Global Resource Bank

July 2024 Forums Off topic Global Resource Bank

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  • #125368
    Dave B

    The GRBe income account earns ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts so it is a green taxation system then?

    John Pozzi wrote:
    Everyone owns 1 share in the GRB, the shareholders’ value the earth’s abundant wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe. The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. The GRBe reserve supplies shareholder accounts with e50 per day for 20 years. The GRB invests e1.5q in ecosystems and e250 trillion (t) in the GRB network (GRBnet). The GRBe income account earns ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and balances ecos with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium. Two percent of GRBe income maintains the GRBnet and e50 per day supports GRB shareholders for life. Shareholders invest 5% of their GRBe income in ecosystems. The shareholder value of natural resources and GRBe percentages adjust to shareholder feedback. After 1 year of inactivity GRB accounts revert to the reserve. The majority chooses the GRBe system manager. 

     Eh? .If we can produce abundance, what have you got against producing directly to meet human need?  Calculate how many people require a particular service then produce what is required.  2 million homeless, build 2 million houses etc. Simples.Can you see a problem with this? By the way who is Eugene? 

    Vin wrote:
    John Pozzi wrote:
    Everyone owns 1 share in the GRB, the shareholders’ value the earth’s abundant wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe. The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. The GRBe reserve supplies shareholder accounts with e50 per day for 20 years. The GRB invests e1.5q in ecosystems and e250 trillion (t) in the GRB network (GRBnet). The GRBe income account earns ecos from an ecosystem impact charge on shareholder and commercial accounts and balances ecos with the GRB reserve to maintain equilibrium. Two percent of GRBe income maintains the GRBnet and e50 per day supports GRB shareholders for life. Shareholders invest 5% of their GRBe income in ecosystems. The shareholder value of natural resources and GRBe percentages adjust to shareholder feedback. After 1 year of inactivity GRB accounts revert to the reserve. The majority chooses the GRBe system manager. 

     Eh? .If we can produce abundance, what have you got against producing directly to meet human need?  Calculate how many people require a particular service then produce what is required.  2 million homeless, build 2 million houses etc. Simples.Can you see a problem with this?   By the way who is Eugene? 

    Freudian slip. They know each other. The main purpose is to use the forum of  a  Socialist Party to publish  capitalist crap

    John Pozzi

    Capitalism works if all the people own the capital, i.e., Earth.


    We have eternal life, if nobody dies.

    John Pozzi

    Eh?, No problem. From Mother Earth News ("We have the balance of Supply with Need. I like to state this in present tense because this is something which is accomplishable NOW. We do have it made. I mean, abundance is the condition of our world as an object, as an ascertainable, as a mathematical, as a realizable fact. And perhaps the word realization is the key. Because, in our knowledge that all men can benefit, we are presently divided. The fact of accumulation and its need is the cause of our wars and our dissatisfactions."Eugene is – Who is Eh?John

    John Pozzi wrote:
    Capitalism works if all the people own the capital, i.e., Earth.

    I looks like you do not know capital is. You mean that we are going to exploit ourselves. You are talking about the eternity of capitalism

    John Pozzi

    To: I've had a quick look Vin,Too quick – relax and look again, It say's everyone gets a basic income and free telecommunications for life – not workers. One works only to achieve a purpose or result of their choice. Exploiting labor is obsolete.   


    Sorry John, but  I keep misreading you name as Ponzi.

    John Pozzi wrote:
    Eh?, No problem. From Mother Earth News ("We have the balance of Supply with Need. I like to state this in present tense because this is something which is accomplishable NOW. We do have it made. I mean, abundance is the condition of our world as an object, as an ascertainable, as a mathematical, as a realizable fact. And perhaps the word realization is the key. Because, in our knowledge that all men can benefit, we are presently divided. The fact of accumulation and its need is the cause of our wars and our dissatisfactions."Eugene is – Who is Eh?John

    Where does Debs mention Capital?Capital is not the earth's resources it is not land , food or raw materials. You can't eat it, wear it or live in it.  Money is a social relationship.  Capital by definition must grow. It is an accumulation of money and becomes capital only when used to invest and make a profit from the working class. If there is no likelyhood of profit then it will not be used.Why do you think millions face starvation? I will tell you: because there is no profit to be made by feeding and housing these fellow human beings. It is not a bank they require, nor capital. Quite simply they need food, shelter and clean water.Remove the social relationships of Capital and we could feed everyone almost immediately. 

    John Pozzi

    mcolome1 offlineCapital – wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person, i.e., everyone or organization, i.e., GRBExploit – make full use of and derive benefit from natural resources. Yes, for enternity. 

    John Pozzi

    GRB shareholders cause complete and dramatic change – that's revolutionary.

    John Pozzi wrote:
    GRB shareholders cause complete and dramatic change – that's revolutionary.

    John , I dont think you really understand what capital – and capitalism – is.  That is why your analysis comes across as confused and unconvincing. Capital denotes a particular kind of social relationship based on private property in the means of producing welath.  A machine for example is not in itself "capital"  What makes it capital is that it is purchased as a commodity and is used to produce other commodities. What is a commodity? It is something that is bought or sold on a market,  What is happening when something is bought or sold?  I tell you what is happening. What is happening is an exchange of ownership titles to the things being exchanged.  If I exchange my orange for your apple what we are doing is exchanging our respective ownerships rights to these things,  I no longer own my orange and you no longer own your apple, So exchange NECESSARILY implies private or non-common property You earlier said "Capitalism works if all the people own the capital, i.e., Earth." But that is a completely absurd statement as you must surely realise.  If all the people owned the earth that would no longer be capiltalism.  There would be communism instead.   Capital – from which the word capitalism derives – is, as we saw, some means of production that is purchased as a commodity to produce other commodities.  But if it was purchased that implies that ownership of the machine in question has passed from one owner to another and that consequently they cannot both mutually own that machine Abd this John, is what logically precludes the possibility of all the people ownng  the capital.  This is nonsense on stilts as the saying goes

    John Pozzi wrote:
    mcolome1 offlineCapital – wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person, i.e., everyone or organization, i.e., GRBExploit – make full use of and derive benefit from natural resources. Yes, for enternity. 

    You will do much better as a bookeeper than as an economist. In simple words, capital is unpaid labor,  in populace term, it is robbery, exploitation is extraction of surplus value, in populace term  it means to get rich without working, money by itself is not capital it must be a product of exploitation. We have pamphlets which will help to straight your mind because you are more confused than a little child. Many peoples come to this forum pretending to be teachers, and then, they become students

    John Pozzi

    Tim Kilgallon said:"what Mr Pozzi is saying is that we workers (who produce, distribute and create all of the value  in society) will get a few crumbs extra from the bakery, whilst the owners of the bakery still live of the profits off our labour."Hi Tim,That's BS, What it says is:"Everyone owns 1 share in the GRB, the shareholders’ value the earth’s wealth of natural resources at 6 quadrillion (q) GRBe. The GRB converts US$ assets to GRBe. The GRBe reserve supplies shareholder accounts with e50 per day for 20 years. …  Two percent of GRBe income maintains the GRBnet and e50 per day supports GRB shareholders for life." i.e., nobody works. 

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