George Galloway

July 2024 Forums General discussion George Galloway

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    Everybody else seems to be discussing his victory in the Bradford by-election. Some leftwingers see it as a win for an Anti-Cuts candidate but it looks more like a case of “the sigh of the oppressed” being exploited by a shameless politician. In any event, here’s an example of the material put out by him:


    I think it’s a positive in that it’s good that people may be starting to show more of a willingness to vote outside of the mainstream parties. I think that has to be seen as a positive for anyone involved in a party which is not the mainstream regardless of the party’s politics. But for it to mean anything substantial there would have to be a trend of other independants and small parties picking up votes. It’s a widely held opinion that a vote outside the big three is a wasted vote if there were a trend which started to show people that it’s not a wasted vote I would expect our votes to pick up slightly.But that’s the only positive.


    I don’t think there is a positive. He is a complete muppet and to be honest I’d rather people didn’t vote at all than vote negatively or vaguely. Vote for what you believe in or don’t bother, but voting for the likes of Galloway merely gives credence to their ‘policies’ of running capitlaism better than the next Joe and simultaneously inflates their already over inflated pompous egos. The man’s an idiot.


    I had a run in with this arsehole when I was 18. I think he was running on the labour bandwagon in the 88′ General election and he set up his campaign office in a shop in Byres Rd in Glasgow. I had joined the party a year before (then left ten years later) and I brazenly walked into the shop to ask him what his “policies” were and he seemed charmed so set about giving me some leaflets. All well and good until I challenged him and asked him to define Socialism which obviously was something he was unable to do. He furiously ran me out of the shop.            Same thing happened a few years later with that other great Socialist Sheridan. I was sitting on a bus in Rhodes going back to the Airport and he was sitting behind me with his pretentious wife. I asked him the same kind of questions and he didn’t like it. These pricks are part of the reason why we are still in the shit. They do nothing but derail and bamboozle workers for their own vainglory. Arseholes!              


    Galloway stood in the Scottish Parliamentary election on the PR-based Glasgow regional ‘list’ in May 2011. He picked up 6,972 votes, which was short of the 10,000 to 12,000 which he himself had estimated he would need to secure election. (Galloway’s estimate was accurate: the Greens won a Glasgow list seat with 12,454 votes.)In that election he directed much of his campaign at Celtic supporters, leafletting Parkhead. He promised that “anti-Irish-Catholic bigotry” would be the first issue he would take up if elected to Holyrood.In his attitude to acquiring a political power base, it is a matter of different strokes for different folks

    Ozymandias wrote:
    I had a run in with this arsehole when I was 18. I think he was running on the labour bandwagon in the 88′ General election and he set up his campaign office in a shop in Byres Rd in Glasgow. I had joined the party a year before (then left ten years later) and I brazenly walked into the shop to ask him what his “policies” were and he seemed charmed so set about giving me some leaflets. All well and good until I challenged him and asked him to define Socialism which obviously was something he was unable to do. He furiously ran me out of the shop.            Same thing happened a few years later with that other great Socialist Sheridan. I was sitting on a bus in Rhodes going back to the Airport and he was sitting behind me with his pretentious wife. I asked him the same kind of questions and he didn’t like it. These pricks are part of the reason why we are still in the shit. They do nothing but derail and bamboozle workers for their own vainglory. Arseholes!



    I second that too!


    Never ones to miss a bandwagon/opportunity, I see the SWP and Counterfire are playing up the victory as representing a wider trend (never mind that Galloway recently lost in Scotland). What short memories they must think their members have.

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