General Election – Campaign News

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election – Campaign News

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    It gets more complicated. The Green Party candidate who stood in Vauxhall in 2010, Joseph Healy, left and joined Left Unity. He now sits on their Disputes Committee. He has just (18 Feb) tweeted his support for Simon Hardy.


    A couple of useful days in Oxford. Met the election manager at the Town Hall and got some electoral registers. Found 10 people (actually 11) to sign the nomination papers in Oxford East. With no contacts in Oxford West & Abingdon, two of us went from door-to-door and asking people in the street and got 7 signatures in less than two hours .We got invited in for a cup of tea by an elector with a Vote National Health Action Party poster in their window (turned out his daughter was a surgeon). Should be able to get the other 3 on 8 March in the village of Cumnor in gratitude for our candidate Mike taking part in the annual clean-up there (that wouldn't be vote-catching, only nomination-signature catching). Also got two more invitations to hustings, this time in Oxford East.

    ALB wrote:
    With no contacts in Oxford West & Abingdon, two of us went from door-to-door and asking people in the street and got 7 signatures in less than two hours .

    Very impressive.  I think it's possible we might be calling on your expertise to help out in Brighton!Cumnor looks like a lovely little sleepy hollow.  When will the hustings take place there and the other two you mentioned in Oxford East?


    Another invitation to a hustings in Kent, this time in Canterbury.  It will be on Monday, 20 April at 7pm – Gulbenkian Theatre, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NB and focus on health policy and the NHS.

    gnome wrote:
    Cumnor looks like a lovely little sleepy hollow.  When will the hustings take place there and the other two you mentioned in Oxford East?

    The organiser of the clean-up there warned that we'd get nowhere there politically as, just like in the 19th century, everybody there was only either a Tory or a Liberal. No, there won't be a hustings there but there will be (date to be fixed) in nearby, but not so picturesque Botley.One piece of pub-quiz information I picked up in Oxford was that the Green Party candidate for Oxford West and Abingdon, Larry Sanders, is the brother of the US Senator, Bernie Sanders, the only member of the US Congress to call himself a "socialist". He's only a Labour Party type Social Democrat of course, but even that's pretty daring for a US politician.


    Poster designed by Max Hess


    Candidates/Speakers Presentation Skills Training  Next Saturday, 28th February – 10:30am to 4pm – Socialist Party Head Office, 52 Clapham High Street, London SW4 7UNPlaces are still available for prospective Party candidates/speakers and other interested members to receive some free training. To avoid disappointment please book a place in advance. Email spgb.ksrb@worldsocialism.orgor telephone 07593 129 470This event is to be facilitated by Howard Pilott who as well as being SPGB prospective parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion, is an experienced trainer in this field.  There will be an opportunity to be filmed making a presentation and to receive feedback. If you are unable to attend but you think you could benefit from some training or support in this area I would still like to hear from you.Rob Cox – Member SPGB, Kent & Sussex Branch


    For the benefit of Latin scholars in Oxford here's our message:


    And for those who went to secondary moderns and didn't have the benefit of an education in the classics, "all things held in common" , the origin of the slogan being Thomas Muntzer of German Peasant Revolution fame 


    Alan,you mean you don't hav the Latin for the Judging exams?


    I hope I am not too off-topic but I think it would be handy for our candidates to compile and carry with them a list of the millionairs in the Labour Party. As we know The Labour party is financed by the rich for the rich.  A vote for labour is a vote for the 1%. Here are some, but I am sure there are plenty of othersLabour's capitalist millionaires: Lord Sainsbury worth £400m, Lord Grantchester worth £80m, Lord Drayson worth £75m, Tony Blair worth £30m, Margaret Hodge worth £18m, Shaun Woodward worth £15m, Geoffrey Robinson worth £10m,  Ed Miliband and  Ed Balls and other shadow cabinet members are millionaires.  Of course these may be old figures, I believe Sainsbury is worth a lot more


    It was agreed for the duration of the campaign for May's general election rather than creating a new dedicated blog site, our existing Socialism Or Your Money Back blog will be adapted. Rather than our usual custom of multiple posts, there will be normally now only just two, of which, one will be devoted to the election.  To see what it means in practice go to:


    Election StickersIf there is no SPGB candidate in your constituency, that doesn't stop you registering your opinion. For those who do NOT have the opportunity of voting for the Socialist Party candidates in the ten listed constituencies a sticker has been produced and will be available on request for members and sympathisers to freely make use of as they see fit.

    gnome wrote:

     I would like a few for North East as some of us live outside the Easington constituency where we have a candidate    

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 530 total)
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