Historical Materialism

July 2024 Forums General discussion Historical Materialism

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  • #85929

    If the claim of Historical Materialism that every theory is marked by features which belong to it because it was generated in some particular type of economic and social order is true, then Historical Materialism itself must be marked by such features. What were they?


    Sounds like the subject of a student essay !


    Historical materialism was a development from Physical Science materialism which was a weapon used by the rising bourgeois class in its struggle for the control of political power against the landed aristocracy which then held it and which relied on Catholic Christianity as its ideological weapon. This is quite well explained in the early chapters of Anton Pannekoek's Lenin as Philospher (which incidently is a criticism of Lenin not an exposition of Lenin's views):https://www.marxists.org/archive/pannekoe/1938/lenin/

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