General Election – Campaign News

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election – Campaign News

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    Islington Gazette online hustings (link)This was last night.  As I'm sure you all know, I'm loathe to have an argument over the internet.  But.  Well.  Someone had to do it…


    Read the Q and A and very impressed with the originality of your responses, YMS. Just one small point, surely, you should have elaborated that it was merely your own personal view that bus drivers should desist from changing at Holloway Road rather than in the depot, at least, until the Party as a whole makes a collective decision on the issue through conference debate and party poll …It's not like i want to micro-manage or anything like that, is it  but i may wish to place an amendment on what would be the best bus-stop for the drivers' switch-over asa reformist compromise


    Alan,I did make that clear, but a formatting error vanished it. I ended that one "</personal rant>"Anyway,Full interview wih Adam Here:


    Is that a different clip from the one already posted?Living in a foreign land means i cannot access BBC IPlayer and watch it. (There is a proxy URL website that i could use but i lost the link to it)If it is different and longer interview i will impatiently await the You Tube upload


    Sent this (and tweeted it) to all the major Newspapers and TV over the weekend.Not a single reply  To the Editor    25th April 2015   From: Vin Maratty,   22 Greystoke Avenue, Sunderland,  SR2 9DSTel 01915250002Email: There is no national solution to the problems that we face at this election. Even the politicians competing for your vote admit that there are global worldwide forces working against them. We can either address the global causes of our problems or we can pretend they do not exist and make promises we cannot keep. All candidates except the Socialist Candidate are offering to continue with the existing state of affairs in which 1% of the population owns more wealth than the other 99%. The earth and its resources are owned by a very small minority. For example the richest 92 people own more wealth than half the population. Wealth is produced for sale on the world market with a view to making a profit for the tiny minority. These are the global forces working against us and require our attention. The socialist candidate is an elected delegate of the World Socialist Movement, he is not a leader and he makes no promises to solve the problems caused by capitalism. The World Socialist Movement advocates a democratic revolution to take into common ownership the earth’s resources and to organise the production of goods and services to meet human needs instead of the needs of profit Vin Maratty,  22 Greystoke Avenue, Sunderland, SR2 9DSElection Agent for The Socialist Party of Great Britain, Easington Constituency

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Is that a different clip from the one already posted?Living in a foreign land means i cannot access BBC IPlayer and watch it. (There is a proxy URL website that i could use but i lost the link to it)If it is different and longer interview i will impatiently await the You Tube upload

    It's a longer version than the News and Six one and this time it was shown on the BBC Parliament Channel. On Youtube now…


    Many thanks for that. Uploaded to our blogs now My next question is we have now got several different tv clips…i'm wondering if with some clever editing and cutting, we could create a totally new one, using our own voice-overs as questions or observations or comments that the speakers will appear to be answering…the ai being to offer a fuller more comprehensive presentation of our ideas…reinforcing certain points such as no leaders. Couldn't someone with the software play around and see if its possible if at a loose end one of those days?I suggested the same for the Kids Stuff video…Rather long but i'm sure their are bits of Paddy's explanations that can stand alone as trailers sort of so easier to post and then link to the long version. 


    Here's the debate ion immigration on BBC Radio Oxford this morning at which Kevin Parkin took part: managed to bring out well that socialists consider themselves  "citizens of the world" and not, like the other candidates, Brits wanting to control "our" borders and keep out immigrant benefit "scroungers". Bit annoying that the presenter kept on saying that "immigration" was a big issue when it's not really, only what the media are telling people to think is, so opening the way for UKIP whose representative here caught the ball and ran with it.


    More information has been added to the meetyournextmp site, including the provision of links to the party's website and Wikipedia page.  Only three candidates, however, have party election addresses uploaded to their pages.Easington                      Canterbury                West                        Swansea West                                            Pavilion               North                    Oxford East                      Kemptown            & Hythe


    It is "perceived" as a problem and truthfully i think the reason it is is far deeper than simply accusing politicians of stirring up the hate and division and the media seeking readers. It is one of those mind-sets of our fellow workers that is embedded through generations of indoctrination…and i dare say there is a case that fear of strangers might well be part of our DNA but as point out genetics doesn'r determine attitudes because it can be over-ridden.On the blog i had occasion to reply to an anti-immigrant comment and i raised the issue of German unification and how because political will existed the 2 trillion euro cost of integrating the Ossies into the Wessies economy was acceptable …Of near on a million Ossies, mostly unskilled  migrating to the what was West in a very short time span of 3 years was relatively coped with (not without critics…2004 poll of wessies showed a quarter thinking re-unification was a mistake but i didn't detect any political party effect, no send them home party…the immigration threat was perhaps re-directed against non-Germans)  I also mentioned the situation of the 2 million boat-people from Vietnam receiving a very different attitude from whats so often called the "world community" tothe current refugees fleeing conflictYou are right that there is no significant real problem with people moving around the world but as i say i don't think we should simply say it is all down to media hype and political manipulation…they exacerbate the situation perhaps but we have a much harder task ahead of us of challenging rooted racism and xenophobia…and yes one starting position is to deny the validity of the discourse .But as you know i have a very personal stake in the issue of visas and rights of residency…How can i ascribe to any policy that restricts peoples movement when i want to take full advantage of the very same thing. How can one of my ex-pat acqaintances not see the foolishness of his own UKIP membership.Strange though…the opening UKIP statement about BIG BUSINESS being culpable for immigration was partly echoed by Kevin later on in the interview placing the blame on capitalism. It shows how populism taps into elemental truths …the Hitlerite Strasser national "socialism" reflected by NO2EU 

    gnome wrote:
    More information has been added to the meetyournextmp site, including the provision of links to the party's website and Wikipedia page.  Only three candidates, however, have party election addresses uploaded to their pages.

    Actually, only one election address is there (for Easington). The other two are CVs.We don't actually have copies of what Royal Mail delivered (or didn't) as these were sent direct to them by our printers. So we need a mimimum of two or three, one for our archives and a couple to send to universities which have collections of all election leaflets. So far, we got at Head Office, 3 from Oxford East and 1 from Vauxhall but we know that members have collected some in Islington and Swansea. So, if anyone reading this has some for these and the others can they send them on to Head Office. Thanks.

    ALB wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    More information has been added to the meetyournextmp site, including the provision of links to the party's website and Wikipedia page.  Only three candidates, however, have party election addresses uploaded to their pages.

    Actually, only one election address is there (for Easington). The other two are CVs.

    Take another look; at Islington North and Brighton Kemptown.


    You are right, but I don't think much of the photo of the one from Brighton Kemptown. Let's see if I have more success in uploading those we've got from Vauxhall and Oxford East. Can't do the one for Swansea as the only one we have at the moment has "junk mail" scrawled across it.I see Vin (and others) can tweet these leaflets when uploaded ….


    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.


    Lo All,should have sent this yesterday, this is the response we got to our complaint about leaflet dumping:

    The delivery officer, whose postal route includes the specified address, has confirmed that the mail was delivered into the individual post boxes for the tenants at the block of flats.  The delivery officer has advised also that tenants often deposit unaddressed mail, originally delivered into the boxes, either on top of the post boxes, or on the floor around them.
Viewing 15 posts - 391 through 405 (of 530 total)
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