Hong Kong

July 2024 Forums General discussion Hong Kong

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  • #205431

    China blocks opposition in elections


    It said they could not be considered to be abiding by the constitutional duty required of lawmakers if they:
    advocated for, or promoted, Hong Kong’s independence

    solicited intervention by foreign governments in Hong Kong’s affairs

    expressed “an objection in principle” to the imposition of the national security law by central authorities in Beijing

    expressed “an intention to exercise the functions of a LegCo Member by indiscriminately voting down” any legislative proposals introduced by the Hong Kong government, “so as to force the government to accede to certain political demands”

    <p class=”story-body__introduction”>Four students have been arrested in Hong Kong in the first police operation to enforce China’s new national security law for the territory. The four were detained for “inciting secession” on social media after the new law began on 1 July, police said.</p>


    China will not recognise the British national (overseas) passport as a legal travel document, raising the prospect that the 3 million Hong Kong citizens eligible for the passport will be banned from leaving Hong Kong by the Chinese government.


    The refusal to recognise the BNO passport in theory raises the prospect of tens of thousands of Hong Kong citizens being trapped in the city or being refused re-entry if they leave the country andtry to return, although there was some confusion over the practical impact of the policy, since Hong Kong residents say they can leave and re-enter Hong Kong without showing a BNO passport. An ID card is normally sufficient to pass through immigration.


    The Hong Kong government has postponed its upcoming elections for one year, citing the growing coronavirus outbreak in the territory but sparking immediate accusations that the pandemic was being used as a pretext to suppress democracy.


    Trump appears to be trying to follow the Chinese game-play (or other way around)



    A similar situation is taking place in the USA, but the USA government treats both situations in a different, the protest in Hong Kong are democratic and the protests in the USA are anti-democratic, the same analysis can be applied to the protests taking place  in Colombia, Bolivia and Venezuela


    Trump even “warned” Iran……not to shoot demonstrators.
    While Trump orders police act, police used  ‘rubber bullets’, which sound  ‘harmless’ enough. However, a number of people, one just an innocent passerby, was hit in the face and lost the sight of an eye. Some have been hit in the face, leading to facial injury. As case of do as I say not as I do!

    I think Iran responded by warning  Trump, which was reported I saw on Twitter.


    I am perplexed by the UK’s welcome to political dissenters from Hong Kong to re-locate to Britain yet it puts up every obstacle to ensure those being far more persecuted by other governments and suffering much greater threats to liberty and safety cannot enter the UK.

    Is it that they suspect only the wealthy will accept the invitation? But even skilled professionals who are asylum seekers from places other than HK, who can pay for their own airfares and hotels get rebuffed by UK Border Guards.

    Is it, as the customary anti-immigration right-wingers say, fair-play Britain “honouring” their commitments and responsibilities but who are very happy to ignore their obligations under international law elsewhere?

    Where are the we are too small an island for too many foreigners who thought EU Europeans coming to the UK was too much.

    Is it all part of the anti-China expansionism policy? The unavoidable price of demonizing the Chinese dictators.


    For the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement in a letter to the Nobel committee released on Wednesday, nine US lawmakers across party lines recommends it.



    The USA carried the same coup attempt in Hong Kong as it was tried to be done in Washington on January 6, 2021. The USA government has overthrown much government around the world, Obama and his outlaws overthrew Zelaya in Honduras and now the country is a real mess, and they killed Kadhaffi in Lybia, and before that, they overthrew the democratic government of Iran and establish a theocratic government, the invasion of Panama, the coup in Venezuela, in Haiti, etc etc and Joe Biden was part of those criminal plots. If they are going to establish a criminal trial, probably, they would be forced to start with George Washington and the 45th presidents who followed him. It is criminality incorporated. The members of the Sicilians mafia are boy scouts


    No doubt expecting the focus to be elsewhere, the Chinese authorities continue its clamp down on pro-democracy activists

    Carol Ng, chair of Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (HKCTU), was on 28th February charged her and was among 47 arrested in total, for conspiracy to commit subversion.


    The Chinese government took a leaf out of the British government’s rule-book on Julian Assange.

    While ruling that dissidents should be released on bail, they continued detention on the basis that there is an appeal against the court decision as in the UK case with Assange who remains in jail despite the court saying he cannot be extradited


    Yes, the trick is the process is the punishment…


    The new patriot law.


    Under the measures, anyone hoping to enter Hong Kong’s political scene will need to be vetted by a committee to ensure the city is governed by “patriots”, and the number of directly elected seats will be reduced from half to less than a quarter.

    [but just one gentle reminder, in the UK, MPs have to demonstrate their loyalty by swearing an oath of allegiance to the Queen)


    Another example of a movement for some measure of political democracy being crushed by a powerful state. Did the pro-democracy activists really think they could win against the Chinese central government if they took them head on? Who decided to make the mistake of storming and trashing the legislative assembly building and other provocations? A less confrontational approach may have been able to save something but it looks as if they have now lost everything.

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