George Floyd Trial

September 2024 Forums General discussion George Floyd Trial

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    I have been reading some of the defence testimony and it is a matter of nostalgia for me.

    It is an repeat of all those medical “experts” several years back who justified the torture techniques of Fort Bagram, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay as humane non-lethal methods of interrogation. Now we have medical doctors saying brutality leading to death is a lawful form of restraint.

    Struggling in an attempt to breathe is equated with resisting arrest.


    The American Association of Psychologists approved all the tortures made in Iraq and Guantanamo The doctors who treated Donald Trump lied about his health conditions


    They’re acting in this trial, as if Derek Chavin is some sort of individual?

    Derek Chavin is a serial killer. He has done this (kneeling on the necks of 6 different people) he has killed 4 people prior to George Floyd, he shot a 6th man in the abdomen.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by james19.

    The root of our problems in the whole world is capitalism and the police system is part of the capitalist state which is the superstructure of the capitalist economy. We will never liberate ourselves thru the legal system which is also part of the capitalist structure


    The Jury in the death of George Floyd have come to their verdict and live reporting on BBC and Sky now. BBC say verdicts have reached unanimous agreement on all counts in such a short time?

    BBC News Channel

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by james19.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by james19.

    Guilty guilty guilty


    We will now have a long appeal process based upon the influence of the media and politicians swaying the jury.

    Next up will be the vigilante justice trial of Ahmed Arbery, killed by the McMichaels.


    They just want to present it as a racial and ethnic problem when it is a class issue. More whites are killed by the police than Blacks, and Latinos, and Asians, and most of them are poor and members of the working class

    The legal verdict against a policeman ( and employee of the capitalist state ) will not resolve the class issues of the USA society, and racism has a class origin, and race is a sociological concept, it is the ruling class who wants to spread racial ( color of the skin ) division, separation, and hates among the members of the working class, and it is going to be used as a pretext to pacify the discontent among the working class.

    Barrack Obama is a mixed person and he killed more human beings than any other members of any ethnic group, the secretary of defense is a black man and he is following the same route as his prior secretaries of defense, and Collin Powell, and Condoleeza Rice were the same case, and he was part of the killing in Central America.

    Ethnicism and racism is a capitalist trap for the working class

    PS Many Asian peoples have been attacked and assaulted by blacks and Latinos. There are more crimes among whites than within other ethnic groups


    That is the concept of Mens Rea or the guilty mind of Criminal Law. No human being is born with a guilty or criminal mind, most of our behaviors are learned and this society affects the mind of human beings, and those institutions like the police forces and the army train human beings to act against their own nature. Thousands of human beings have been mentally affected by the horrors of wars


    The court record of past police killers

    When we recognise that the police are an essential part of the state machine to impose social control, we know that ultimately justice will not be served.

    True, the US statistics are stark but they are equally true for the UK and France and other countries, albeit for the low number of gun ownership, the death rate is also low.

    But when killing knife threatening individuals the US stats are still higher than the UK, for example, where proportionately knife violence is much higher.


    This is a world society based on Legal and illegal crime


    A good essay

    In 1975, police were stationed in 1% of US schools; by 2018, that figure was 58%.

    In 1970, there were 200,000 people in US prisons. Today, that figure is 2.3 million.

    African Americans form 13% of the population and 39% of prisoners.

    Of a population of 328m, 77m have a criminal record.


    Peoples talk a lot about freedom, but there are some countries where the police are not allowed to be stationed at schools and universities, and students will not allow that at some university because they have autonomy, and they have their own governing body and the students are part of that, all US universities do not have autonomy, and the police are stationed at all universities and they have military training schools known as ROTC These young peoples are educated to kill other human beings


    Same cop, this time a child? Who needed stitches after being hit so hard in the face!

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