General Election – Campaign News

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election – Campaign News

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  • #108078
    ALB wrote:
    ALB wrote:
    and somebody called Alistair from the Monster Raving Looney Party (dressed as if he thought yesterday not today was Paddies' Day).

    More on him here: is clearly just using the Monster Raving Looney Party label to publicise his Alice in Wonderland Walking Tour of Oxford.  Presumably he regards £500 as cheap price to pay for the publicity. A shrewd businessman then. He has stood in local elections there before. Insofar as he says anything political he's appealing for the protest vote.

    I see a candidate for the Reality Party took Al Murray (FUKP) to task for using the general election deposit to promote his comedy tour.

    ALB wrote:
    Report in the Oxford Mail on Monday's hustings there: get the face and the case.

    Two faces as it happens.    


    You're right. Kevin is there on the picture of the two-faced LibDem speaking.


    Actually, Kevin gets two bites of the cherry.  He's also in the first picture with the Loony Party guy speaking.


     The Green Party is very revolutionary  "People need help with their energy bills" lol And Zeitgeist on Facebook suggest we vote for them 

    gnome wrote:
    Actually, Kevin gets two bites of the cherry.  He's also in the first picture with the Loony Party guy speaking.

    He also gets a half-face in the photo of Mike. I see we get a mention that we're standing in this news item too: are standing only a few more candidates than us so we should get invitations to the same hustings as her. Actually, she has told us of a couple of hustings we didn't know about.

    steve colborn

    Letter sent to all local Newspapers today;   Life is more like a nightmare for the vast majority of people in the World today! I have been accused of arguing " to be one better than any one else through contradiction", I do not see this! If it had been said, that I was trying to get a message across by "showing the 'contradictions' inherent in the present system", that I could most assuredly agree with. For the contradictions are legion. Moreover, it is claimed that the present way Society is organised is "civilised" and "humane" A society that has 2 billion+ going to bed hungry every night, cannot make the claims of being civilised nor humane!A society that has hundreds of millions with no access to clean water or sanitation, cannot make the claims of being civilised nor humane!A society that allows tens of thousands of children under 5, to die every day, of starvation or directly attributable disease, cannot make the claims of being civilised nor humane! A society that can allow, less than 100 people to own more accumulated wealth than the poorest 3.5 billion, cannot be seen as sane, rational, nor indeed civilised nor humane!These obscene figures and others, are why myself and The Socialist Party are so vehement in our opposition to the present way society is organised (Capitalism) and why we are just as vehement in pressing the case for a different way of organising society. One based upon the "common ownership and democratic control of the means for producing and distributing what we, as human beings need to live". Where the Earth and everything in and on it, will belong to all people, equally, without distinction of Race, Sex, Age or any other of the false divisions that Capitalism throws up, to cloud the real issues!Where the watchword "from each according to ability, to each, according to need" will be the overriding principle! Steve Colborn.                           PPC EasingtonThe Socialist Party 

    I have been accused of arguing " to be one better than any one else through contradiction", I do not see this! If it had been said, that I was trying to get a message across by "showing the 'contradictions' inherent in the present system", that I could most assuredly agree with.

    Steve, what was the source of the charge…can you provide the source and what was said to give more context to your letter.

    steve colborn

    I was in a discussion on the Sunderland Echo letters site. Here is a link to the discussion;

    steve colborn

    Hi Alan,Is there a reason you asked the above? The contextualisation is relevant how?


    First election stall at Canterbury this Saturday (21 March) 


    I think someone complained a few weeks ago asking why we were discussing here subjects like hunter-gatherer societies rather than austerity. Here's a reply received from someone in Islington to our reply to an email circular about the NHS they had sent. Our reply said that a free health service was all very well but, until we had a socialist society in which all services were free, a free health service would be and was being constantly undermined by the economic forces of capitalism.

    Thank you for replying interestingly, if simplistically. I'm a social scientist and There has never been a society anywhere that runs in the way you dream of – even the most egalitarian hunter-gatherers would have trouble with your vision, alas. And if it can't be managed among a band of 20 or 30 it certainly can't in a whole society. But it is good to have your idealism at one end of the spectrum.
    ALB wrote:
    I think someone complained a few weeks ago asking why we were discussing here subjects like hunter-gatherer societies rather than austerity. Here's a reply received from someone in Islington to our reply to an email circular about the NHS they had sent. Our reply said that a free health service was all very well but, until we had a socialist society in which all services were free, a free health service would be and was being constantly undermined by the economic forces of capitalism.

    Thank you for replying interestingly, if simplistically. I'm a social scientist and There has never been a society anywhere that runs in the way you dream of – even the most egalitarian hunter-gatherers would have trouble with your vision, alas. And if it can't be managed among a band of 20 or 30 it certainly can't in a whole society. But it is good to have your idealism at one end of the spectrum.

    I hope someone will take time to reply to this 'social scientist'. Robbo or Hud spring to mind. 


    The candidate himself has already drafted a reply.

    We don't think of ourselves as idealists, but simply practical.You're right, there never has been a society quite like socialism, but then, up until five hundred years ago, there had never been a society quite like capitalism, these things can change.   We simply want to do away with the waste of minority ownership of wealth (and all the machinery that goes into enforcing minority ownership).  Complex societies have existed in which market relations were marginal : the smallest unit of currency in Roman Britain would have been useless for daily life and most consumption would have come from  the production of a given estate;  the Inca empire organised almost entirely without money using a kind of Labour tax; of course, these were class divided societies, but they demonstrate that market relations are not the only way we can do things.

    Although the CPGB-PCC supported the SPGB at the 2014 Euroelection, a letter in Weekly Worker today states they were campaigning for Left Unity party in Vauxhall where an SPGB candidate is standing. they support other SPGB candidacies remains to be seen.

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