Green Reformism in Germany

September 2024 Forums General discussion Green Reformism in Germany

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    Germany’s Green party once made its name campaigning against high military spending, nuclear power and dirty fossil fuels.

    Since taking office as part of Olaf Scholz’s three-party “traffic light” coalition government last December, however, Die Grünen have become the Bundestag’s most vocal advocates of supporting the Ukrainian resistance with heavy weapons. They have extended the running time of three nuclear power stations due to shut down at the end of the year, reactivated mothballed coal plants and built the country’s first terminals for importing fossil fuel in liquefied form.


    Yes, the German Greens are a bunch of Scheißer. But not so much for keeping nuclear plants going as for being war-mongers over Ukraine. Quite unconcerned about the carbon footprint of the Russo-NATO war.


    Greta Thunberg criticized Germany’s Green Party on Saturday for supporting the demolition of the village of Lützerath to make way for the expansion of the coal mine Garzweiler.

    Making deals with fossil fuel corporations such as energy giant RWE – which has bought the site of Lützerath for mining – “show where their priorities are”, Thunberg said of the Greens, who form part of Germany’s coalition government

    Leading Green politicians such as Economy Minister Robert Habeck have defended the demolition of Lützerath, arguing that the coal below is needed to maintain energy security in the current crisis. The local and national governments, both of which include the Green party, made a deal with fossil fuel giant RWE last year allowing it to destroy the village in return for a promise to end coal use by 2030, rather than 2038.

    “The coal that is in the ground here will not lower prices immediately. Anyone who thinks like that is simply out of touch with reality,” Thunberg said.

    The Greens are also in power in the state of North-Rhine Westphalia, where the village of Lützerath has become the latest flashpoint for activists opposed to the government’s continued use of coal.


    Many Green Party supporters are feeling betrayed.

    Among those disappointed is Luisa Neubauer, leader of the “Fridays for Future” climate movement in Germany. “I don’t know if the Green Party leadership is aware of what it has done.” She fears that many members may turn away.

    The “deal negotiated with the energy company RWE threatens to break with the principles of our party,” 2,000 Green Party members wrote in an open letter to Habeck and Neubaur. “We are also breaking with the Paris climate agreement, the government’s coalition agreement and are losing the last bit of trust from the climate justice movement.”


    They are not just reformists but war-mongers leading the charge to revive German militarism.

    “The German Green party, which has its roots in the peace movement, has been one of the most avid supporters of more weapons being sent to Ukraine. The party was also actively backing a decision to send Leopard 2 main battle tanks, which the German government approved this week.”

    German foreign minister: ‘We are fighting a war with Russia’

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