General Election – Campaign News

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election – Campaign News

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  • #108183

    Oh dear! Now we're the SWP: as bad as last night, at a hustings in the  Marston part of Oxford, where our candidate was introduced as from the "National Socialist Party". Whatever the nostalgics here for using the full name all the time might think, the arguments for calling ourselves (except in legal, historial and ceremonial contexts) the Socialist Party are just as valid today as they were when the party voted for this at the end of the 1980s. "Great Britain" does have natiinalistic connotations, whatever people say.Apart from that the hustings was one of the best as the candidates were allowed five minutes to make their case and the questions were about world rather than parochial affairs (despite being in a church — packed with 80 people, no doubt more than they get on a Sunday).Another two this evening, one at Oxford Brookes University and the other in the Guildhall in Abingdon.

    Whatever the nostalgics here for using the full name all the time might think, the arguments for calling ourselves (except in legal, historial and ceremonial contexts) the Socialist Party are just as valid today as they were when the party voted for this at the end of the 1980s. "Great Britain" does have natiinalistic connotations, whatever people say.

    Equally, it is a strong argument for ourselves to be re-named The World Socialist Party (and add what geographical title you wish to in these brackets)…That clearly identifies us distinctly and uniquelyI'm not really intfluence by the case that it means letting SPEW having a free hand to call themselves the Socialist Party…In the world context there are plenty of Socialist Parties that aren't….and we always have to define what socialism is anyway in any of our literature or debates…Let them get cockahoop over the unchallenged ownership of the party name…because we will still be there exposing the non-socialist content of this "Socialist Party" as we do when they and other stand as "socialist" whatever. It is the idea of what socialism really means and what genuine socialists advocate which is the true battle, imho.This should i think will be part of our post-mortem post-election among many other issues that have sprung up eg logo

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Whatever the nostalgics here for using the full name all the time might think, the arguments for calling ourselves (except in legal, historial and ceremonial contexts) the Socialist Party are just as valid today as they were when the party voted for this at the end of the 1980s. "Great Britain" does have natiinalistic connotations, whatever people say.

    Equally, it is a strong argument for ourselves to be re-named The World Socialist Party (and add what geographical title you wish to in these brackets)…That clearly identifies us distinctly and uniquely

    There might be an even stronger argument made for dropping 'socialist' considering the huge confusion surrounding the word, not only due to the countless other organisations which have misappropriated its use but also because of the legacy inherited from the bastardised system which pertained in Russia and elsewhere.What we have to continue to do, as AJJ correcty observes, is to continue to clearly define in our literature and elsewhere what we mean by socialism; already that lost territory is slowly but surely being reclaimed.BTW, an email has been sent to the organisers of the Botley hustings advising of them of their error in describing us as the SWPGB.

    gnome wrote:
    BTW, an email has been sent to the organisers of the Botley hustings advising of them of their error in describing us as the SWPGB.

    Yes of course. That was done straightaway.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Equally, it is a strong argument for ourselves to be re-named The World Socialist Party (and add what geographical title you wish to in these brackets)…That clearly identifies us distinctly and uniquely

     We would stand out too much! We wouldn't have that much to explain. 'world' 'socialist' . How could we possibly then be confused with the 'left' never mind the 'right'As I have ranted in the past, the party is hidden away behind unbeleivable and unnecessary confusiion.  How can a goup of intellgint people let this continue? We have 'labour',  'tory' 'United Kingdom Independence Party, The Socialist Party of GREAT BRITAIN Ah but wait  : we have something different The WORLD Socialist Movement. Now why does your  party use the term 'WORLD' in it's title?  Well, it speaks for itself. Is there a World Socialist Party in existence?My fear is that we will attract the right wing vote.


    Our candidates were invited to put over our/their case in 30 seconds. Here's three who took up the offer (filmed at Head Office over Conference using the same basic text):


    Lambeth Council has invited all candidates in constituencies in the borough to present their case in a few hundred words. Here's that from our candidate in Vauxhall, Danny Lambert:—the-socialist-party-of-great-britain


    Islington Keep our NHS Public Hustings Islington (Link)About 50 people present again, pannel was drawn from both halves of Islington, Emily Thornbury (who was quite effective) for Labour, UKIP, Lib_Dems, Greens and us present, Tories were a no show (and got a kicking in abstentia for that).As a topic focussed meeting, in front of people who want to defend the NHS, it was a tough gig.  I started by saying we wer the only party that wants to abolish the NHS, but ended the night asking why if everyone there supports health care free at the point of use, they don't support clothes, foods, housing, etc. free at the point of use? (One member of the audience told me afterwards that was a good point, and he would use it later).You can tell this is a seat that isn't in play, apart from the incumbants, the other candidates are uniformly hopeless, especially the UKIp candidates.6 party members and 2 sympathisers were in the audience, and asked a couple of questions about the need to abolish capitalism.  Leaflets were distributed afterwards.


    Here's the result of a ballot yesterday by six formers at a school in Oxford West & Abingdon after hearing representatives of all the candidates (except UKIP, which got no votes anyway): we are ex-Militant )I don't know if the result means anything but this was not in an area where you would expect Labour to come second, let alone first. Doesn't say much for the future of the Tories either (unless people get less radical as they get older). Our 2 votes had to be write-in votes as our party was not on the ballot papers given to the students.Report of the meeting in this morning's Oxford Mail:


    For the video address, wouldn't it have been more effective having someone hold a prompt board behind the camera for the candidates to read off, rather than notes held in the hand. Perhaps something to remember for the next time. Just  a thought….Mike's version has been uploaded to our blog now…


    Anyone else wondering about the need for this resolution? I am stunned by it! "This Conference recommends that 'key messages' which can be made during theelection campaign should focus on our rejection of leadership in favour of democracyand our aim for a moneyless world of free access."   I will be emphasising class struggle and revolution and the control of the earth's resources by a bunch of parasites.

    Vin wrote:
    Anyone else wondering about the need for this resolution? I am stunned by it! "This Conference recommends that 'key messages' which can be made during theelection campaign should focus on our rejection of leadership in favour of democracyand our aim for a moneyless world of free access."   I will be emphasising class struggle and revolution and the control of the earth's resources by a bunch of parasites.

    Hear, hear

    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Islington Keep our NHS Public Hustings Islington (Link)As a topic focussed meeting, in front of people who want to defend the NHS, it was a tough gig.  I started by saying we wer the only party that wants to abolish the NHS, but ended the night asking why if everyone there supports health care free at the point of use, they don't support clothes, foods, housing, etc. free at the point of use? (One member of the audience told me afterwards that was a good point, and he would use it later).

    YMSI was wondering if you could expand on your statement about the SPGB being the only party wanting to abolish the NHS?


    Vin, JDW,i think your points must feature in the debate that i keep saying we must have after the elections are over and done with, where we gather together the lessons we have learned, the mistakes we made and the positive aspects we achieved.EARB already offered a criticism of our national election address and managed to get that re-addressed (pun). But it showed to some degree our lack of advance preparation that a key document passed by the EC had to be revised. I'm not aiming criticism at anybody but drawing attention to a technical failure in coordinating and cooperating to get the best out of the party. It is not like we had no warning and got caught on the hop. This general election campaign was to build upon what we thought we had learned from the Euro-election but in retrospect, perhaps it wasn't very much in a practical sense.  I think it all this is well worth a special general meeting rather than being tagged on to the ADM…but can we afford that when i think cash should be directed to a more online presence and more videos so perhaps the ADM should have an extra day added for a special discussion. 


    SP,I should clarify, we were the only party at that meeting who would abolish the NHS, as a state bureaucracy that organised health affairs in a market system.  Also, since we'd be abolishing Britain, it would no longer be a national health Service, but a World Health Service.

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