Global Resource Bank

July 2024 Forums Off topic Global Resource Bank

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    John Pozzi

    Hi Dave B., BS. What it says is:The GRBe System "Everyone owns 1 share in the GRB, the shareholders’ value the earth’s wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe."What would be an example of the resources of nature? Natural light, energy, air, water, land, food, shelter, climate, law, biodiversity, consciousness, and exchange, grows with investments in ecosystems, GRBnet, farming, conservation, transportation, science, disarmament,  health, technology, innovation, education, efficiency, music, art, love, joy, i.e., life. 

    Vin wrote:
    John Pozzi wrote:
    Hi Vin,In your social system in which money is obsolete what will we use as a global medium of exchange? 

    Exchange economy isn't doing it for me. I have nothing to exchange but my labou power. As our cde in previous post has said  to you on a number of occasions, you need to understand what socialism/communism is.'Exchange economy'  has become a fetter on mankind's advancement. It is as primitive and as obselete as religion. We no longer need it.

    We do not need money either. In a world Socialist-Communist society paper money would be used to clean toilet, and clean our butt, it would become raw material for  the paper recycling production,  and silver and gold will be used to make cooking pots.Socialism is so easy to be understood when we have the desire to place new ideas in our brains, but some peoples do like to complicate their life.The key word is: Social Production, it is not an economical system, why are we going to need an absolete system like exchange and money when everything is going to be available to the producers ? . We have a very good book known as the Alterntive to Capitalism that explains all that in simple terms. Books do not bite.  Nobody can go to a surgery room without medical knowledge, therefore, we can not become socialists without studying socialism, it does not get inside our brains thru osmosis

    John Pozzi

    Dave,,No, it is not a green taxation system."The GRBe income account earns ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and balances ecos with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium."You need work on your comprehension. Does free-flowing digital eco currency render the state, taxes, debt, politics, tariffs, interest, corruption, hunger, inequality, poverty, pollution, refugees, artificial scarcity economics, currency manipulation, imposed labor, crime, ignorance, environmental destruction, racism, spying, hacking, terrorism, armament, war, and borders obsolete? Yes. – Therefore:The state doesn't exist in the direct democratic GRB society, and in socialistic fiat money terms, value, profit, buy, surplus, wage, labor, purchase, wealth, sale, etc. have no meaning. The GRB shareholder medium of exchange, eco measures the shareholder value of natural wealth – not the state's "product" of labor (i.e. pollution, armament, war, etc.). In the GRB there is no labor, but the labor of love for our source of life, i.e., Earth.SOCIALISM needs a new system

    John Pozzi wrote:
    :The state doesn't exist in the direct democratic GRB society, and in socialistic fiat money terms, value, profit, buy, surplus, wage, labor, purchase, wealth, sale, etc. have no meaning. The GRB shareholder medium of exchange, eco measures the shareholder value of natural wealth – not the state's "product" of labor (i.e. pollution, armament, war, etc.). In the GRB there is no labor, but the labor of love for our source of life, i.e., Earth.SOCIALISM needs a new system

    You are still not getting it John There is no "medium of exchange" in socialism becuase there is no exchange,  Period. Exchange implies private property and therefore the absence of common property Also, you keep on going on about there being "no labour" in your scheme.  Are you envisaging full automation?  If so how do you propose to achieve that?

    John Pozzi wrote:
    Dave,,No, it is not a green taxation system."The GRBe income account earns ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and balances ecos with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium."You need work on your comprehension. Does free-flowing digital eco currency render the state, taxes, debt, politics, tariffs, interest, corruption, hunger, inequality, poverty, pollution, refugees, artificial scarcity economics, currency manipulation, imposed labor, crime, ignorance, environmental destruction, racism, spying, hacking, terrorism, armament, war, and borders obsolete? Yes. – Therefore:The state doesn't exist in the direct democratic GRB society, and in socialistic fiat money terms, value, profit, buy, surplus, wage, labor, purchase, wealth, sale, etc. have no meaning. The GRB shareholder medium of exchange, eco measures the shareholder value of natural wealth – not the state's "product" of labor (i.e. pollution, armament, war, etc.). In the GRB there is no labor, but the labor of love for our source of life, i.e., Earth.SOCIALISM needs a new system

    Socialism-communism does not need  a new system because it does not exist, and it has never been tried. Your mind is still in the cold war period. What has to be replaced is capitalism. Probably, there are two things: You do not get it, or you are trying just to fool around in this forum  

    mcolome1 wrote:
    Probably, there are two things: You do not get it, or you are trying just to fool around in this forum  

    The latter, I think comrade. If the former then here are a couple of videos that might clear the cobwebs 

    Vin wrote:
    mcolome1 wrote:
    Probably, there are two things: You do not get it, or you are trying just to fool around in this forum  

    The latter, I think comrade. If the former then here are a couple of videos that might clear the cobwebs 

     Do not waste your time. He knows what he is doing, he is just playing with the forum. Another businesman in a Socialist forum. He is not from Italy either,


    I was wrong. There is life in this thread yet…but Pozzi is hanging on by a thread…

    Dave B

    On a slightly connected issue I have asked to prepare some stuff for a Manchester ‘talk’ on green things and had volunteered to do some stuff on packaging as it is professionally close to home etc. And I suspected it would be interesting. And I think the summer school is on the environment. We actually had a corporate email circular sent today from the PR manager on a Greenpeace article on plastic bottles. What is of interest is increasing amount of recycling that is ongoing in Europe mainly as a result of an EU directive from 1999 and rolling to 2020 etc. The recycling targets were quite ambitious and ‘commendable’ the UK are meeting targets ; Germany is ahead of the game. It would appear to be a kind of reform as you would expect the capitalist class to prefer to have it all put in a hole the ground. Plastics are still the main problem. But they are employing robotic sorting technology with magic eyes to separate stuff out. Technology developed in the food industry itself for sorting food eg potatoes. And new polymer chemistry to break it down and reconvert it to other materials. So I suppose the question is there some kind of social altruistic consciousness at work here? I think an  important strand of popular anti capitalism is coming the green movement. We talk of voluntary labour and Wikipedia etc and I don’t live in a bourgeois area but it is quite refreshing how nearly everyone sorts their own trash into the four types of bins, without being paid for it.  They are doing it at the factory I work at but it seems to be more as a result of compulsion; by various external methods eg legal demonstration and accounting for waste recycling and increasingly forced prohibitive costs of landfill. There is still a lot of bling in packaging I think as the marketing people work with ie making the product look attractive etc. I would imagine in socialism everyone would mostly eat out rather buying small packages of food and ready meals etc.  I have given up trying to understand what Mr Ponzi is on about.


    Just as crucial as recycling is the design of goods to be reusable and repairable so that recycling is the end process. I think it was Apple that made their laptops only accessible if you had their own special screwdriver rather than the usual type screws. (stand to be corrected)

    I think an  important strand of popular anti capitalism is coming the green movement.

    I think there is some reticience within the party to use the term "eco-socialist" due to the many reformist palliative measures some eco-socialists advocate. But if we were not prepared to qualify our socialism, we simply would be at a loss for words

    Dave B

    Perhaps it is interesting that in capitalist manufacturing and “packaged” raw material raw material delivered to factory gate etc. They are much more “conscientious” when it comes to return and re-use as is etc. Pallets; pallecons etc

    John Pozzi

    Capitalist banks are obsolete. The GRB is socialist bank owned, operated, and directed by the shareholders, i.e., all the people in the world. In your SOCIALISM what do "we" use as a medium of exchange?

    John Pozzi wrote:
    Capitalist banks are obsolete. The GRB is socialist bank owned, operated, and directed by the shareholders, i.e., all the people in the world. In your SOCIALISM what do "we" use as a medium of exchange?

    For the umpteenth time, in socialism there'll be no medium of exchange for the simple reason that in a world of common ownership of the means and instruments of producing and distributing wealth, exchange will have been consigned to the history books and ALL banks will be obsolete.  What part of that don't you understand?


    John Pozzi my 7 year old grandaughter uderstood it!!   but I will simplify the idea.Send your mind way back into history remove the cobwebs, think outside the box.Imagine, if you can, a community of people. Each contribute according to their ability, some throw in a rabbit, some a pig, some make clothes, some are good at building houses, some are good at thinking up new ideas, some make phones, get the picture so far? THEY CONTRIBUTE ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITY.  They all throw these things in the middle  –   the COMMON STORE OF GOODS –  for each individual to take freely according to their needs. some may need a big home, some may need a small home, some will want a complicated phone some will want a less complicated phone. None of this involves Money or exchange. It is FREE ACCORDING TO SELF DEFINED NEEDS. It is COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM (same thing)Now that is a very oversimplified explanation but I hope it gives you an insight into the difference between capitalism and socialism  NO MONEY! NO EXCHANGE! 

    John Pozzi

    Hi Vin,Imagine, if you can, a community of over 7 billion people who contribute what they can to growing their commonwealth of natural resources to gain whatever the need.Socialism is not practical,  there is no common medium to exchange my pigs for your shoes.Cheers, John 

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