General Election – Campaign News

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election – Campaign News

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    Hustings at St Hilary's Parish Centre (behind St Hilary's Church Killay) on April 26th at 7pm.

    moderator1 wrote:
    Hustings at St Hilary's Parish Centre (behind St Hilary's Church Killay) on April 26th at 7pm.

    Found an address for the website, Meetup and 'Meet your next MP':  462 Gower Road, Killay, Swansea SA2 7DZBut who's organising the hustings?

    gnome wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    Hustings at St Hilary's Parish Centre (behind St Hilary's Church Killay) on April 26th at 7pm.

    Found an address for the website, Meetup and 'Meet your next MP':  462 Gower Road, Killay, Swansea SA2 7DZBut who's organising the hustings?

    The church.

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    SP,I should clarify, we were the only party at that meeting who would abolish the NHS, as a state bureaucracy that organised health affairs in a market system.  Also, since we'd be abolishing Britain, it would no longer be a national health Service, but a World Health Service.

    Thanks YMSI had a feeling that's what you meant.

    moderator1 wrote:
    gnome wrote:
    moderator1 wrote:
    Hustings at St Hilary's Parish Centre (behind St Hilary's Church Killay) on April 26th at 7pm.

    Found an address for the website, Meetup and 'Meet your next MP':  462 Gower Road, Killay, Swansea SA2 7DZBut who's organising the hustings?

    The church.


    gnome wrote:
    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Whatever the nostalgics here for using the full name all the time might think, the arguments for calling ourselves (except in legal, historial and ceremonial contexts) the Socialist Party are just as valid today as they were when the party voted for this at the end of the 1980s. "Great Britain" does have natiinalistic connotations, whatever people say.

    Equally, it is a strong argument for ourselves to be re-named The World Socialist Party (and add what geographical title you wish to in these brackets)…That clearly identifies us distinctly and uniquely

    There might be an even stronger argument made for dropping 'socialist' considering the huge confusion surrounding the word, not only due to the countless other organisations which have misappropriated its use but also because of the legacy inherited from the bastardised system which pertained in Russia and elsewhere.What we have to continue to do, as AJJ correcty observes, is to continue to clearly define in our literature and elsewhere what we mean by socialism; already that lost territory is slowly but surely being reclaimed.BTW, an email has been sent to the organisers of the Botley hustings advising of them of their error in describing us as the SWPGB.

    There's definately a potential case for dropping the word socialist, due to the relatively recent history of it's association. However the concept of socialism has a far longer history in its evolution, before the USSR came into existence. Nationalism however, is a dead weight the Party should be extremely keen on distancing itself from.So far the Party has been written up or introduced as The Great British Socialist Party, The National Socialist Party, The Socialist Workers Party of Great Britain, Socialist Party (ex-Militant).What can anyone expect when one identity can't be nailed down after 110 yearsNot the right place for it here but I think the Party name is in need of serious discussion. World Socialist Party of "……" is for my mind the logical way forward.


    Reminder: 1. The general topic of each forum is given by the posted forum description. Do not start a thread in a forum unless it matches the given topic, and do not derail existing threads with off-topic posts.


    Another debate win for Sturgeon is the way i saw the tv show…i think that if Labour enter a coalition with the SNP, people will prefer Sturgeon as prime minister, not Miliband  I think our own campaign should up the feistiness and express more indignation at what is happening to fellow workers…Let's get angry


    Today between noon and 1pm


    Only a couple of snags with the deliveryof our election leaflets by our printers to Royal Mail: Swansea went to the wrong address  (which Royal Mail gave us) and the ones for Islington were delivered too late. This means that these won't go out to suboffices for delivery to houses until Monday and so won't be in elector's hands till Tuesday.Everything went ok for the other 8 constituencies. Electors there should be getting our leaflet tomorrow.


    There could be a silver lining…All the rival election leaflets will be delivered in a oner by the postie…ours if not available will be delivered separately…and better chance of being noticed…But more than likely, the postie will be waiting for a quiet day to deliver the lot and ours will be go out with the rest, despite the delay. …Thus Spake Zarathustra the ex-Postie … It is not a matter of the date when the delivery office gets the leaflets but when the individual postie allots a day to visiting each and every address on his delivery round…Its not something done everyday…(Of course, things might have changed from my day says the boring old codger) …Just watch out for some lazy sod doesn't dump the lot in the canal on the sly thinking nobody will complain about non-arrival of boring election leaflets…


    I don't know what it's like in the other constituencies we're contesting (or in the rest of the country) but in Oxford there are a record number of hustings (one nearly every evening last week and one every evening next week)  with record turn-outs (200 in Abingdon and 150 last night in Botley, near Oxford). Maybe people like the Question Time formula. Not that have been much fireworks, at least not in Oxford West but then the UKIP candidate there has not turned up at any hustings since being exposed as a racist and homophobe. Their candidate in Oxford East, who has turned up, has been more circumspect emphasing the lack of accountability of politicians rather than the usual UKIP xenophobia.There's still a problem with selective hustings in Oxford East, this time involving the BBC:

    steve colborn

    I've received this invite; Dear SirLocal volunteers from 38 Degrees re hosting an event to present petition signaturesto Mr Grahame Morris regarding Save our NHSWe are all a Easington residents and are passionate to Save the NHS .You are cordially invited to join. Mr Morris, Susan Mc Dowell and Martie Warinwho are all prospective candidates like yourself.The event will be held at Byron PlaceShopping Centre Seaham at 2.30pm. There will be an opportunity for the press to publicisethe day.You may already have received an email via 38 Degrees regarding the Save our NHS . Could you please confirm ASAP to let me know of your attendance please. Yours faithfully Maeve Cuthbertson

    Followed by this; Sorry my email was unclear. The date for the event is Saturday 25th April at 2.30pm.The venue is Byron Place Shopping Centre Seaham.Hope this is Ok Regards Maeve Cuthbertson I'll be attending, hopefully with other members of the Branch. Steve.


    I would confirm that you'll be allowed to put the socialist case on the NHS before you accept this invite.  


    Letter sent to the Canterbury Times:

    Dear Sir/MadamWe can make a better worldThe economic crisis has revealed a truth:  the world is run in the interests of those who own it, and a debate has started (Your Views, 15th April) about whether there can be a viable alternative to the failures of the market system.In his letter Mr Reeves alluded to another truth, that left-Labour and those who supported the failed so-called ‘communist’ countries want the government to run everything.  Socialists stand for the exact opposite – we want the people to take the power for themselves. We don’t need leaders to tell us how to live our lives.We believe that with real socialism the natural instinct for human being to work together can replace the class divided society of today. But this is such a big change that we need a big discussion about how socialism could solve our problems, then win a majority of people to vote for it. Trying otherwise would just cause another disaster, like in Russia from 1917 onwards. This is why The Socialist Party cannot join Mr Page in his left-wing coalition. We fully support trades unions fighting for better conditions, but TUSC spends its time campaigning not for socialism, but like Labour for measures to patch-up capitalism which will let the rich and powerful few carry on exploiting the rest of us. Socialists should be in business to make more socialists. The Socialist Party of Great Britain is putting the case for a real alternative to capitalism through 500,000 letter boxes this month – please look out for it. The more who join with us in this task, the quicker we may bring about a better world for all.Yours sincerelyRobert CoxSocialist Party Parliamentary Candidate – Canterbury and Whitstable
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