Fire Brigade Union re-joins Labour!

January 2025 Forums General discussion Fire Brigade Union re-joins Labour!

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    According to Corbyns, twitter account! (Can't hijack with Party details,

    A Press release form the Party is in order, surely? 


    What's FBU? Fire brigades union?


    Yes it does. Just put Party details on fb!!


    Story here:

    FBU general secretary Matt Wrack said the party "had changed for the better" in recent months.Mr Wrack said: "We have a Labour Party leader and shadow chancellor who are vehemently opposed to austerity, who are ready to fight for a fair alternative that doesn't attack the living standards, livelihoods and the hard won rights of working people

    Oh yeah, Corbyn's doing a fine job for the working class; dishing up the same old capitalist shit and they're swallowing it, hook, line and sinker…


    Interesting development and another nail in the coffin of TUSC and its attempt to create a trade-union based, Labour Party Mark 2. The final nail will be when RMT reaffiliates to Labour. OK, there'll still be the Prison Officers Association.I recall hearing Mick Wrack speaking in October 2012. Here's what he said:

    The best speaker was Matt Wrack, General Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union, who said that besides and beyond action to prevent cuts and privatisation there was also a need to win the battle of ideas and convince people that the answer was to reject capitalism and establish socialism. Ok, he didn't define it, but at least he made the point.

    He probably meant nationalisation or a sanitised version of the old USSR, so not really surprising he's going back to Labour under Corbyn. Pity, though. Trade unions shouldn't be affiliated to any political party (except, perhaps, in the future, to a genuinely socialist onee).

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