George Galloway to vote Tory

March 2025 Forums General discussion George Galloway to vote Tory

  • This topic has 53 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago by ALB.
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  • #250843

    I might by wrong but the lady holding the anti-Galloway placard in the East London Lines article looks like a longstanding member of the AWL who I remember from back in the day.

    As I’m not 100% sure I won’t give out her name in case it’s not her.

    Bijou Drains

    A quote from the article is quite illuminating, Nick Long, from the Transform Party said –

    “I’ve been active in Lewisham politics for many years. My differences with the Workers Party are over traffic calming, they are not in favour of ULEZ [Ultra Low Emission Zones] and they want to increase traffic speeds to 30mph.”

    So that’s what “left wing” politics has descended to, not the nature of the welfare state, or what industries to nationalise, or the old chestnuts they used to trot out, it’s speed limits!


    The Transform Party seem rather a wishy-washy lot:

    It is easy to see how they and the WPB would be incompatible.

    I always wondered what happened to Left Unity.


    The result of yesterday’s election for mayor of Lewisham can be found here:

    Hamilton got 5.7 percent of the vote, coming 5th behind the usual suspects (Labour, Green, Liberals, Tories). This is not a bad score for a minor party but will mostly be a personal vote for him as (as can be seen) someone who has stood for mayor 4 times before and getting the same percentage. It can’t really be regarded as a vote for the Workers Party of Britain’s programme but since the Labour share of the vote went down by 6.5 percent he may well have taken some voters from Labour.


    I laughed.


    This is rather wild. The WPB really are channeling the spirit of the old CPGB of Harry Pollute and Palme Duff:


    There are three council by-elections in Ealing in West London on 10 October. Galloway’s party is contesting all three. Here is an interview with one of their candidates. Nothing about socialism (which of course is a good) or even about the workers, just a concern about child poverty and local businesses.

    “This is connected with my other primary task which is to tackle child poverty — we have 40% child poverty in many areas of South Acton. This is a complete outrage in a modern, developed country, and a problem that the Council needs to address. Other than that, It’s the independent traders & small businesses that I want to empower and help prosper.”

    This sort of thing seems to be typical of candidates of the so-called “Workers Party” — as of LibDem and even Tory candidates too.

    Workers Party candidate Lucas Davies Herbst on why he wants to become councillor for South Acton ward

    Bijou Drains

    Just walked past Gorgeous George at Leeds station. Didn’t realise he was such a short arse


    In that by-election in South Acton (Ealing) yesterday, the Workers Party easily beat TUSC. They got 32 votes (1.5%) to TUSC’s 18 (0.9%). The council seat was retained by Labour with 1009 (48.5%) of the votes cast. ReformUK got 159 (7.6%). Mind you, the turnout was only 17.34%.

    I wouldn’t have expected Galloway’s party to beat TUSC amongst left-of-Labourites. It must be something to do with national publicity and better name recognition. In any event, TUSC’s claim to represent trade unionists must be as open to challenge as their claim to represent socialists.

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