Hong Kong

July 2024 Forums General discussion Hong Kong

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  • #222240

    It is not the internecine dispute that interests me but the delusional adherence to Stalinism such as belief in the guilt of the early Bolshevik leaders accused in the Moscow show trials. I have indicated TS shares all the traits of a conspiracist and is beyond any reasoning.

    He is no different from the followers of Natural News and Dr. Mercola other than he drapes himself in the Chinese flag.


    “I have indicated TS shares all the traits of a conspiracist and is beyond any reasoning.”

    A conspiracist? Really? What conspiracy are you claiming I adhere to? I have provided ample evidence to support just about every claim I’ve made on this thread. You, on the other hand, simply ignore the copious number of inconvenient facts that contradict your less than stellar thinking. It is so easy to expose imperialist talking points such as those you spout I’m sure I could do it blind folded. Which is why, no doubt, you’re too afraid to continue engaging with me. Because I’ve made you look the fool. Very easy to do by the way.

    “He is no different from the followers of Natural News and Dr. Mercola other than he drapes himself in the Chinese flag.”

    I have no idea who you are talking about and nor do I care. You are a cowardly reactionary who snipes from the sidelines rather than engage in debate like a grown up. Sad little budgie.


    ‘I have no idea who you are talking about and nor do I care. You are a cowardly reactionary who snipes from the sidelines rather than engage in debate like a grown up. Sad little budgie.’

    Sadly the usual mixture of ignorance and arrogance that characterizes the Left. Can you not get it in your head that no socialist is interested in your defense of a militaristic, fascistic one party state that masquerades as some kind of ‘socialism’.


    ‘delusional adherence to Stalinism’

    Alan – that question is relevant and entirely within the realms of psychology – something that Reich (who you’ve already quoted) and the Frankfurt School dedicated their lives to try and understand.


    ‘I have no idea who you are talking about and nor do I care. You are a cowardly reactionary who snipes from the sidelines rather than engage in debate like a grown up. Sad little budgie.’

    Sadly the usual mixture of ignorance and arrogance that characterizes the Left. Can you not get it in your head that no socialist is interested in your defense of a militaristic, fascistic one party state that masquerades as some kind of ‘socialism’.

    Why this forum and the moderator must take and accept the insults and harassment of this troll? This forum is like his personal catharsis


    Only TS, we are NOT left wing*.

    But do carry on. I haven’t had a good laugh…my sides are hurting so much in a longgggggggg longgggg time.
    * This is one of your gripes…why we (you say without a shred of evidence*) are so despised?

    * Do furnish your evidence for this claim


    Wez, huge populist movements have been created through the manipulation of peoples’ emotions.

    As you say Reich was one of the pioneers (before he too was victim to his own phantoms) with his ‘Mass Psychology of Fascism’. Then there is Erich Fromm’s ‘Fear of Freedom’.

    People are very contradictory creatures which make us very interesting when it comes to the development of political ideologies. We may be full of paradoxes but in another way, we are very simple beings, motivated by some very basic stimuli.

    Didn’t we have our own psycho-analytic critics with Harold Walsby and George Walford?

    I’m always fascinated by how politics become quasi-religions. Sometimes, I even think of our own D. of P. as a version of the Ten Commandments.

    What really has stopped us from becoming a cult is that we have avoided any messianic figure, and you cannot have followers if you have no leader to follow, no Pope, nor conclave of cardinals to obey.

    Some may think we treat Marx as one since we call ourselves Marxists and frequently resort to citing his writings as an authority. But we do so just as those against religious creationism describe themselves as Darwinian evolutionists.
    We have added to the ideas of Marx from the experience of changed circumstances and increased knowledge without undermining the general validity of Marxism itself.

    Why TS insists black is white and clings to disproven facts shows the difficulty we are up against. Is it possible to persuade a true believer that he or she is wrong.

    Trump supporters have not been easily convinced that much of the ‘fake’ news is not all fake and that Trump indeed lost the election.

    I find the same parallel with TS

    That does not mean we don’t have our own issues with the media. But it doesn’t mean we dismiss the logic of the scientific method, of critical thinking and to make the world conform to our personal perception of it.


    “Why TS insists black is white and clings to disproven facts shows the difficulty we are up against.”

    I’m a conspiricist and cling to disproven facts? Now, you keep saying that Alan yet you have repeatedly failed to articulate what conspiracy I subscribe to and what “disproven facts” I am guilty of grasping at. Why is that Alan? You have the temerity to accuse me of thought crimes yet fail to level any specific charges against me. A funny kind of Star Chamber this one. I can only imagine you behave in such a manner because you are afraid of the inevitable educational beat down that would come your way. I don’t blame you, you are already bloody and bruised from our encounter. Nevertheless, I think it only fair you allow the accused to defend themselves. Or is fairness another thing you don’t believe in?

    “Trump supporters have not been easily convinced that much of the ‘fake’ news is not all fake and that Trump indeed lost the election.”

    Lucky for me I’m not a Trump supporter then. All this passive aggressive guilt by association schtick really is wearing thin, Alan. FFS man, what on earth is my thought crime?

    “That does not mean we don’t have our own issues with the media. But it doesn’t mean we dismiss the logic of the scientific method, of critical thinking and to make the world conform to our personal perception of it.”

    Yet again, vague accusations. There’s no meat on those bones, Alan. Spit it out man, what untruths and what conspiracies are you accusing me of subscribing to? It’s getting painfully obvious that you yourself, don’t even know. And you accuse me of faulty thinking? At least I can articulate my views. You should try it sometime.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by TrueScotsman.

    The best solution is to stop answering his provocations Do not feed the troll, let him cook in his own sauce


    “The best solution is to stop answering his provocations Do not feed the troll, let him cook in his own sauce”

    Indeed, which is why I have been ignoring you MS. You have contributed nothing of interest to this conversation whatsoever.


    MS, i am no longer engaging with TS, I am talking about him, but not to him.

    His ignorance is such that he is incapable of even recognising his opinions constitute conspiracy theories.

    There are wider implications for socialists on such belief systems and mindsets as portrayed by TS.

    Marx talked about “false ideologies” but there have been further and deeper analyses made since his time and we should learn of their relevance.

    TS has failed to understand my earlier statement, “goodbye and good riddance” and he keeps jumping up and down like a little man, shouting out, “look at me…look at me”, expecting a response.



    Socialists in the USA are like chicken teeth and fish legs

    Engels called ideology false consciousnesses


    I stand corrected, MS. False consciousness was what I intended to mean.

    Sometimes it is useful to have someone that exemplifies the problem explaining our case for socialism.


    “TS has failed to understand my earlier statement, “goodbye and good riddance” and he keeps jumping up and down like a little man, shouting out, “look at me…look at me”, expecting a response.”

    Oh, you’ve rage quit have you Alan? I’m crestfallen. Very well, like the cat playing with the mouse, I’ve had my fun.

    A message to anyone reading this who is not a member of the TSPGB cult:

    Alan, and his merry band of reactionaries are frauds. They have no conception of working class solidarity nor solidarity with the oppressed targets of western imperialism. There is a fundamental difference between opposing western imperialist attacks on other nations and being supporters of those nations’ regimes. The overwhelming victims of such western aggression are the working classes therein. Alan, and his tribe of fellow misfits are so reactionary that they not only parrot the narratives vomited up by the western imperialist propaganda machine against targeted nations, they actively smear those who attempt to shine a light on it. They are class enemies and you should run for the door.

    China, through Hong Kong, was targeted for such aggression and similar acts are taking place across SE Asia from Myanmar and Malaysia to Cambodia and Thailand. You will learn nothing from the jokers populating this site on any of this. On the contrary they will cheer-lead for the aggressors and claim any imperialist success as a win for freedom. They are western chauvinists and morons.


    What has happened with the moderation of this forum?

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