General Election 2017 campaign

July 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election 2017 campaign

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  • #127008
    Mike Foster wrote:
    Sorry, but I'm not sure if the 'don't vote for Brian Johnson' lines work, though.

    That's what Swansea Branch thought too and have sent it back to the drawing board so it won't actually be used, as a newspaper ad.


    Here's the first draft of a possible newspaper advertisement in Swansea.

    gnome wrote:
    A number of comrades and friends have already agreed to attend Head Office this coming Monday, 15 May from around midday in order to discover which activities are required in order to assist the party:

    Seven comrades and friends turned up at HO today and made some useful plans including the drawing up of a rota for the staffing of HO and the holding of street stalls in the Battersea constituency, one of the seats we're contesting in the General Election.ROTA – MAY/JUNEWednesday 17  J.LThursday 18  M.H; C.ASaturday 20  (Stall outside HO from noon)  G.J; O.B; C.AWednesday, 24  D.P; M.H; N.M; G.J (HO admin tuition); J.LSaturday 27  (Stall outside HO from noon and elsewhere in the Battersea constituency – possibly Northcote Road in Clapham Junction or Balham High Road)Monday 29  N.MWednesday 31  J.LSaturday 3  (Stall outside HO from noon and elsewhere in the Battersea constituency – possibly Northcote Road in Clapham Junction or Balham High Road) Monday 5  N.MWednesday 7  J.LThere may be minor variations to this schedule.  The premises will generally be open from midday; occasionally earlier.  Looking at the long term, HO will most likely be open at least three days a week and certainly on Mondays and Wednesdays.  However, anyone planning to visit the premises on a particular day is advised to phone first – 0207 622 3811Additional volunteers always welcome


    Just think perhaps we missed this bus this year in Scotland (i fully understand why and am not being accusatory…only expressing regret). I believe when we are the only party on the ballot with the name socialist we do relatively well. The SSP are not standing anywhere in Scotland. In fact, this report shows that there is a drop in minor parties contesting seats. The Greens are fighting only three in Scotland.   

    266 candidates have put themselves forward for Scotland's 59 constituencies. Each of the four major parties – the SNP, Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems – have put forward a candidate in every seat.That leaves just 30 independent candidates and people representing "other" parties, such as the Greens, UKIP and others. This is a huge drop on the figure from previous years – in 2015 there were 346 candidates, with 110 not representing one of the four major parties. In 2010, 335 party candidates stood, including 99 from "other" parties. And in 2005, the first year of the current boundaries (with 59 constituencies rather than 72), there were 370 party candidates, 136 of whom were in the "other" column. The upshot of all of this is that Scottish voters are going into this general election with less choice than ever before. In 36 of the 59 constituencies, there are only the four major parties on the ballot paper. missed opportunity to take advantage of the situation

    gnome wrote:
    ROTA – MAY/JUNEWednesday 17  J.LThursday 18  M.H; C.ASaturday 20  (Stall outside HO from noon)  G.J; O.B; C.AWednesday, 24  D.P; M.H; N.M; G.J (HO admin tuition); J.LSaturday 27  (Stall outside HO from noon and elsewhere in the Battersea constituency – possibly Northcote Road in Clapham Junction or Balham High Road)Monday 29  N.MWednesday 31  J.LSaturday 3  (Stall outside HO from noon and elsewhere in the Battersea constituency – possibly Northcote Road in Clapham Junction or Balham High Road) Monday 5  N.MWednesday 7  J.LThere may be minor variations to this schedule.  The premises will generally be open from midday; occasionally earlier.   However, anyone planning to visit the premises on a particular day is advised to phone first – 0207 622 3811

    West London branch, who are organising the campaign in Battersea, agreed at their meeting last night to fill in some of the gaps in the rota (once again from midday, sometimes before)Friday 19Monday 22Tuesday 23Friday 25Tuesday 30Still to fill (but no doubt will be):  Thursday 24 May , Thursday 1 June, Friday 2 June, Tuesday 6 June.This will mean that Head Office will be open everyday from now on (except Sundays) until election day.


    David Vine slot….better than nothing…but i think Jeremy Kyle might have given us more exposure.


    Bill Martin’s 46-second clip can be heard 42:30 secs into the David Vine programme here:


    Here's a transcript of what Bill said;

    Hi, my name is Bill Martin and I'm the Socialist Party candidate for Islington North for the coming general election. We stood in the last general election and we don't think that Jeremy Corbyn being the Leader of the Labour Party substantially changes anything. His party still stands for the existence of capitalism albeit in some sort of reformed manner. And we happen to think that because poverty and unemployment are an essential feature of capitalism that any vote for the Labour Party is a vote for capitalism. We think that instead of the madness of the market we should have the direct control of the means of production so that we can all directly provide the food, clothing and housing that every human being needs.

    I see that the candidate of the Trotskyist "Communist League" follows saying that they got rid of capitalism in Cuba.Incidentally, who is this David Vine? I thought he was called Jeremy.

    ALB wrote:
    Here's a transcript of what Bill said;

    I can't understand how anyone could disagree

    ALB wrote:
    West London branch, who are organising the campaign in Battersea, agreed at their meeting last night to fill in some of the gaps in the rota (once again from midday, sometimes before)Friday 19Monday 22Tuesday 23Friday 25Tuesday 30Still to fill (but no doubt will be):  Thursday 24 May , Thursday 1 June, Friday 2 June, Tuesday 6 June.This will mean that Head Office will be open everyday from now on (except Sundays) until election day.

    Adam, just to clarify – is it not Thursday 25 and Friday 26?


    Yes. In the meantime someone (comrade KP) has agreed to cover Thursday 24th. The 25th was already covered (actually, that's the day the June Standard is planned to arrive).

    ALB wrote:
    Yes. In the meantime someone (comrade KP) has agreed to cover Thursday 24th. The 25th was already covered (actually, that's the day the June Standard is planned to arrive).

    Yes, that's understood but Thursday is the 25th and Friday the 26th.


    Oh yes, you're right again. Forget the date, concentrate on the day ! Both the Thursday and the Friday are covered and the Standard is due to arrive on the Friday.


    Scottish Labour leader, Kezia Dugdale, has suspended every Labour councillor in Aberdeen after they ignored orders to abandon a power-sharing deal with the Conservatives. Dugdale said the nine councillors, including the newly elected lord provost of Aberdeen, Barney Crockett, would now be disciplined for refusing to tear up a coalition deal with the Tories in a bid to prevent the Scottish National party from taking power. The Tories had helped to get Jenny Laing, the Labour group leader, elected as council leader on Wednesday, and allowed Crockett, a former council leader, to become lord provost. we wanted Tory policies – we'd have voted Tory


    Interesting but shouldn't this be in the General Discussion section as nothing to do with our election campaign?

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