Hong Kong

July 2024 Forums General discussion Hong Kong

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  • #222493

    MS, you judge on deeds and not on words. It is all about walking the walk and talking the talk.

    China acts in no different way from any other imperialist, regardless of official statements and press releases.

    The train to no-where in Kenya

    And note how TS reproaches the use of the Guardian and anonymous quotes but happily cites a very right-wing newspaper using hearsay. Again it is his “do as I say and not what I do”

    Our late Zambian member wrote “The ZCTU (Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions) has spoken out strongly against the New Economic Zone by pointing out that Chinese investors pay low salaries and the incidence of accidents at workplaces.”

    Isolated incidents, we think not. At Chinese-run mines in Zambia’s copper belt workers must work for two years before they get safety helmets. Ventilation below ground is poor and deadly accidents occur almost daily.

    Sanou Mbaye, a former senior official at the African Development Bank, claims more Chinese have come to Africa in the past ten years than Europeans in the past 400 – there is supposed to be 1 million Chinese workers in the continent of Africa.

    First came Chinese workers from state-owned companies, but more and more arrive individually or stay behind after finishing contract work. There is already more Chinese living in Nigeria than there were Britons during the height of the empire. From state-owned and state-linked corporations to small cockroach capitalists, the Chinese are investing across the continent bringing with them as many as one million Chinese workers to build and run the facilities.


    MS, you judge on deeds and not on words. It is all about walking the walk and talking the talk.

    China acts in no different way from any other imperialist, regardless of official statements and press releases.


    I have known for several years that the Chinese imperialists are the same as the European, Japanese, and US imperialists. The leftists are not able to see the equality.

    The Vietnam government is going to export more than one million Vietnamese to perform jobs in other countries due to the high level of unemployment and poverty


    The Vietnam government is going to export more than one million Vietnamese to perform jobs in other countries due to the high level of unemployment and poverty

    MS, The nation famous for this is, of course, The Philippines, the use of its citizens as labour in return for remittances, is an extensive part of its economy.

    An estimated 10 million overseas Filipino workers are the second-largest source of foreign exchange for the Philippines and 9.2% of its GDP.

    ILO say a total of 80,000 Vietnamese leave the country for jobs overseas each year. Approximately 400,000 Vietnamese workers are now present in over 40 countries and territories worldwide. The annual inflows of remittances by labour migrant have reached about US$2 billion, showing the economic significance of labour migration.

    But I don’t believe this include the figure of “illegal” migrants and a couple of years ago we saw in the UK the deaths of 39 Vietnamese being smuggled into the country in the back of a refrigerated truck.

    Such is the success of Doi Moi


    Such is the success of Doi Moi

    That is what the capitalist leadership of Vietnam has branded as Market Socialism, it does sound like a joke. Socialism is a world society without a market. The concept of Market Socialism was first implemented in Yugoslavia


    At one time Yugoslavia was the model for the left-wing with its self-management, cooperatives and worker councils until the national debt and inflation grew so large it embarked upon the privatisation of its industries.

    Tito was another charismatic political leader who some described as a benevolent dictator.


    #222508 REPLY

    At one time Yugoslavia was the model for the left-wing with its self-management, cooperatives, and worker councils until the national debt and inflation grew so large it embarked upon the privatization of its industries.

    Tito was another charismatic political leader who could be described as a benevolent dictator.


    And he was used by the Western Capitalists because he had conflicts with the Soviet Union, disputes between capitalists states

    There is a book written by a Stalinist titled: Eurocommunism is Anti-communism, it also includes the Soviet Union

    Tito was the darling of the Trotskyist because he was against Stalin and he was an antiimperialist, in the same way that they supported Sadan Hussein because according to them he was an antiimperialist.

    We have correctly said that antiimperialist is only a delusion.

    Any leftist dictator has been approved by the left but they reject the dictator from the right and immediately they are labelled as fascists, it is a real ambivalence,

    We do not have that kind of problem because we do not take sides with inter class conflict or disputes


    Nor should we forget that the FLN of Algeria once they threw out the French had a form of workers councils. It arose when the French owners, the pied noirs, fled and abandoned the factories and farms and (as Argentinan workers later experienced during its economic melt-down), for survival, workers had to take control of their work-places and the State then institutionalized them.

    Ben Bella described himself as a Marxist-Leninist


    Nor should we forget that the FLN of Algeria once they threw out the French had a form of workers councils. It arose when the French owners, the pied noirs, fled and abandoned the factories and farms and (as Argentinan workers later experienced during its economic melt-down), for survival, workers had to take control of their work-places and the State then institutionalized them.

    Ben Bella described himself as a Marxist-Leninist


    In Argentina, the Trotskyists were going wild when the workers took some factories and run them as capitalist enterprises ( that is what Richard Wolff calls socialist coop ) and when the factories started to produce profits the government of Argentina passed a law to take them and the state became the partner with the original owners. That is another example of the failure and falsehood of ‘corporate socialism or market socialism. That was Argentina Occupy Movement

    Argentina’s Worker-Run Factories: What Next?

    Economic meltdown in Argentina

    Political Ideas and Class Interests: A Glance at Argentina

    The Socialist Party always hits the nail on the head because our analysis is based on genuine socialist principles. All those articles have been translated into the Castillian language and they can be found on our website


    Alan wrote

    And note how TS reproaches the use of the Guardian and anonymous quotes but happily cites a very right-wing newspaper using hearsay. Again it is his “do as I say and not what I do”


    And the exploitation of the Chinese Corporations on the Orinoco Basin, probably, he does not know what the Orinoco basin is, what is the struggle in that part of the world, what natural resources it has, and the industrial applications, the Chinese corporations, and the Chinese capitalists are doing the same thing that was done by the USA corporation, and the Rockefellers. That region is rich in rare earth, metals, coltan, iron, gold, silver, copper, oil, seafood, aquifers, and fertile land. The mining in that area is destroying the life of the indigenous peoples, small farmers, family farming, and peasants


    A correction to my #222484 post.

    I thought TS was citing Mao, but no, it is a quote I think TS got from here.

    Is President Xi better than Hu?


    Mao Tse Tung never cited any follower of the idealist/metaphysical philosopher Confucius, there was a campaign in China when Mao was alive against Confucius, on his works he considered him as a backward, feudal, and reactionary philosopher. The CPC is reviving Confucius




    Beijing is aware of the bad practices carried out by some members of its fishing fleet and has been cracking down on them.

    “In West Africa, however, Chinese vessels have been accused of depleting stocks, using opaque measures to obtain licenses, and threatening the livelihood of fishermen. Beijing, increasingly aware of these practices, has cracked down by removing subsidies and revoking the licenses of fishing firms conducting illegal activities.”


    Beijing is working in conjunction with marine scientists and environmental groups to improve its fishing practices.

    Sustainable fisheries management experiences from China

    China “debt-trap diplomacy” is a myth cooked up in Washington.



    African nations welcome Chinese development.

    “And note how TS reproaches the use of the Guardian and anonymous quotes but happily cites a very right-wing newspaper using hearsay.”

    Alan is so Sino-phobic that he now bizarrely believes right-wing newspapers report favourably on China. Alan should not give up his day job, eyewitness testimony is not hearsay.


    “At Chinese-run mines in Zambia’s copper belt workers must work for two years before they get safety helmets.”


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    If sino-phobic means being critical of the Chinese government domestic and foreign policy then I plead guilty.

    But a look at another thread topic – Chinese Tensions

    “BBC bias stokes anti-China narrative”
    “The encirclement of China continues”
    “Blaming China for the climate crisis. Ignoring it was the USA who left the Paris Treaty”
    “US vice-president ignores Afghanistan and criticises China”
    “I always wonder the average American’s reaction if one of the Chinese aircraft carriers patrolled off the west coast of America or if Iranian navy battleships entered the Gulf of Mexico to visit Venezuela to claim freedom of the seas.”

    I could go on quoting my references that could be interpreted by a genuine sino-phobe as a defence of China.

    But equally, I could also quote from that topic thread my numerous references to China’s aggressive posturing, intimidating its neighbours in the claims over the South China Sea.

    It is a propaganda war, a war of words, a cold war.

    The position of this organisation is not to choose between two wrongs to determine the lesser evil.

    Neither Washington nor Beijing. No worker in any land should lay down his or her life for the ruling class.

    There is no good war but the class war.

    As for the problem of the Chinese fishing fleet being remedied, my source was a few years old, so the government has had ample time to fix the problem.

    This report is practically live.

    AP News tracked Chinese fishing ships either sailed with their mandatory safety transponders turned off, broadcast multiple electronic IDs or transmitted information that didn’t match its listed name or location — discrepancies that are often associated with illegal fishing

    Pingtan Marine and its affiliates have left in their wake accusations of illegal fishing by authorities in places as diverse as South Africa, Timor Leste, Ecuador, and Indonesia.

    But the company is not some rogue outfit. It boasts China’s second-largest overseas fleet, trades shares on the U.S. Nasdaq, and in its home port of Fuzhou, is helping build one of the world’s largest fish factories. The company’s Chairman and CEO, Zhou Xinrong, appears to have built the fishing empire through massive state loans, generous subsidies, and Communist Party connections.
    “It’s not just a fishing company — it’s practically a Chinese government asset,” said Susi Pudjiastuti, Indonesia’s former fishing minister


    The report does concede that China is at least publicly trying to make amends

    “At least now, they’re acknowledging that their fishing is unsustainable, even if it’s just to counter all the negative pushback they’re getting around the world.”

    Better late than never, eh?

    And it explains that China isn’t doing anything other countries have done. Our blog has reported on Iceland looting foreign fishing beds and the Japanese and Korean, too.

    We try to be even-handed and not spout the propaganda of either side.


    “At Chinese-run mines in Zambia’s copper belt workers must work for two years before they get safety helmets.” Bullshit.

    Not according to The Economist
    (registration required)

    No doubt whereas the Daily Telegraph is a reliable source for TS to quote from, The Economist like the Guardian is not dependable to report the facts.

    It could be explained that there might be a two-year probationary period before a new recruit can work underground. Who knows?

    But if TS wishes another right-wing newspaper reporter’s opinion, Peter Hitchins,

    Sata says: ‘The Chinese are not here as investors, they are here as invaders… ‘Wherever our Chinese “brothers” are they don’t care about the local workers,’ he complains, alleging that Chinese companies have lax safety procedures and treat their African workers like dirt.
    In language which seems exaggerated, but which will later turn out to be at least partly true, he claims: ‘They employ people in slave conditions.’
    ‘They bring Chinese to come and push wheelbarrows, they bring Chinese bricklayers, they bring Chinese carpenters, Chinese plumbers. We have plenty of those in Zambia.’

    Denis Lukwesa, deputy general secretary of the Zambian Mineworkers’ Union, also backed up Sata’s view, saying: ‘They just don’t understand about safety. They are more interested in profit.’


    ““At Chinese-run mines in Zambia’s copper belt workers must work for two years before they get safety helmets.” Bullshit.

    Not according to The Economist
    (registration required)”

    The Economist provides no evidence for its claim. It probably comes from the anonymously published article at faceofmalawi.com which also provides no evidence. So, you point to a decade old, anonymously sourced allegation as proof that China is as imperialist as the US and Europe? I’m still calling bullshit.

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