General Election – Campaign News

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election – Campaign News

Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 530 total)
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  • #108303
    maxhess wrote:
     Only response so far has been from Kevin Maguire (Daily Mirror associate editor & New Statesman columnist) with a sarcastic "The Workers of the World aren't uniting with you when you've only 817 Twitter followers!"

    Have you an url for that, I would like to replyedit: Its OK I found it. I have replied: "Unlike other parties the SPGB does not change principles to get votes. The Nazis had many followers. Does that make them 'right'"

    steve colborn

    Hi alan. I dont think I'm misdirecting my discontent, or angst for that matter. Maguire is a smart arsed asshole, or thinks he is. He supports Labour, with no proof to back up this "misdirected" support. It is in light of this, that I made my comment.Presumably this arsehole, if he had been around when the Unofficial Labour Reform Committe, were discussing forming a "Party of Labour", would have slagged "them" off, for the low amount of support "they" had at that time.This guy is a supporter of a society that has consigned myself, my family and friends, to lives of stress, insecurity and poverty and as such being the case, is lucky all he has is my discontent.Okay bro?

    steve colborn

    A post here, reply to my advertising the Seaham Hustings;trouble3:21 PM on 25/04/2015forgive my ignorance but are you/do you think your are some sort of councillor? holding/having such a husting style meeting? my apologies although i would love to attend such meeting with you and your followers i believe i have a million and one better things to do on a friday evening. do you not live near a pub mr colborn? pretty sure ring em bells will be able to point you in the right direction. just to clarify i fully understand what socialism means, by definition my comment was incorrect however socialist views are generally held by the far left, for example you and ring em bells and the majority north of the border!The meeting, for your information, is being organised by the local Churches. It is not being organised by myself, or any other of the candidates!To categorise myself as "far left", is I'm afraid, merely another one of the false assertions put forward by those who claim a knowledge they, in actuality, do not possess.The Socialist Party do not support Capitalism, in any way, shape or form. Whether as reformist supporters of Capitalism, Labour, SWP. Militant, CPGB or any of the other reformist variations.Nor do we/did we consider the so-called Socialist/Communist revolutions in the USSR, China, Cuba et al, as was clearly stated by us, at the exact times these events occurred, to be anything other than revolutions "to", Capitalism, not away from it!The Political Party's mentioned and others, the countries mentioned and others, all support systems which are based on commodity production for profit, They support "elites". A world where we have "classes, IE rich and poor, Capitalists and workers. A world divided into nation states. The Socialist Party, neither support these ideas, nor advocate them.Our total focus is to replace Capitalism, not push the futile attempts to reform it. Just over 100 years of Labour Party history, is proof positive of the futility of this position and an inability to see this, is the profoundest case of burying ones head in the sand, ever seen.


    Advertisement in the Folkestone Herald:


    A report of a hustings last Wednesday at which our candidate in Oxford East, Kevin Parkin spoke: of photos of him but nothing about what he said:


    We will be taking part in a live broadcast on BBC Radio Oxford tomorrow morning. We've been invited as we're contesting 2 of the 6 seats in Oxfordshire. Here's the details from them:

    Just wanted to update you on Tuesday's Immigration debate.Here's the finalised line-up:SOCIALIST PARTY OF GREAT BRITAIN – Kevin Parkin (Oxford East)CONS –  Sir Tony Baldry (former Banbury MP)LABOUR – Sam Juthani (Henley)LIB DEMS – Layla Moran (OxWAb)GREENS – Ann Duncan (Ox East)UKIP – Simon Strutt (Witney)It will be a LIVE round table debate in the studio so the only LIVE audience will be the listeners.  Everybody will be in the studio so if you can please arrive at 0845am.It will run from 09:00 to 10:00 at the very latest.  It will be divided into 3 or 4 sections, looking at different aspects:  the impact on labour market; pressure on welfare/NHS; differences in immigration policy.The questions will be interspersed with pre-recorded clips from people we've spoken to during our Big Ballot Box Tour.  There will also be some brief pre-recorded "Fact Boxes" from Dr Carlos Vargas-Silva from the Migration Observatory at The University of Oxford. You'lll also have a full interrupted minute at the end to outline you Party's policy in this area.Finally a small advisory note:  we have tried to balance the contributors across the 6 Oxfordshire seats, so you be asked to speak on behalf of your party rather than on a constituency level.

    BBC Radio Oxford is on 95.2FM, digital radio and online. 


    The Internet Committee provided links to our website for election enquiries made.  This is the tally of 'clicks' recorded so far for each of the areas:Brighton (both constituencies):      159Canterbury:                                         17Easington:                                            15Folkestone:                                          17Islington:                                              22Oxford (both constituencies):            71Swansea:                                               50Vauxhall:                                              17And from the Election video:            74


    These enquiries will come from three sources: the election communications delivered (or not delivered in some cases) by royal mail, replies to 38 Degrees emails, and from other leaflets, distributed by us.

    #108312're recycling Danny's clip rather than any footage from Sunday, it seems…


    No quibble with the text of the report. ALB's statements seem to be accurately put. And Danny's interview is always worth a re-play.No idea what they filmed …but we not got a real complaint about it, have we? Is it possible to request a copy of the raw unedited footage for our own future use?…Or do you think its been scrubbed already?


    The BBC have sent us a clip of what was broadcast but it's complicated to get to look at. Don't know if this will get you there. DownloadFiles (5.87 MB total) Socialist Party.wmvWill be deleted on 4 May, 2015 


    Here's Mike's comments on the general election manifesto of the Oxford University Students Union which asked him for them:

    ALB wrote:
    The BBC have sent us a clip of what was broadcast but it's complicated to get to look at. Don't know if this will get you there.

    Now on our youtube channel:

    DJP wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    The BBC have sent us a clip of what was broadcast but it's complicated to get to look at. Don't know if this will get you there.

    Now on our youtube channel:

    I'm repeatedly getting an error message.  Any facebook members experiencing a similar problem can it watch it here: 

Viewing 15 posts - 376 through 390 (of 530 total)
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