Global Resource Bank

July 2024 Forums Off topic Global Resource Bank

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  • #125383
    John Pozzi wrote:
    ."Hi Tim,That's BS, What it says is:"Everyone owns 1 share in the GRB, the shareholders’ value the earth’s wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe. The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. The GRBe reserve supplies shareholder accounts with e50 per day for 20 years. …  Two percent of GRBe income maintains the GRBnet and e50 per day supports GRB shareholders for life." i.e., nobody works. 

     Even assuming full automation ("nobody works") why then continue with money and buying and selling?  How do you reconcile the existence of such phenomena with common ownership which you claim your system is based on. Economic exchange logically precludes common ownership. I think your whole agument is very muddled frankly speaking . It doesnt even begin to explain why the" earth’s wealth of natural resources"  should be valued  at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe  and not, say, 6o quadrillion (q) GRBe.  You just seem to be plucking figures out of the air.  There is no hard economic theory behind your proposal

    John Pozzi

    Tim Kilgallon wrote;"Socialists are interested in the abolition of the wages system!"That's perfect Tim! Then conscious socialists' will love the Global Resource Bank alternative world exchange system that abolition's capitalist imposed fiat-money wage-slavery. ;o), jp

    Bijou Drains
    John Pozzi wrote:
    Tim Kilgallon wrote;"Socialists are interested in the abolition of the wages system!"That's perfect Tim! Then conscious socialists' will love the Global Resource Bank alternative world exchange system that abolition's capitalist imposed fiat-money wage-slavery. ;o), jp

    errr, apart from the fact that it doesn't abolish the wages system:Basicaly you have not answered any of the following questions:Even if you allocate a certain value to the GBR bank, no one else values it in the same wayLeaving the means of production in the hands of the few, continues wage slaveryLeaving the state in the hands of the minority class means that the power of the minority class continuesEven if all of the workers bought into your hair brained scheme, big capital will notNatural resources do not provide wealth on their own they need the application of labourDemocracy is more than owning a share in a bank

    Bijou Drains
    Vin wrote:

    How man, gan canny, nee bugger knaas! Howay marra, divvent dob us in with the Gadgee


    So the Romany/gypsy word "gadgee" is used in the NE of England as well as in Edinburgh. Interesting to ken.What about "keeping shottie" —look outAnd to chore…thieve. The last i personally surmised what brought back from India where  when i saw that Bombay has the Thieves Market of Chora. 

    Bijou Drains

    Gadgee is a definite Romany/Geordie loan word, very commonly used in the North East, as is radgee (mad) hence radgee gadgee. We also use chore "A'hm ganin oot on the chore" which translates as "darling I'm going out to collect my share dividend" , However we keep toot, not shottie. Barr for a pound (another Romany word) is common, as in that cost us twenty barr, an item of value can therefore be barrey. We use Charva (another Romany word) which I think has been corrupted on a national scale to "chav".There is, of course, a big Romany tradition in the Cheviots, the King of the Gypsies used to be crowned at Kirk Yetholm and I think a lot of the old shepherds and drovers had Romany links.Also lots of similarities between what could be broadly termed Northumbrian dialect and lowland Scots as Lowland Scots is a dialect derivative of Old Northumbrian.The old saying is that a Geordie's just a Scotsman with his brains kicked out. However some of us still consider Edinburgh and the Lothians to really be Scottish occupied Northumbria!


    To bring your argument on Occupied Northumberland up to date, i noticed that many try to get their medications free from north of the border and perhaps if Scotland does get independence there will be a move for the border to move southwards and restore the Carlise/Newcastle frontier-line. Radge and radgee too is a word used in Edinburgh. I recall a weegie  co-worker surprised that we use the ord chum as a verb…to chum you (accompany) to the shops, for instance. And i remeber him explaining the dispute he had with a shop when he asked for ginger and got told they didn't have any…a weegie generic term for any flavour for what we call ijuice…Shottie  or shot can also be used for can i have a shottie of your mobile to make a call


    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.


    This thread had already died a deathWhat local words are unique to Swansea, Brian. Give the Reminder in Swansea slang.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    This thread had already died a deathWhat local words are unique to Swansea, Brian. Give the Reminder in Swansea slang.

    Since the first post.  We do not drink milk in a baby  bottle anymore

    Bijou Drains
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    To bring your argument on Occupied Northumberland up to date, i noticed that many try to get their medications free from north of the border and perhaps if Scotland does get independence there will be a move for the border to move southwards and restore the Carlise/Newcastle frontier-line. Radge and radgee too is a word used in Edinburgh. I recall a weegie  co-worker surprised that we use the ord chum as a verb…to chum you (accompany) to the shops, for instance. And i remeber him explaining the dispute he had with a shop when he asked for ginger and got told they didn't have any…a weegie generic term for any flavour for what we call ijuice…Shottie  or shot can also be used for can i have a shottie of your mobile to make a call

    I'll reply on the Scottish Indepence thread

    John Pozzi

    Hi Vin,In your social system in which money is obsolete what will we use as a global medium of exchange? 

    John Pozzi wrote:
    Hi Vin,In your social system in which money is obsolete what will we use as a global medium of exchange? 

    You don't get it. How many times  have we  said that in a world socialist society there would not be an exchange  system? It is going to be a free access society. If you do not read about it, you will never understand it. We have hundred of articles about that idea. Are you really from Itally ?

    John Pozzi wrote:
    Hi Vin,In your social system in which money is obsolete what will we use as a global medium of exchange? 

    Exchange economy isn't doing it for me. I have nothing to exchange but my labou power. As our cde in previous post has said  to you on a number of occasions, you need to understand what socialism/communism is.'Exchange economy'  has become a fetter on mankind's advancement. It is as primitive and as obselete as religion. We no longer need it.

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