Greater London elections May 2016

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement Greater London elections May 2016

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    alanjjohnstone wrote:

    For the time being i think this is the best place to discuss the London elections until the party makes a decision on its position to staanding.

    First the costs, excluding printing and publicity and i presume a new video, 

    The deposits are £1,000 for the constituency seats and £5,000 for the list, both with a 2.5% threshold for retention, and £10,000 for the mayoral race, where there is a 5% threshold.

    On the conditions for standing side, it only remains to add that, to stand for mayor, you need 330 signatories (10 in each of the 32 London boroughs and in the City of London). To stand a list or in a constituency none are required, only the deposit. There is no free postal delivery except for the mayor election for which every elector will be sent a brochure with the manifesto of all the candidates.

    in view of the Conference vote, there is no objection of principle to contesting the mayor election, but still a problem to get the 330 signatories even if this is the time and energy to get them rather than finding 330 people prepared to sign (I think we could find that. After all, we found a 100 to contest the general election).

    The election committee will shortly be consulting branches about next year's elections. There's also elections for the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly as well as council elections in some places.

    While I'm writing, I've just had a voting paper from my MP, Zac Goldsmith, who wants to stand for mayor for the Tories but is seeking the permission first of his constituents. It offers three choices: Yes, No and Don't Know. I'm going to vote Don't Care.


    So for 10,000 quid we get our message delivered ….more or less guaranteed this time that they won't be dumped too …at a guess 5 million people…someone can correct me on that number…That sounds a reasonable proposition economically. So it will all be down to the quality of the text our manifesto then…how many words and how many pictures are permitted?..I think we should gamble and be very adventurous and innovatve…not our usual dry language …how else can we get people to read it when a dozen or more will be alongside to distract from it…peoples eyes will blur over unless we have something that stands out and the media may well over-look a dull worded statement from a minority party as uninterestingAre we going to be an improved logo on the voting paper or run with the one the electoral commission imposed upon us? Is that in hand?


    Sadiq Khan has won Labour nomination for Mayor Are we standing?


    That's to be discussed at ADM in October.


    Do we have members in London willing to stand?


    Yes, we do have a member who has said he is willing to stand for Mayor. But to stand a candidate/party needs to put down a deposit of £10,000 (returnable only if you get 5% of votes) and obtain 10 signatures per London borough including the City of London, i.e 330. In return, the candidates election message will be included with that of the other candidates that will be distributed free to every elector in London (some 5 million people).Some have argued that this is a no-brainer. The problem wouldn't be money but getting the 330 signatures. Having said that, we got 100 to contest the 10 seats in the general election, so its probably doable if tedious. Up to ADM to decide and volunteer signature-seeks to come forward.There are also elections to the (toothless) Greater London Assembly the same day. Two branches have indicated they would like to contest a constituency (which covers 2 or 3 London boroughs with an average electorate of over  350,000). The deposit is £1000. There is no free postal distribution.


    Strange isn't it that they demand a nomination from the City of London yet it keeps its independence and special privileges outside the control of the GLA and London mayor, having its own police, administration and its own mayor. Perhaps our candidate can highlight that the City of London is the co-ordination centre for all those Tax Havens around the world.


    I really hope the Party doesn't go down the road of contesting the mayoral election. I don't think there's anything to be gained from it.


    We probably won't do it but why wouldn't we gain anything if we did?

    imposs1904 wrote:
    I really hope the Party doesn't go down the road of contesting the mayoral election. I don't think there's anything to be gained from it.

    1. The opportunity to publicise our name and contact details, let alone the case for socialism will surely be a gain? 2. The result will go a long way in confirming the support in London for socialism.3. The only other alternative is we compete from the sidelines.

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