General Election 2017 campaign

October 2024 Forums World Socialist Movement General Election 2017 campaign

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  • #126978

    Further to my previous, what happened is the BBC's political correspondent Iain Watson stated in Tuesday's PM programme the following:“The Socialist Party, which includes ex-members of the Militant Tendency, they contacted me to say Jeremy Corbyn had been too right wing and they used one of the gravest insults in their lexicon. ‘He wasn’t a socialist, but a reformist’. Strong words indeed.”This can be heard at about 6:45secs into the programme on Tuesday here Watson had wrongly assumed tweets sent to him from our Twitter account had come from Militant.Presumably Militant (or someone else) complained, and the correction/clarification was given in next day's PM programme, as referred to above.Max


    That's the way it should be. Them complaining not us.


    Indeed, after I get my nomination papers in today, I shall be sending a letter tothe local press saying the Socialist Party will be standing against Jeremy Corbyn in Islington North: let them issue the retractions.


    A number of comrades and friends have already agreed to attend Head Office this coming Monday, 15 May from around midday in order to discover which activities are required in order to assist the party:1) with regard to electoral activity in the run-up to the General Election,2) to examine what support may be available for the day-to-day running of Head Office, and3) to prepare, in the near future, a plan of action to deal with the anticipated 'flood' of enquiries following our publication insert advertising campaign which should kick-off from June.We hope you will be able to pop along, even briefly, to help us in any way you think you can and to assist us in drawing up rotas so as to achieve these ends.We realise that many of you will be unable to attend on Monday either because of the short notice, prior commitments or distance.However, you may well be able to assist on subsequent occasions.Anyone requiring further information should phone 07973 142701


    We now know who our opponents are. In Islington North, where Corbyn is standing, there are 9 of them including him: Battersea we have 6 opponents: the usual suspects (Labour, Tory, Liberal, Green and UKIP) plus an Independent.In Swansea West it's also 6: Labour, Tory, Liberal, Green, UKIP and, of course, Plaid Cymru.


    Quickly, gotta run @SPGBNLB campaign twitter account.


    Danny's interview today on BBC2 has been brought forward by five minutes.  Better switch on at 12.30pm. 


    I'm sure we can all give our tuppence worth in how we would have dealt with the questions on Daily Politics but i think we all have a core message to offer. Danny has his…socialism as the human family angle which i think resonates very well but he could only offer it at the tail-end of the interview and was pressed for time.Danny did a lot better than i would have and a lot other members, tooPolly Tonybee touched on the early christian communism and coincidentally one of members in on Libcom, participating in a healthy constructive debate on that exact topic.  


    Here's a clip see we're on the landing page for the Daily Politics too


    At least one person has joined the SPGB's Facebook group as a result of watching Danny's interview today.


    We had three enquiries immediately after the broadcast direct to Head Office email asking for more information . One wrote:

    Just seen a member of your party on the daily politics. Well done to him. He came across well. Just a shame that a so called impartial programme and ignorant people have to share the air waves. Is your party based on the work Jacque Fresco promotes and if not do you share the same future as what he would like to see unfold? If so i would be interested in joining your party.
    Young Master Smeet wrote:
    Quickly, gotta run @SPGBNLB campaign twitter account.

    Easier to find directly here:


     Here is a link to the entire seven minute clip of Danny Lambert being interviewed on the Daily Politics show said standing at election was a waste of time.Well done, comrades 


    Yesterday's Daily Politics interview can now be watched on this website.


    The expression on their faces says it all…

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