Generally Discrediting David Harvey

March 2025 Forums General discussion Generally Discrediting David Harvey

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  • #234413

    The reason you can’t have socialism in one country, from an economic perspective, is that imperialism is predicated on a monopoly of currency, created and maintained by military. The US dollar was and is the global reserve currency for almost a century. 80% of international transactions use the dollar (2015 numbers). Imperialism strangles the socialist countries by preventing them from free and fair trade. The dollar is a noose around the neck of socialism. Currency/money is capitalism. No money, no capitalism.

    Today’s build up towards WW3, which is really a repeat of WW1, is about currency first and foremost. This is why world socialism is the only way socialism can occur. Neither capitalism or socialism can exist in one country.


    Really good links for Cuba and Venezuela. The average American moron will think the monetary problems reveal internal weakness in socialism. The American boob is unable to see that the dollar is a weapon. Average people all across planet earth calculate in 2 currencies every single day of their lives: first in their own currency and second in dollars. The only country whose citizens don’t have to do this is the US. I know you know this, but I want you to know that I know it, if you don’t already.


    Socialism in one country is a creation of the Bolsheviks ( Nikolai Bukharin ) when they became isolated. They were expecting ‘proletarian revolution” in the industrialized advance countries of Europe and it never took place,( only reformists revolts took place and the leftie called it revolutions ) it is just a nationalist conception wrapped up in socialist phraseology, socialism/communist must be a worldly post capitalist society ( we use the word world instead of internationalist ) socialism can not coexist with another exploitative economic system, oil and vinegar can not be mixed ( it was kruschev and the castroists who said that ). It is something similar to the concept of the ‘Empire” ( USA only ) all capitalist countries are potentially expansionist or imperialists ( Rosa Luxemburgo explained it ) The Bolsheviks knew that it was impossible to establish socialist in one country. Venezuela, Cuba, Korea who are state capitalist economic has been surrounded by other capitalist powers and then they blamed their crisis on the blockage and the other one blame it on socialism, but the crisis is produced by capitalism and one country can not isolate itself from other capitalist economic, Albania tried to do that when Enver Hoxha was prime minister and it was a disaster


    Reality vs fantasies, in the USA workers think that the crisis of Venezuela is produced by socialism, but Venezuela and the USA continue having commercial relationship.

    The USA has authorized exportation of goods to Cuba despite the blockade because it produces large profits to the farmers aviculture, and beef corporations, they are negotiated thru prepaid letter of credit and the USA government is the one that is approving the export manifesto.

    Banking and legal process combined approved by Account officers ( All banks have a legal department ) Several years ago USA banks have one large department dedicated only to importation and exportation handling legal documentation only, professional workers with bachelors and doctor degree in law and banking

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