Hong Kong

July 2024 Forums General discussion Hong Kong

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  • #223096

    The leftists and Leninist call dictator and dictatorship to any president or head of state which state in power for more than 4 or 6 years without being elected by-election and who declares himself/herself as president, by a congress without the popular vote, by a coup, there and also they call dictatorship a country which is governed by one party rules, the leftist do not apply the same rules to the dictators of the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China, we might also say that Stalin, Hitler, Xi, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Trujillo, Somoza, and others presidents were not a dictator and did not impose a dictatorship. We can also laugh about that. Anybody that is not elected as president and stays in power always asks for execution or imprisonment


    At least Lenin was more sincere when he said that the Soviet Union was developing state capitalism which was also a term used by Engels and Nikolai Bukharin and our china theoretician call it socialism The old kruschevite never claimed that they were going to establish a communist society Two concepts separated by Lenin


    “TS, what do you understand by ‘fully socialist’?”



    Define your conception of communism, it is laconic The Mapuches in Chile claim that they lived under communism during the XII century, or what is called indigenous communism,( or peasant communism ) the same one claimed by a Marxist Leninist known as Carlos Mariategui and also the Leader of the Peruvian Shining Path, and he was a Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist ( He claims a full house ) To encircle the city by a peasant armed revolution from the rural areas which is the same conception of Mao Tse Tung


    Fully socialist 2121, plenty of socialism before that.


    What is plenty of socialism? Another laconic expression

    Joseph Stalin claimed that there was no social class in the soviet union, therefore, it was plenty of socialism/communism too. The social and economic reality and historical reality showed something different, therefore, you must define what plenty of socialism is. If socialism has already been established ( which is totally false, ) why workers must wait 100 years to establish a communist society? Two-term which means the same and was separated by Vladimir Lenin.

    I think we must also apply Wez third choice that he mentioned which is psychological


    This is what these phony socialists call socialism, a program that has been carried over by many capitalist governments in different parts of the world, and the same process which Henry George wrote about. A land reform like the old bolsheviks and Russian Populists, the same process proposed by Mao Tse Tung in China. As the SS said: Old religion repacked. Emiliano Zapatas was not a socialist and he proposed a land reform for all the peasants and it is the same proposed by the Zapatistas


    Actually Khrushchev said in 1960 that Russia would achieve communism by 1980, in only 20 years time:

    “Communism in 20 years” was a slogan put forth by Nikita Khrushchev at the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1961. Khrushchev’s quote from his speech at the Congress was from this phrase: “We are strictly guided by scientific calculations. And calculations show that in 20 years we will build mainly a communist society”.The slogan refers to the establishment of a classless, moneyless, stateless society rather than a Marxist-Leninist state.

    In his speech, Khrushchev promised that communism would be built “in the main” by 1980. His phrase “The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism” was the final phrase of the new Program of the CPSU adopted at the congress.”


    “Actually Khrushchev said in 1960 that Russia would achieve communism by 1980, in only 20 years time”

    And your party has been around how long? Over a century? And what has it achieved? Oh, that’s right…nothing.


    “the leftist do not apply the same rules to the dictators of the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China, we might also say that Stalin”

    Stalin was not a dictator. Anyone who believes he was knows nothing of real existing history.



    “the leftist do not apply the same rules to the dictators of the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China, we might also say that Stalin”

    Stalin was not a dictator. Anyone who believes he was knows nothing of real existing history.



    So, you just discovered one little article about Stalin by one of his supporters, but I have read about five books and biographies of Stalin including the best one written by Isaac Deutscher ( of more than 500 pages ) which probably, you have not read, it describes his life since he was a young person



    “the leftist do not apply the same rules to the dictators of the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, and China, we might also say that Stalin”

    Stalin was not a dictator. Anyone who believes he was knows nothing of real existing history.


    “Actually Khrushchev said in 1960 that Russia would achieve communism by 1980, in only 20 years time”

    And your party has been around how long? Over a century? And what has it achieved? Oh, that’s right…nothing.


    Have you read the index of the Socialist Party/WSM ? That was the first thing that I did and I received a long history of articles, pamphlets, and accomplishments and then, I had a point of view about the socialist party before that I did not know anything about it, and it took me several months, hours, of intense reading and studying, right now you do not know anything either. You are the typical political ignorance who does not know anything and have an opinion on everything, or in popular terms is called Jack of all trade


    “So, you just discovered one little article about Stalin by one of his supporters”

    The CIA said the same thing. Are you claiming the CIA supported Stalin? LOL

    So, the CIA acknowledged that Stalin wasn’t a dictator
    byu/AngoPower28 instupidpol


    Now, you are trying to playing a game like a typical amateur, I am referring to the article that you published. My question was, have you read the biography written by Isaac Deutscher? That is the main issue


    “Actually Khrushchev said in 1960 that Russia would achieve communism by 1980, in only 20 years time”

    And your party has been around how long? Over a century? And what has it achieved? Oh, that’s right…noth


    You are right, he did say that

    Did Communism Collapse?


    I am going to incline myself toward Wez third choice, this is psychological and he is a very dishonest debater and he is fanatic.

    Probably he doesn’t know that during the war the us postal office had pictures of Stalin and Roosevelt together and a sign saying This is our ally

    He has an obsession with the cia but he does not mention the kgb which is a replica of the géstapo

    Bijou Drains

    I think it’s unfair on fanatics to call TS one. TS is just your common or garden pillock.

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