willing to recognise the parallels.


    Mussolini also claimed that he was an anti imperialist

    In this forum we have also challenged white nationalists, black nationalist, Trumpist and Neo Nazis and they have left when they see that their ideas can not challenge ours ideas


    “Bloody cheek. We have kept the original idea of socialism alive, while the left, ‘professional revolutionary’ types, distorted it in fruitless attempts, to win power to govern over the proletariat…”freed from above by philanthropic big bourgeois and petty bourgeois”

    You just won’t quit bothering me. Fine, let’s reengage. “Fruitless”? At one point half the world’s population was living under socialist rule. Without power your words are nothing but naval gazing. Here’s another Marx quote, “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” What change has your cadre of pure driven snow-flakes brought to the world? Britain is a basket case. You lot do nothing but throw stones at those who do the actual work of realising socialist change. Shame on you all. Oh. and by the way, Ho Chi-Minh was a cook while Stalin was raised by a single mother. Yet you hate both of them too. Your hypocrisy stinks like the decomposing corpses of the 1.8 billion Indians your ancestors condemned to death through British rule of the sub-continent.


    “In this forum we have also challenged white nationalists, black nationalist, Trumpist and Neo Nazis and they have left when they see that their ideas can not challenge ours ideas”

    I left because your ideas are insufferable. No-one likes zealots. Your Plato’s forms version of socialism is laughable. You have no comrades to speak of because of this therefore no power thus condemning yourselves to oblivion. Marx would be so proud of you all.


    “these “enlightened” visitors who rely upon the Illuminati internet as the interpretation of their “ideas”.”

    Illuminati? You are funny. The cultist is throwing sticks and stones. Lucky for me your group is so splintered by crazed sectarianism that a pair of tweezers should suffice to treat any injury sustained.

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