George Galloway to vote Tory

March 2025 Forums General discussion George Galloway to vote Tory

  • This topic has 53 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago by ALB.
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    Sadly looks that way. However, even if imperceptible, nothing and no one is stationary.


    To their credit their definition of working class is sound, and anyone talking about a planned economy is useful because at least it gets those sorts of ideas on the table. Notably, their ideas don’t seem to far really from the Wilson government, so they say nationalisation isn’t necessary, so long as businesses work with the ‘national plan’: better than TUSC and assorted left of Labour ideas over recent years, but the reality is that much like the SSP and the SLP it’s a one man vehicle. That they’re advertising for non-members to stand, is an interesting big tent approach.


    Galloway himself is going to Lewisham to support Hamilton. It’s a 6pm tomorrow outside Lewisham Town Hall in Catford at 1 Catford Rd, London SE6 4RU

    We will try and get a local member to go along.


    A Mod designed their Party logo by the looks of it.


    Looks like the Royal Air Force’s:

    In any event the fact that it is red, white and blue can’t be an accident.


    I would be genuinely surprised if Corbyn was to make a final break from the Labour Party but there’s no denying it would be an interesting development if it was to happen as outlined by Galloway in this clip:


    Not sure how recent this clip is but it’s a bit of an eye opener. The suggestion that the ‘Deep State’ wants to take down Lauren Boebert is especially cringeworthy.


    He didn’t actually say that. He only wondered if that might be the case. If he had, he should be appealing to Piers not Jeremy Corbyn to be his leader.

    When he got sworn in as an MP (and he did so on the bible) he was not allowed to wear a hat as, apparently, these are banned in the chamber. It is easy to understand why he does as, without it, he looks pretty nondescript.

    Ps who is Lauren Boebert? Never heard of her.

    Bijou Drains

    A strange bedfellow even for Gorgeous George!!


    “Boebert gained a national spotlight in September after reports emerged that she and a date had been kicked out of a production of Beetlejuice: The Musical at downtown Denver’s Buell Theater due to their allegedly inappropriate behavior. Despite the lawmaker’s initial denial of wrongdoing, security camera footage was later released showing Boebert vaping in the theater and fondling her date in a seemingly sexual manner.”

    She begins her speeches in congress by shouting ‘glory to god’…


    ‘Inappropriate behaviour’ appears to be a common feature of the Boeberts: her ex-husband reportedly revealed his ‘assets’ to two women in a bowling alley back in 2004.


    Thanks. That gives some clue as to the date and context of that clip. It must be within last 5 or 6 months and addressed to a US audience. Could be one of those money-making videos where the speaker receives an income based on the number of viewers and makes outrageous suggestions to attract more viewers. But, with his MP’s salary he should be alright for money for the next 8 or 9 months.


    Two Socialist Party members went to Lewisham yesterday evening to listen to Galloway speak in favour of Hamilton. There were a hundred or so listeners. He made his usual joke about Labour and the Tories being two cheeks of the same backside (we prefer two wings of the same vulture) and said that Labour was not the lesser evil as both them and the Tories were equally evil, adding that a case could even be made out for saying that Labour was the greater evil for betraying people’s hopes.

    The meeting was also addressed by a Hasidic Jew in full 18th century dress. He was inaudible but some of them are anti-Zionist, regarding the establishment of the state of Israel as sacrilege. There was a photo opportunity of Hamilton with them. Not sure if Galloway was in one too.

    Also present were the police. A group of three opponents heckling and holding up placards saying :

    The Nightmare ticket
    Anti-LGBQT Rights
    No place for them in any progressive working-class movement”

    They were also shouting pro-Ukraine slogans, clue that they might be from either the Trotskyist “Alliance for Workers’ Liberty” or “Socialust Resistance”. That it was the AWL was confirmed when one of them told us he had debated against us in the 1980s on behalf of “Socialist Organiser”.

    Apart from them and us the only other group present was SPEW.


    The Galloway clip where he’s dog-whistling about the ‘Deep State’ in the USA is from his own podcast show, MOATS:


    Another report on the meeting yesterday evening:

    Clashes between pro-and anti-Galloway protestors at mayoral election rally

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