General Election – Campaign News

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election – Campaign News

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  • #108438

    As been said , we never expected the unimaginable of ground-breaking votes, despite all the hard work put in by our candidates and supporters, but hopefully see some concrete results in the subscriptions to the Standard, and mail contacts for future ventures.As it stands now, the Tories have narrowly won but perhaps they will be defeated in some vote or other and another election called fairly soon. We should now have the experience to be quick out off the starting line the next time around. As others have posted, my personal thanks to the candidates, the election agents and all those who helped in the campaign. Next time around – 20 candidates 


    I should also say that the members in Scotland have a slightly different task ahead of them now, in that,  we must go all out against the nationalists and their left nationalist fellow-travellers, even if most merely voted SNP tactically in the hope that a coalition would be made with Labour and Labour pushed leftward in its anti-austerity. That ploy doesn't seem to have worked out. It will be more Tory V Scotland in spending allcations and budgets etc which will polarise the division more. Another referendum on Independence is more than likely in 5 -10 years. 

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Steve Colborn, 146 votes, 0.4% of a 56% turnout Robert Cox, 165 votes, 0.3% of a 64% turnoutMike Foster, 66 votes, 0.1% of a 72% turnout         Brian Johnson, 49 voters, 0.1% of a 60% turnout Danny Lambert, 82 votes, 0.2% of a 59% turnout Bill Martin, 112 votes, 0.2% of a 67% turnoutKevin Parkin, 50 votes, 0.1% of a 64% turnoutHoward Pilott, 88 votes, 0.2% of a 71% turnoutJacqueline Shodeke, 73 votes, 0.2% of 67% turnout Andy Thomas, 68 votes, 0.1% of a 66% turnout      So we have a total of 826 votes from 10 candidates.

    I make that 899 votes in total (not 826), not too far off the average of 100 per constituency I predicted. As I guessed too, we did best in Easington (Steve Colborn), at least in percentage terms but it was Canterbury (Rob Cox) in vote terms.Actually it wasn't entirely a guess as past experiences indicates that we do best in safe Labour seats and worst in seats with a largre number of candidates especially if one also claims to be socialist .We also contested a local by-election in Lamberth (Prince's ward) where Danny Lambert got 42 votes (0.5%) and a council seat in Shepway District Council (Harbour ward) not yet announced. Since we presumably got more than 40 votes in total in the other seven wards that make up the Vauxhall constituency this means that some people there voted for us in the local election but not in the general election.


    Never trust me to be Treasurer and to do the books, ALB.


    I know i should be ashamed of myself for not following the EU referendum debate bits , but am i correct in understanding that it will now be the Party's next big campaign?What is the likely time-table for it ? Does anybody know? 

    steve colborn

    A response to an email from 38 degrees, who are urging people to carry on the fight! Its not about merely challenging Capitalism but about ridding ourselves of this unequal, anarchic system of running Society. A system that is and can only be, run in the interests of, not the mythical 1% but a tiny fraction of this 1%, to the detriment of we, the Vast, Vast majority.I and The Socialist Party, will continue to confront this iniquitous society and offer an alternative, in the form of a Society based on "Production for Use, not Profit". A world that will belong to "us all".We urge you all to find out about this alternative. Stop begging for crumbs and demand a share of the whole Bakery.Steve Colborn.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    I know i should be ashamed of myself for not following the EU referendum debate bits , but am i correct in understanding that it will now be the Party's next big campaign?What is the likely time-table for it ? Does anybody know? 

    The next elections are those to regional assemblies in London, Scotland and Wales next year. I would think we'd do London and Wales. Don't know about Scotland. In/Out EU referendum is supposed to be (Tory election "pledge" for what it's worth) before the end of 2017. Can't see much of interest for our intervention in it, except a few leaflets.

    The next elections are those to regional assemblies in London, Scotland and Wales next year.

    A year is a long time in politics…to paraphrse Harol Wilson…plenty of time to re-group and re-allign for the counter-attack…How is that bank balance right now so i can be sure we can afford to spalsh out on what i think is necessary…How much dosh have we?Regional elections , whats the cost of standing and what do we get for the money in terms of mail-outs?I expect much more than a few leaflets for the EU Referendum and not a repeat of the invisible SPGB that we were during the Scottish Independence Referendum…Neither London, Brussels or Strasburg but World Socialism…well place ads in popular papers. 


    LibDems, UKIP and the Greens may well join together to further the demand for PR elections rather than FPTP.Here is how the parties would stand based on a voters count


    In case people missed ALB's earlier post on local councilPrince's by-election resultLabour 3452 (44.5%) LibDem 1748 (22.5%) Tory 1519 (19.5%) Green 901 (11.6%) Left Unity/Trade Unionists and Socialists (Kinglsey Abrams) 99 (1.3%) The Socialist Party (Danny Lambert) 42 (0.5%) Par for the course for us but a poor result for LU/TUSC considering who their candidate was (ex Labour councillor and ex-Labour parliamentary candidate). QUESTION How did Max Hess get on in his local election?

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    How did Max Hess get on in his local election?

    They're not counting the District Council votes until today (Saturday).


    Now that all the results are in and published in the papers here's a more detailed breakdown of how we did in terms of votes (and some of the factors which influence this):Easington 146 votes. 0.42%. Labour seat. 7 candidatesCanterbury 165 votes. 0.31%. Tory seat. 6 candidates.Islington North 112 votes. 0.23%. Labour seat.  6 candidatesVauxhall 82 votes. 0.17%. Labour seat. 10 candidates. Left Unity candidateBrighton Pavilion 88 votes. 0.16%. Green seat. 7 candidatesBrighton Kemptown 73 votes. 0.16% Tory seat. 7 candidatesSwansea West 49 votes. 0.14%. Labour seat. 9 candidates. TUSC candidate.Folkestone & Hythe 68 votes. 0.12%. Tory seat. 8 candidates. TUSC candidate.Oxford West & Abingdon 66 votes 0.12%. Tory seat (was LibDem). 7 candidates.Oxford East  50 votes. 0.10%. Labour seat. 9 candidates. TUSC candidate.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    How did Max Hess get on in his local election?

    The result is here: this is a ward electing two councillors where we (and the LibDems) only put up one candidate it is difficult (in fact impossible) to calculate the percentage share of each party.  But 35 as a percentage of the number of ballot papers used is 2.4%, our best election result this time. Who'd have thought that the revolution would begin in Folkestone !


    Another (more important and significant) set of figures relevant for judging the impact of the campaign are those Gnome has been posting here from time to time. What they show are the number of hits on our website via a code for a particular constituency, leaflet or email.The figures as of today are:Brighton (both constituencies) 223Oxford (both constituencies) 102Swansea West 51Vauxhall 38Islington North 29Canterbury 26Folkestone & Hythe 17Easington 15Rest of country (where we weren't contesting) 20Two Half page Morning Star adverts 8We also have a measure of how many people looked up our election video from one of our election leaflets: 80.These hits will have come mainly from email replies to enquirers (mostly from 38 Degrees members) rather than the leaflets. They reflect whether those replying gave the specific code in their email. Not every candidate did, but if they gave the general website address any hit on our website would not have been recorded separately.The next set of relevant statistics will be the number who took up the offer on our website of an information pack and a free 3-month trial subscription to the Socialist Standard and other enquiries by email, letter or phone call. These are still being collated.


    The Greens continue the "battle", calling for PR…of course, they are trying to sideline the LD and UKIP…

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