Hong Kong

July 2024 Forums General discussion Hong Kong

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  • #223050


    This is another article from the International Communist Current on China Imperialism

    They have a lot of articles about China economic imperialist expansion. On their internal forum there are a lot of discussion about China



    Another country who has electrical power outage like China and look all of pretext to avoid the real problem and blame it on seaweed. The real cause is capitalism and China is not exception on its capitalist mode of production


    At the meeting of the investors of Evergrande there were a bunch of Kamikazes who wanted to kill themselves because they are at the brinks of losing all their investment, the same as the Japanese capitalists who jump from a building to kill themselves

    The Chinese capitalists in the Caribbean who won billions of dollars in real estate ( inflated value ) are building home of 3 and 8 millions dollars for “the proletariat workers” , and most of them are owned by peoples involved on the drug traffic.

    They have replaced Lehman and Brothers and Donald Trump, and then our Chinese mouthpiece is saying that they do not influence on the affairs of the state, they are grabbing the president by the balls like the Gringos

    Several years ago the Maoist were fighting against the Canadian Mining company and they went to the streets to confront the police and military and now those mines are owned by Chinese capitalists. They became deaf mute



    Another article published by Left Communists on China sweatshop and women on those sweatshop, the same type of sweatshop known as Maquiladoras in Ecuador, Salvador and Panama, all works are performed by women, as the Free zone factories of the Caribbean islands also performed by women, and the Maquiladoras in Mexico blessed by the Chinese government. It is not different with the agreement signed by Trump and the Mexican government


    Pity that claim that the current Chinese dictator had said that the higher phase of communism/socialism (the same thing) would not be possible for another 100 years turned out to be false. But he wasn’t as pessimistic as Lenin who is reported to have said, “If Socialism can only be realised when the intellectual development of all the people permits it, then we shall not see Socialism for at least five hundred years” (From a speech in November 1918 quoted by John Reed in Ten Days that Shook the World).

    The idea that an intellectual minority can seize power and then educate people to become socialists has proved wrong in practice not just in theory. It was never going to work, not only because you can’t force people to be socialists but in the meantime you have to try to manage the capitalist economy and that can’t be made to run in the interests of the workers. What happens is that the so-called intellectual minority (or some of them) evolve into a new privileged exploiting class.


    That declaration of Lenin has been covered up or denied by many Leninists organizations because they would have been forced to tell their members and the workers that they had to wait 500 years to establish a communist society. In China by the meantime the workers must wait another 100 years and the ruling class of China is going to be making profits from the workers for another 100 years. What a niece optimistic political promise for capitalism !!! I don’t think mankind is going to accept and support another 100 years of capitalism


    Fully socialist 2121, plenty of socialism before that.

    Bijou Drains

    The dictators of your favoured system have claimed that China exists as an underdeveloped Socialist Society. (Their claim has been proven from their own publicity and has been shown beyond doubt on this thread).

    They have claimed that it is a system based on “from each according to their ability to each according to their work”.

    Yet as you have conceded Chinese society has all the hallmarks of capitalist society (billionaires, millionaires, surplus value, capital accumulation, rent, interest and profit).

    As you have also acknowledged this is contradictory. You have also acknowledged that China has a mixed economy.

    The only conclusions that can be logically drawn from this is that either:

    1 China (which you characterise as a mixed economy) has retreated away from being an underdeveloped Socialist society (Mao’s theory stated that an underdeveloped Socialist economy is a one which has progressed beyond a capitalist or mixed economy)


    2 China has never been a Socialist society of any type (in fact there is only one basis to socialism which is common ownership of the means of production)

    Which option do you go for TS? You need to answer the question.


    Even the Fabians didn’t think it would take a 170 years (1949-2121) to gradually transform capitalism into socialism. That would require the Labour Party to win about 40 general elections one after the other.


    TS, what do you understand by ‘fully socialist’?


    “The dictators of your favoured system”

    China is not a “dictatorship”. The very idea is laughable. Only fools drunk on western propaganda narratives believe such ridiculousness.

    “have claimed that China exists as an underdeveloped Socialist Society.”

    20 years ago China’s GDP was around that of Haiti. China’s is indeed still a developing nation as its brand of socialism. It is on track to be fully socialist by 2121.

    “(Their claim has been proven from their own publicity and has been shown beyond doubt on this thread)”

    This thread has shown no such thing.

    “Yet as you have conceded Chinese society has all the hallmarks of capitalist society”

    I’ve conceded no such thing. Though a wealthy elite does indeed exist, it does not pull the strings and is being reined in as we speak. 50% of the population is employed by the state the surplus value of their work going to improving the lives of the Chinese people and populations of other developing nations.

    “1 China (which you characterise as a mixed economy) has retreated away from being an underdeveloped Socialist society”

    No, they allowed capitalism to operate under tight constraints in order to build up the productive forces required to implement socialism. This is entirely consistent with Marxist theory. Recognising that capitalism rapidly bifurcates society economically, the CCP is now tightening the screws regarding inequality which it is uniquely placed to do. That is not something a capitalist government would undertake.

    “2 China has never been a Socialist society of any type (in fact there is only one basis to socialism which is common ownership of the means of production)”

    As stated, 50% of the population works in state industries. The commanding heights of the economy and all land are in the hands of the people. You far left reactionaries will never understand that socialism is a process.

    The kind of revolution you imagine has never succeeded yet you still cling to your delusions that it will. As Einstein said, it’s the definition of insanity. Your party has failed for over a century to achieve anything. You’re all a bunch of naval gazers who do nothing but condemn socialist and communist parties that have succeeded where you have failed. You have no understanding of the real world or how it operates. Compromise is necessary in a world run by an imperial hegemon that will rain death and destruction down on any socialist experiment. You are comically naive if you think a spontaneous workers’ uprising could stand up to the hegemon. Lenin described you people perfectly as suffering from an infantile disorder.


    “TS, what do you understand by ‘fully socialist’?”


    Bijou Drains

    Re The nature of an Underdeveloped Socialist Society, as referenced by the Chinese Communist Party, as I have already quoted, from

    Laws of the People’s Republic of China

    Article 6

    “The basis of the socialist economic system of the people’s Republic of China is socialist public ownership of the means of production, namely, ownership by the whole people and collective ownership by the working people. The system of socialist public ownership supersedes the system of exploitation of man by man; it applies the principle of ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his work’.”

    If, as the Law of the People’s Republic of China states, that this principle “supersedes” the system of exploitation of man by man, why is it then that it was necessary to “allow capitalism to operate under tight constraints in order to build up the productive forces required to implement socialism.”. Either is superseded exploitation or it did not.


    It is the same constitution of the Socialist Republic of Cuba which on one of its clauses ( Article #5 ) says it is a socialist society working to become a communist society under the banner of Marxism Leninism instead of being Mao Tse Tung thought, it is Fidel Castro/ Jose Marti thought, ( it is also patriotic ) and like China, it also has capitalist investment ( including Chinese capitalist investment and weapons ) and it is permitted to produce surplus value from the labor of the working class and the capitalists share the profits with the state apparatus. The same shit coming from a different toilet or latrine

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