General Election – Campaign News

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election – Campaign News

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    The ballot paper stickers are not ready yet but watch this space.  


    From a Nicholas Reed-Clarke:

    I am a broadcast journalist for BBC One's Election Programme with David Dimbleby.  I was hoping we could exchange mobile numbers with you, as well as your agent for May 7th/8th, please?   We might have a TV crew at the declaration you will be at and would like to stay in contact on the night, please.

    Exchange of numbers has taken place.


    Under the headline "MPs set to do battle", yesterday's Oxford Mail contained the following news item:

    The city's MPs and prospective and parliamentary candidates are set to clash in an education debate tonight.   Oxford East MP Andrew Smith and Oxford and West and Abingdon MP Nicola Blackwood will be at an Education Question Time. The event is at Oxford Town Hall, 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Book at

    Since only Tory, Labour, LibDem and Green candidates were invited, to the exclusion of prospective parliamentary candidates representing at least four other parties including us, the following email has been sent to the Oxfordshire branch of the National Union of Teachers who organised the event:

    I was a bit surprised to read in yesterday's Oxford Mail that you had organised a debate yesterday evening between "the City's MPs and prospectives parliamentary candidates". There are rules governing debates between prospective candidates, as set out on the Electoral Commission's website. See See in particular page 7.I am afraid you may have breached them, by not inviting and/or not explaining why you did not invite all the prospective candidates. This might have the consequence of meaning that the expenses of the debate should be shared by the candidates who were invited.Was there a reason why we and I suspect some of the other prospective candidates were not invited?Adam Buick, Election Agent, for Kevin Parkin, prospective Socialist Party candidate for Oxford East and Mike Foster, prospective Socialist Party candidate for Oxford West & Abingdon.

    This can serve as a standard letter for other instances where we are not invited. I've just noticed that a group in a neighbouring constituency to mine is organising a similar event without inviting all the other candidates or giving a reason why they haven't.  We need to keep citing this Electoral Commission document to ensure that the elementary democratic principle that all candidates in an election should be given equal time is respected.


    Of course, if no satisfaction is received, the hustings where we are not invited to, should be attended by the candidate and members and the first question put should be the matter of representation of all political views being included in an election campaign and shamefully, other candidates who participate in a biased hustings are putting party advantage before principle and being willingly or unwitting collaborators with this lack of democracy.Automatically this offers the Tory candidate the scope to agree citing Cameron and his stance on the Green Party involvement in the debate…the others will have to embarrass themselves by admitting ignorance that other minor parties were not included not a good start for some prospective MP to confess or hypocrisy for going along with the hustings if they did understand that some candidates were not invited. Perhaps the standard letter could be adapted into a leaflet for the audience's benefit.Another point obviously by not being invited to hustings , we will not soetimes be aware of them until afterwards…the letter in this sense is non-effective as it is about shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted…so complaints should also be made through the local press and i think this letter gives the constitutional position but not the political one…it needs more protest and righteous indignation in it. It shouldn't be in the form of merely a letter to the letter page, but again a shit stirring protest for the newspaper to cover as part of a local political controversy…or face similar complaint that they are complicit in this lack of expression for exposure for minor parties if they fail yo report on it. Maybe efforts to gain numbers and a phone call to the reporters responsible …the political editor…and vague undertones that we will be making official protests…etc etc 


    On further reflection, ALB, I want to reinforce my previous post. When it happens that we are denied participation in a husting we should make an issue of itIt should not be presented as a question of sour grapes but demonstrating our deep commitment to democracy, electoral action and Parliament.Also a public warning through the media to future hustings not to ignore minor parties…the consequences is the possibility of political violence and terrorism by the silenced as they strive to be heard. "The vote is the people's voice – a political party is their megaphone"….a slogan we can perhaps improve upon and make more catchyToo often we hear…SPGB …all they care about is socialism and nothing less….well, this shows that we do live in the here and now, that we defend political gains and expect existing legislation in defence of democratic liberties to be implemented , not just for ourselves but for all political parties and are in defence of the democratic process. When we are excluded we should be trying our utmost to gain press coverage…Britains oldest socialist organisation, the country's second oldest political party lodge protests that complaining about the erosion of democratic rights …blah blah blah."The vote is the peoples voice – a political party is their megaphone "…a good slogan to use as a focus…(but i am sure it can be made more catchy A press release, an official complaint to the election commission, local leaflet highlighting the exclusion…Let's not be silent..or be seen as indifferent or acquiescent…We are rebels, aren't we !!!. Lets show some passion and anger when we are slighted… 


    Invitation received by our candidate in the Brighton Pavilion consituency, the preferred option of which has been accepted:

    Dear Mr Pilott,We are preparing a presentation for our church congregation (One Church Brighton – formerly Florence Road Baptist Church & Gloucester Place Baptist Church) focusing on the subject of social justice. This is scheduled to take place on 19 April – a few weeks before the general election.We are hoping to represent the views of local candidates on a selection of issues in order to help with the voting decisions we will need to make in May.We would be most grateful if you could assist in this project by letting us know your personal views on the five questions listed below. We would like to offer TWO options for making your response: (1) a written reply, (2) your agreement to video your responses at a time and place to suit yourself. This would be our preferred option, facilitating a more dynamic and engaging production.We would also like to ask your permission to distribute your responses to a wider audience, possibly using social media. We undertake to respect your wishes in this regard.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours truly,John Weaver FIVE QUESTIONS FOR PARLIAMENTARY CANDIDATESIt is said that the gap between rich and poor is wider in the UK than any other EU country and it’s getting wider. Do you see this as a problem and, if so, what do you believe are the best ways of tackling it?A very tangible example of the rich/poor divide is the difficulty many people have in affording a home. First time buyers are in competition with Buy-to-Let landlords and rich speculators using property as an investment. How can this issue be addressed?The reduction in Legal Aid has impacted many people seeking justice in their varying situations. For example, the number of separated parents accessing family courts to resolve their children’s access rights has halved and the number of children using contact centres went down to 9,000 last year compared to 15,000 in 2013. As a result, many contact centres are now closing. How can people with limited means get the justice that their circumstances demand?As political parties focus on pleasing the groups of people most likely to vote for them (e.g. pensioners), the needy in our society are being ignored and marginalised. For example, as a result of central and local government cuts, many people with learning disabilities have lost some or all of the services they rely on – leading to social isolation and a loss of skills, as well as placing huge burdens on their carers. What ideas do you have for fostering a compassionate and just society where hardship, need and isolation are addressed?A lot of people, especially the young, feel disengaged and disenchanted with politics. They feel that the challenges they face are not understood and they distrust politicians. What do you believe are the most effective ways in which ordinary people in this country can influence national and world affairs for the better?

    Don't worry, Alan, I'm preparing a file to challenge the Oxfordshire NUT's mistaken decision to not invite all the prospective candidates without providing a justification for not inviting some. It should make an interesting test case.


    Invitation received by our candidate in the Folkestone & Hythe constituency which has been accepted:

    We would like to hold a hustings for our Primetime group on Wednesday 8 April at 2pm in St John’s Church Hall, St John’s Church Road, Folkestone. Accordingly, I am writing to invite you to represent your party at this event.Primetime is a weekly social club held at St John’s Church, St. John’s Church Road, Folkestone, for the over 60s. We have in the past had similar hustings events that have been very successful and well attended. There will be an opportunity for you, and each candidate, to lay out key policies for 5-6 minutes followed by a time of questions. The event will be chaired by Mr Robert Grieve who hosted previous hustings at this venue.We would very much appreciate your involvement and invite you warmly to attend this event. Please let me know of your availability.

    The UKIP candidate in Swansea West is one of the many skeletons in their cupboard:But he wasn't bad enough for UKIP to deselect him (not that they need to as he seems to be expressing their views if rather crudely):'ve challenged him to a public debate. This is a better way to contest and expose his views than trying to physically stop him from expressing them as some locally are wanting.


    Our candidates in Swansea, Oxford, Islington and Easington have received what must be 400 emails via 39 Degrees about TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). We've replied to as many as we can.  Here's one respose we've had:

    Goodness me! Love to attend that. In fact must be honest and say that it had never occurred to me that SPGB continued to exist!!! Some 60 years ago I counted myself one of your supporters, having got fed up listening to Tony Cliff and Gerry Healey spout on about Trotsky and permanent revolution. Can't remember now who came to the Malatesta Club to tell us about SPGB, but I was impressed.
    ALB wrote:
    Our candidates in Swansea, Oxford, Islington and Easington have received what must be 400 emails via 39 Degrees about TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership).

    We in Kent and Sussex have also been inundated with emails via 38 degrees about TTIP.  Our candidate in Folkestone & Hythe, Andy Thomas, responded to one such email as follows:

    Whether or not the TTIP is adopted, life for the majority of the world’s population will continue to worsen so long as capitalism provides the global framework under which we live. Much of the NHS is already run for profit by private companies (the Carer network for example), and it matters little whether these companies are based in the UK or in the US. Those parts of the NHS which are not directly privatised are still restricted in what they can deliver because they are funded by taxes. The sources of those taxes are private companies, which restrict what they pay their workers (or to the State) in order to maximise profits. So whether privatised by US-based companies or ‘nationalised’, the NHS will continue to suffer endemic crisis. Similar comments apply to all public services.The Socialist Party of Great Britain stands for the replacement of a global system based on private ownership and corporate profit by one of collective and democratic ownership of the means of producing and distributing wealth. We will freely co-operate to produce what we need and access will be based solely on our self-defined needs. In terms of the NHS that means people will become doctors and nurses because that work is fulfilling in its own right, and access will be based solely on medical need. In a society without the limitations of money and profit there is no limit to what the human race can achieve in all fields, including medicine.This revolution in human affairs will only be realised if the majority of the people in the world actively want it. So this must be realised democratically, through the ballot box. By voting for the SPGB in the forthcoming election you take the first step to bringing that about.

    Whilst our candidate in Brighton Pavilion, Howard Pilott, replied to another email with contrasting brevity:

    We in the SPGB propose scrapping capitalism, which should hopefully allay your fears.


    ALB wrote:
    Our candidates in Swansea, Oxford, Islington and Easington have received what must be 400 emails via 39 Degrees about TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). We've replied to as many as we can.  

    Here's my response.Hi …….,The short answer to your question is capitalism only serves the interests of a wealthy global minority. The long answer is that the Socialist Party of Great Britain is an anti-capitalist party and  are completely opposed to the system of wage slavery in all its manifestations, including trading agreements, cartels, monopolies, buying and selling, etc. A brief description on where we stand on TTIP is attached and is taken from our monthly journal theSocialist Standard.  However, if you are inclined to question myself personally, on the party case, you have an opportunity to address your concerns at two debates the Swansea Branch are holding with the Green Party and UKIP at 7.30pm on the 9th of March and the 14th April respectively. The venue for both of these debates is the Unitarian Church, High Street, Swansea. Yours For Positive Socialist ActivityBrian JohnsonPPC Swansea WestSocialist Party (GB)

    gnome wrote:
    We in Kent and Sussex have also been inundated with emails via 38 degrees about TTIP.  Our candidate in Folkestone & Hythe, Andy Thomas, responded to one such email […}Whilst our candidate in Brighton Pavilion, Howard Pilott, replied to another email with contrasting brevity:

    We in the SPGB propose scrapping capitalism, which should hopefully allay your fears.

    Did Andy literally reply to only one?  For Oxford we have replied to every single one of the 300 or so (and counting) we received. I imagine a place like Brighton must have received a similar number. More hopefully.Once you've done the first you can use that reply for the rest. It's just a matter of cut and paste. Here we have a self-selected list of people who are already interested in international matters from a critical perspective. Which is why we've used their email addresses to make a database for at least one future mail-out. That takes a bit more work and time but is the modern equivalent of knocking on people's doors. After all, they say that e-campaigning is now the thing. We'll also be doing weekly literature stalls as well of course.


    I thought you did have. What with managing our facebook and meetup pages I'll contact Andy and Howard with the suggestion.  They've also made use of these contacts in Swansea and Easington.

    ALB wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    We in Kent and Sussex have also been inundated with emails via 38 degrees about TTIP.  Our candidate in Folkestone & Hythe, Andy Thomas, responded to one such email […}Whilst our candidate in Brighton Pavilion, Howard Pilott, replied to another email with contrasting brevity:

    We in the SPGB propose scrapping capitalism, which should hopefully allay your fears.

    Did Andy literally reply to only one?  For Oxford we have replied to every single one of the 300 or so (and counting) we received. I imagine a place like Brighton must have received a similar number. More hopefully.

    I really couldn't say; you'd have to ask Andy, who's presently in Thailand on business, or his Election Agent.  Regrettably, most of us are unable to spend our every waking hour working for socialism; we have jobs and other commitments. 

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