Hillary Clinton 2016

July 2024 Forums General discussion Hillary Clinton 2016

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    Dave B
    Dave B wrote:
    Well things are heating up a bit re hacked Hillary’s Emails. This could turn into a fascinating soap opera. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-36695722  Apparently she has ‘lost’ a load of them because they were ‘deleted’; but the Russians say that they could help out there because they already have them along with Wikileaks. The private social meeting, with drinks, of husband Bill with the Attorney General on private Lear Jets after bumping into each other in a VIP lounge is factual apparently, exposed by gobshite leftists? There is also a allegation of a rape of a 13 year old girl against Trump running around the media mill that will probably end up having enough legs to run into the election.

     The capitalist media and its cardboard readers and puppets named journalists, are just saying that she has violated the secrecy of the USA, the real true is that those email are living proofs that the  US government is an institution run and governed by gangsters and criminals, and that all the presidents and ministers are just a bunch of criminals and crooks,  and at the end of their period they obtain legal immunity, instead of being criminally processed as a required by the so called capitalist legal system.This  capitalist society is based on legal crimes and illegal crimes, the legal crimes are only applied to the workers, a poor person found with an ounce of Marihuana is sent  to  jail for several years, and a government murderer is given immunity, and they live like kings and protected by the security services, and then they make millions of dollars giving stupid public speeches, and most peoples admire them and applaud their criminal acts. The sheep are the only ones who need leadersThe peoples  that are voting for her do not care about the millions of human beings  that have been killed and will be killed if any of the so called candidates become captain of the warships. Every USA presidents leave the platform and the conditions to continue exploiting, killing and robbing the natural resources of others countries for the benefits of their real bosses


    She is the perfect candidate for the Republican PartyThe convention of the Republican Party looks like the convention of the National Socialist Party of Germany ( Nazis ) or the National  Fascist Party  of Italy. Instead of blaming the economical problems on the Jews, now they are being blamed on the Mexican and the peoples from the Middle East. In the period of economical crisis the ruling class has always used narrow  and extreme nationalism in order to take power and control I can not implant in my brain the idea that workers will support their own exploiters, their own class enemies,  and will march behind the capitalist class. This crook known as Donald Trump he made all his money from the sweat of the working class, and he earned his fortunes precisely from the same conditions that he is attacking, and millions of workers are believing those nonsense. The poor supporting the rich The de-industrialization of the US brought the real estate boom and the finance of real estate property by the banking system, and the price of real estate was inflated, and poor peoples were thrown out from Manhattan, Brooklyn, and the Bronx,  and the poor neighborhood of the US, and it was called the process of gentrificationThe real estate market is based on parasitism in the same way as the banking system. Many of those property when they were original built they did not cost too much money, there were complete neighborhood built for war veterans, and in some countries homes were built by companies to provide a home to their employee


    If the arguement of Sanders supporters that he pushed Hilarity to the left then it certainly hasn't been shown in her choice of Vice President.Kaine is on the right of the Democratic party and a Wall St clone, supporting new de-regulation of the banks and supporting the TPP and TTIP trade deals. 


    More on that Damnocrat VPhttps://www.thenation.com/article/tim-kaine-has-a-troubling-record-on-labor-issues/Kaine has  a long history of defending his state’s right-to-work law. A decade ago, when he was governor, Kaine referred to Virginia’s right-to-work measure as “a law I strongly support.”PolitiFact Virginia concluded: “he supported Virginia’s right-to-work laws during his gubernatorial campaign and his four years in office. Even the group that seeks to expand these laws [the National Right to Work Foundation] concedes Kaine did few things that troubled them.”

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    More on that Damnocrat VPhttps://www.thenation.com/article/tim-kaine-has-a-troubling-record-on-labor-issues/Kaine has  a long history of defending his state’s right-to-work law. A decade ago, when he was governor, Kaine referred to Virginia’s right-to-work measure as “a law I strongly support.”

    What about a "right-to-be-a-capitalist" and not have to work?


    The so called  right to work law is just a reactionary law emitted by Senators and Governors to defend the interest of the capitalist class, they are not implemented in order to benefits the working class, as well,  the workers unions are reactionary as the law itself, because the only concern of the union bureaucrats  is to receive the union dues, they are also parasite like the capitalist class, living in the back of the workers. Most of the union leaders they have always compromised with the capitalists The election of this senator as Vice-President is an indication of what would be the  future of the US working class, who ever they elect is going to affect them and benefits the rulers. The real Vice-President might be her husband Bill Clinton who might be her backdoor adviser.Workers always get defeat when they march behind their own rulers and exploiters


    I'm curious to what political role the new "First Lady", Bill Clinton, shall have under a Hilarity presidency?What degree of political power will he be given? At the moment it is speculation but i suspect he will have much more influence than someone such as the Vice-President.The person who perhaps can be blamed the most for the 2007 Great Recession due to his dergultion of th finncial sector is tipped to become the economic tsar according to the New York Times.http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/17/us/politics/bill-hillary-clinton-administration-economy.html?_r=0

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I'm curious to what political role the new "First Lady", Bill Clinton, shall have under a Hilarity presidency?What degree of political power will he be given? At the moment it is speculation but i suspect he will have much more influence than someone such as the Vice-President.The person who perhaps can be blamed the most for the 2007 Great Recession due to his deregulation of the financial sector is tipped to become the economic tsar according to the New York Times.http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/17/us/politics/bill-hillary-clinton-administration-economy.html?_r=0

    Bill Clinton is just another mythology like Saint Jimmy Carter, He  is going  to be the president again if she is elected. The state is not an institutional controlled by an individual, and it is not the administration of one individual either. It is the apparatus of domination and control of one ruling class represented by puppets, that is reason why it is called the super-structure. No political figure is able to change the economical base, on the contrary, the economical base will change them


    Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was forced to resign after Wikileaks  proved top DNC staff plotted to sabotage Sanders’ presidential hopes. But now Hillary Clinton has issued a statement extolling Wasserman Schultz’s tenure and announcing that she would become honorary campaign chair of her presidential campaign.  “There’s simply no one better at taking the fight to the Republicans than Debbie—which is why I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states,” Clinton said.And, of course, to distract from the truth, the Clinton campaign is blaming the Russians for revealing the e-mails…(i suppose some convention delegates will now be spotted with snow on their shoes and it won't be from climate change!!)

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was forced to resign after Wikileaks  proved top DNC staff plotted to sabotage Sanders’ presidential hopes. But now Hillary Clinton has issued a statement extolling Wasserman Schultz’s tenure and announcing that she would become honorary campaign chair of her presidential campaign.  “There’s simply no one better at taking the fight to the Republicans than Debbie—which is why I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign’s 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states,” Clinton said.And, of course, to distract from the truth, the Clinton campaign is blaming the Russians for revealing the e-mails…(i suppose some convention delegates will now be spotted with snow on their shoes and it won't be from climate change!!)

    Another distraction is saying that Donald Trump is a Russian agent. Lyndon Larouche has spent several years saying that Obama is a British agent, in reality he works for an agency of the CIA and his parents too. US politic  is based on movie personalities not in political principles


    Now it has been proven that both political parties are one divided into two pieces, it is the dictatorship of one party and one social class, and the workers elect their pre-selected puppets It has also been proven that the Democratic Party leaders also make electoral frauds, vote suppression, and they pre-elect their own candidates before the primaries takes place, like the leaders of the Republican Party. It has been proven openly  in the air that the so called US Democracy is just a farce propagated by the rulers and implanted in the minds of the workers.Nobody can"t say anything against the so called banana republics. Who ever doesn't see what is taking place he or she might need binoculars to understand the reality


    https://itsgoingdown.org/are citing Bernie's 'betrayal' as a reason to reject electoral politics.


    New York Senator Chuck Schumer: "For every blue-collar Democrat we will lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two or three moderate Republicans in the suburbs of Philadelphia."In defence of Sanders, his supporters often claim that his campaign pushed Hilarity Clinton to a more progressive left position. This articles argues differently and suggests that in fact theTrump's candidacy has shifted Clinton to the right.http://www.commondreams.org/views/2016/08/04/oligarchs-are-feeling-right-home-democratic-party

    This year, far from standing on what many have celebrated as "the most progressive platform in history," Hillary Clinton's rightward lurch has been particularly brazen and unapologetic.Justifying the shift in terms of defeating Donald Trump, Clinton and her allies have been "aggressively courting Republican leaders" and their right-leaning donors within the business community (she has also chosen as her running mate a pro-Wall Street "cash machine").Earlier this week, Hewlett Packard executive Meg Whitman, typically a strong fundraiser for the Republican Party, announced that she would be supporting Clinton, both at the ballot box and through donations.This endorsement followed those of Michael Bloomberg, Mark Cuban, and Warren Buffett.But the focus on high-profile billionaires obscures the broader discussion of the Democratic Party's move away from labor and toward wealthier, white-collar professionals, whose views on economic issues in particular are often antithetical to the ambitious changes necessary to combat the trends that have left millions without even the most basic of necessities.Hillary Clinton has, in light of these recent endorsements, predictably attempted to differentiate between "good" billionaires and "bad" billionaires.
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