General Election 2017 campaign

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election 2017 campaign

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  • #127022
    ALB wrote:
    Interesting but shouldn't this be in the General Discussion section as nothing to do with our election campaign?

    Except that as, during the discussion on PROSPECTIVE KENT AND SUSSEX CANDIDATES (see Item B (3) May 2017 EC minutes) it was opined that a precedent exists whereby the EC can authorise party candidates without the democratic discussion, approval, or presumably, any meaningful electoral activity on the part of a particular branch, it could have made sense, at least to those advancing this opinion, for us to have contested one or two constituencies north of the border.


    ALB, it is so often said by ourselves that it is Tweedledum and Tweedledee relationship between the Tories and Labour…I thought it was ideal contemporary ammunition to support that argument for our two candidates to cite as evidence in any hustings that it is a reality. But no need to start another thread, if it is of no potential use…simply ignore it.Gnome, i think it is possible to have remote candidates but simple fact demonstrated more than on one occasion in the past, the two Scottish branches do not consider themselves capable of participating in any election, although involvement is not a necessity, but it is highly desirable.


    Actually, Alan, I do think your post is worth discussing. I remember the days when the Labour Party used to denounce the SNP as "Tartan Tories". As it happened, the SNP turned out to be "Tartan reformists" and now it's Labour that are "Tartan Unionists". But not here.As to what was "opined" at the EC, it was that the Party had contested Vauxhall many times without the local (or any) branch asking to contest there under Rule 28, but on the basis of the EC deciding this in the knowledge that there would be activity in the constituency, as there always was of course.  But discussion of what the EC decided this time is best left till after the campaign is over.


    Not sure if anyone has mentioned it already but you can hear Bill Martin on Radio Two here (skip to 42 minutes) much for the fuckwit on after who think that the Cubans abolished capitalism!

    Mark at HO today wrote:
    Four members and supporters were at HO today. No post but election leaflets arrived. A visitor had a look in the archives (member of the Library Committee present) – wanted some information about a relative – donated £20.Couple of young people popped in and took away some Standards.Will be back in on the 24th for some training.

    The leaflets that were delivered to Head Office yesterday are those for distribution outside the three constituencies we are contesting and advising those who want socialism to write "WORLD SOCIALISM" across their ballot paper. They will be despatched to branches and individuals who requested some today.  Cardiff and Folkestone were sent theirs direct from the printers in time for their street stall tomorrow. They will also be handed out tomorrow at the Levellers Day event in Burford, Oxfordshire, and at the stall outside Head Office.There are still plenty left for those who haven't yet asked for some.  Send a letter or email to Head Office: spgb[at]


    I for on appreciate being kept up to date with events. The AV committee is pushing ahead with the introductory whiteboard video and there is a good chance that it will be ready to be of use around the election. 


    Just for clarification.  It's Swansea who have a street stall tomorrow; Cardiff next have one on Saturday, 3 June.  More information at links.Swansea Street Stall    12noon till 2pmCardiff Street Stall    11am till 1pm


    Well (or wel, as they say in Welsh) if they are going to hand them out at the stall in Swansea this Saturday they better do this only to people from Swansea East not Swansea West. Otherwise some of those who want socialism might write WORLD SOCIALISM across their ballot paper instead of voting for the Socialist candidate there.The "I'm voting for World Socialism" stickers are being delivered to Head Office on Monday.

    ALB wrote:
    Well (or wel, as they say in Welsh) if they are going to hand them out at the stall in Swansea this Saturday they better do this only to people from Swansea East not Swansea West. Otherwise some of those who want socialism might write WORLD SOCIALISM across their ballot paper instead of voting for the Socialist candidate there.The "I'm voting for World Socialism" stickers are being delivered to Head Office on Monday.

    These leaflets will not be handed out in Swansea tomorrow.  They will be handed out in Cardiff on the 3rd June and any left over will be distributed in Barry, Penarth, Pontypridd, and Thornhill in the hope we have some enquiries from those areas..

    ALB wrote:
    The leaflets that were delivered to Head Office yesterday are those for distribution outside the three constituencies we are contesting and advising those who want socialism to write "WORLD SOCIALISM" across their ballot paper. They will be despatched to branches and individuals who requested some today. There are still plenty left for those who haven't yet asked for some.  Send a letter or email to Head Office: spgb[at]

    Yes, we still have a couple of thousand leaflets left for general distribution before polling day so please contact HO if you would like a quantity.


    Six members, from West London and West Midland branches, on our stall at the Leveller’s Day event in Burford, Oxfordshire, on Saturday. Didn’t rain all the time but it rained hard enough three or four times for us to have to cover our table. As can be seen, we were next to the Labour Party.Gave away our general General Election leaflet (the write WORLD SOCIALISM across the ballot paper one). Plenty of political discussion.We learned that this election is the first time that the Communist Party has not stood any candidate in a general election (they are supporting Labour under Corbyn).Disbelief amongst some that we were standing against Corbyn himself (not that we had singled him out; it’s just that we stood in his constituency last time when he was only just another Labour candidate).Also learned that no other candidates apart from the big five (Labour, Tory, Liberal, Green, UKIP) are standing on Oxford East. Pity we didn’t go ahead with the original plan to contest it again this time. Some had been expecting us to.

    Howard M wrote:
    Four members ran a stall in Swansea city centre yesterday (no photos, sorry). Not much sold but we gave away a lot of election and other leaflets.People seemed much more willing to take leaflets if we told them that it was to do with the election.The local rag (South Wales Evening Post) is running a feature on all local candidates (including ours) tomorrow and we're also in the process of booking two half-page adverts with them.

    The ballot paper stickers arrived at Head Office today – if you would like one, or more, please send a stamped self-addressed envelope to HO. there are still around 1800 election leaflets still available for general distribution (i.e. for use anywhere other than in the three constituencies where we're standing).

    Danny L at HO wrote:
    Clapham High Street was unusually quiet but we did hand out around 200 flyers; give away some back issue Standards.The changeable weather had us carrying the lit table in and out several times avoiding the showers.We spoke with two workers who showed genuine interest in our analysis and proposition.We also sold literature for the princely sum of £1.00 and a splendid time was had by all.
    Rob C in Folkestone wrote:
    We gave out quite a lot of leaflets and some back issues, but only sold one Standard. Had some useful discussions, though.Someone came up to the stall and asked if we were a political party and if so why we were supporting Corbyn. I told him we didn’t support him and he walked off reassured (realising he had misread the heading of a text about Corbyn we had on the display stand). Makes a change.We were also visited by a friend of one of our candidates in the recent council elections, who offered to put the Socialist Standard on sale at a local cafe. This will be followed up in time for the next edition.
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