Gaza Protests

October 2024 Forums General discussion Gaza Protests

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    Seems timely that a dedicated thread should be posted on these events because they won't be fading from the media

    “Nothing was carried out uncontrolled; everything was accurate and measured, and we know where every bullet landed,” – IDF

    Israeli government spokesman, David Keyes, rebuked CNN for even using the word “protest” when “what actually happened is that Hamas engineered an event where they wanted thousands of people to swarm into Israel, to crush Israel, to commit acts of terror. Indeed, we have captured on camera pictures of people shooting guns, people placing bombs, people shooting rockets.” 

    Defence minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Israeli soldiers had “warded off Hamas military branch operatives capably and resolutely … They have my full backing.” 

    The idea of a mass march against the fence seems to have first emerged in social media in Gaza and was only later adopted by Hamas. It is the only strategy likely to show results for the Palestinians because they have no military option, no powerful allies and their leadership is moribund and corrupt. But they do have numbers. Israel has more difficulty in dealing with non-violent civil rights type mass movements among Palestinians than it has had fighting armed insurgencies. The claims that the demonstrations are orchestrated by Hamas, are mistaken on an important point because witnesses on the spot say that the impetus for the protests is coming from non-party groups and individuals. They voice frustration with the failed, divided and self-seeking Palestinian leaders of both Hamas and Fatah. 

    Human Rights Watch said that it “could find no evidence of any protester using firearms”. It added that footage published by the Israeli army showing two men shooting at Israeli troops turned out not to have been filmed at the protest. Human Rights Watch says the demonstrators pose no threat to an all-powerful Israeli military machine – a point reinforced by the fact that all the dead and wounded are Palestinian. 

    I am minded of the Socialist Standard comment from the past….we are on the side of the oppressed even if we do not endorse their favoured solutions…



    the line between criticism of Israel and prejudice against Jews is both fine and blurred. In Israel too, these accusations are weaponised against politicians and activists that step out of line. Tamar Zandberg, the brand new leader of Israel’s leftist Meretz party, criticised the “trigger happy” response to the marches by the Israeli military, and called for an internal inquiry in a message to her Twitter followers. The tweet attracted responses that saw Zandberg dubbed Tamar “Abu” Zandberg, arabising her name and implying she could not be Jewish (or Israeli) while holding anti-government views. Other comments depicted Zandberg not as a politician attempting to legitimately guide her state, but as part of an international campaign to humiliate Israel and undermine the legitimacy of its existence. Minister for Strategic Affairs Gilad Erdan replied that he regretted that the Israeli left “cannot even provide essential support to the IDF against an organisation that desires the destruction of Israel”…Every military encounter with Palestinians, then, is said to be about the existence of Israel itself, and not the specific context in which events occur. Dismissing the plight of the Palestinians, even to the very basic extent of ignoring crises in basic amenities like electricity, helps to reinforce this.  Criticism falls on deaf ears, then, because of a kind of moral exceptionalism: when Israel is under threat, politicians and activists alike must accept the army doing whatever it takes to ensure the state’s existence.


    The underlying trigger that erupted the Gaza nonviolent protest movement at this time is the living conditions. The question is, ‘What do we have to lose?’ In the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian population has reached the point where there is nothing more to lose. Gazans are on the brink of one of the worst humanitarian disasters…70% living in Gaza are registered refugees….. Sami Awad, the executive director of the Bethlehem-based Holy Land Trust, whose organization trains leaders in nonviolence tactics, explained, “The Israeli military and political establishment knows and understands fully the power of nonviolent resistance and has in the past. This establishment will do anything in the future to stop, discourage or undermine Palestinians who engage in nonviolence. “The violent deadly response of the Israeli army, as painful as it is, only shows the threat to Israel that nonviolence brings,”Palestinians in Gaza have shown that nonviolent protests can do more to shake up Israel and the world community than more violent means of protests. 


    A blog post


    "There are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip. Everyone's connected to Hamas, everyone gets a salary from Hamas, and all the activists trying to challenge us and breach the border are Hamas military wing activists." said Israel's nationalist Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman.I don’t know who he is, a photographer, not a photographer – whoever operates drones above IDF soldiers needs to understand that he is endangering himself,' said Avigdor Lieberman. The Israel Defense Forces said they are not aware of any use of drones by Palestinians during last Friday’s demonstration near the fence along the Gaza border.


    And then they complain about the German Nazis and the so-called Berlin Wall

    Keymaster“Clash” implies some degree of symmetry. When one side is dying by the dozens and the other is sitting behind a heavily secured wall, firing at will on unarmed people from hundreds of feet away (some of whom are wearing vests marked “PRESS”), this is not a “clash.” It’s more accurately described, at the very least, “firing on protesters.”


    At least 58 Palestinians were killed and more than 2,700 wounded by Israeli gunfire on Monday as protest spread across Gaza in the bloodiest day in the strip since the 2014 war.According to the Great March of Return organizers, around 50,000 protesters were gathered along the Gaza border as the new U.S. Embassy opened in Jerusalem.The casualty figures rose rapidly, as the opening the new American embassy at 4 p.m. local time. Gaza’s health ministry reported that five minors were included among the injuries, and 116 people still considered in critical condition.The toll number of fatalities since seven weekly rallies to demand Palestinians’ right to return to their original homes in Israel is now 107.


    Today our SOYMB blog had two related posts


    By the meantime  the United Nations is studying the situation and drinking coffee . Why they do not send  the blue helmets as they did in Haiti and the Dominican Republic ? It shows that they are just a bunch of vagabonds and partners in crime.While the Israeli were killing the Palestinian the Russian goverment was receiving the president of Israel and signing commercial dealings, and kissing each others. They also gave a green light for the killing of the PalestinianThe USA imposed another one of its famous embargo in Iran but they do not impose any embargo on Israel. The world situation is very clear, we do not need too much explanation,  and millions of peoples continue supporting their own oppressors and bandits. The popularity of Donald Trump has increased


    Meanwhile, the UK requested Israel exercise more restraint, whereupon i am sure Israel answered, their idea of restraint is shooting protesters in the leg.Of course, the UK also try to implicate Hamas as a culprit being "concerned about extremist infiltration and the role Hamas had played.

    alanjjohnstone wrote:
    Meanwhile, the UK requested Israel exercise more restraint, whereupon i am sure Israel answered, their idea of restraint is shooting protesters in the leg.Of course, the UK also try to implicate Hamas as a culprit being "concerned about extremist infiltration and the role Hamas had played.

    That argument has been proven that it is a total lie. The protest was composed of peoples from different political and social orientations, and they were not allowed to carry any flag which will identify them as member of any particular  group, they only flag allowed was the flag of Palestine. In the past Hamas was the ISIS of Israel created by them in order to make opposition to the PLO. 


    Noticeable in his absence from the news reports and interviews has been George Galloway. But here he is.


    Another You Tube video of Galloway confronting a rightwing pro-zionist reporter


    Suicide in Gaza. Young peoples find that they do not have any future, and they are taking their own life

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